American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 668 669. Resurrection of the dead, Thor wakes up

"Damn it! Damn it!! Damn it!!!"

Hela was sitting on Odin's throne, the position she had longed for, but she didn't look happy at all.

But endless anger and hysterical roars.

The entire palace shook slightly, as if shivering at Hela's fierce power.

However, there was no crowd in ORZ to show off.

There was only one big bald man beside him, Skorchi, who was afraid to raise his head.

The Asgardians ran away completely without a trace. Only the big bald coward who looked tall and strong but was hiding among the rainbows shivering was stunned by the power of death and could not run away. He surrendered very well and became her follower.

In addition to being furious, there was also a feeling of fright. The last moment of shock before the mysterious red-haired strongman left showed an aura that was no weaker than Odin's peak strength. Hela was very unwilling to admit that the other party was probably until the end. He didn't even fight her seriously.

"It doesn't matter. They're just a few untouchables and useless soldiers who escaped from the battlefield. They have no impact on me." Hela tried hard not to let her words taste sour.

Skorchi, who was in the "untouchable" category, said Queen Hela was right.

I'm also a little curious. It's already miraculous that a big sword can be transformed into something out of nothing. Can this person be transformed into something as well? Then you just change and that's it. Why do you want to be so grand?

"Soul bomb!"

Odin's treasure house, Hela was so angry that she gritted her teeth again.

Except for the Eternal Fire, a treasure that only Odin knows the special control method, and the soul-bound Flame Crown of Surtur, the treasure house is already empty.

It doesn't matter anything else, Hela doesn't like it either.

But the Eternal Spear and the Destroyer Armor, the two most powerful pieces of equipment, which Odin can use to defeat the gods, are what Hela wants to keep as his own.

However, the big bald head looked at Hela eagerly, waiting for her to transform into a living person. Hela had to calm down and hold on to her strength, but she was also confused in her heart, hoping that those bastards were not really so awesome.

In the underground space sealed by the treasure house, Hela couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw the bodies of the Asgardian warriors lying peacefully here.

These are all loyalists who followed her tens of thousands of years ago. They are all the most powerful warriors in Asgard, and they have all been "blessed" by the power of death.

However, a certain foul-mouthed king is still showing up to say that being "blessed" by death is not a wonderful thing.

Just like these warriors, they also suffered bad luck when Hela was sealed. There was no proper funeral, no call from the Hall of Valor, but the remaining soul was sealed in the body, and the body was sealed underground where it would never see the light of day. No rest for ten thousand years.

At this moment, the raging anger in Hela's eyes seemed to be hotter than the flames of the eternal fire that she had captured with the power of death.

"Fenris, and my most loyal warriors, your leaders, are here to wake you up."

Hela walked to the center of the underground prison cemetery. Next to her mount, the death wolf Fenris, which was more than ten meters tall, the power of death suddenly broke out!

The already ghastly cemetery was directly inspired by Hela into a ghostly realm, with countless broken and unwilling ghosts roaring crazily.

But Hela was as intoxicated as if she was listening to the most beautiful symphony.

"The resentful souls created by endless torture are not bad at all." Hela raised her eyebrows, and the eternal fire that had been burned into dark green by the rich power of death exploded.

The billowing fire wave spread out, but the body of the warrior it touched did not burn. Instead, it absorbed the flames of death, injected vitality into it, twisted and roared.

Rebirth of the undead.

Even if a warrior loyal to the God of Death dies, he will only transform into a devil and fight for the God of Death.

And when Hela was riding a demon wolf that was more than ten meters high, she was followed by an undead warrior who looked haggard, his body glowing with a faint green light, and his eyes burning with netherworld flames.

The expression on his face was "Are you strong, am I strong?" This was probably the expression on his face when he looked at the big bald Skorchi.

The bald man fell to his knees.

Partly admired, partly devastated.

I thought there were reinforcements somewhere, there was a deal with friends behind the scenes, but I didn't expect it was evil black magic. This is such a scam, but is it really okay?

Will Asgard become a country of the undead in the future?

The idea that by hanging out with Hela, you might get some meat to eat, and you might be able to get ahead in the world, turned around in your mind three times before you sprouted wings and flew away.

But there was no other way, so he shouted "My Queen, my Queen". The big bald man knew the current affairs very well, and he didn't even have the slightest thought of "Is it too late to quit now?"

Of course, don't even think about working your life for Her Majesty the Queen until you die, and then joining a team that can't live in peace even if you die, and there is no chance of queuing in front of the Valhalla Hall of Valor.

Kneeling and licking is okay, but loyalty is impossible, not even the loyalty of an Asgard coin.

"What's next, my queen?"

The bald man was holding on to a ten thousandth of a chance, hoping to hear an answer like "Next let's have a party, dance on Odin's grave to celebrate, and then go to sleep when we're tired."

"Hmph, I thought that after taking away the key to the Rainbow Bridge, there was nothing I could do. Hehe, hehe..."

It's a pity that the bald man only heard a cold laugh that made his scalp numb and his bones itchy...


"Hulk, you're stupid!!!" Thor, who was bare-chested, roared and sat up, scaring the young ladies who were serving him so much that they screamed and ran away.

Thor's memory still lingers on the moment when Gao Tianzun, that old bastard, cheated and he was so aggrieved that Hulk knocked him out.

Magan's Hulk is also unloyal. He obviously enjoyed team fights before, but he doesn't recognize anyone when he falls out!

Comradeship, bah!

When he gets angry, Thor transforms into a sparkling brother, with electric sparks crackling all over his body.

Only then did Sol discover that his whole body didn't feel any soreness at all. Instead, he was in excellent condition and full of energy, just like he felt after a good night's sleep and then getting up to move his body.

It was a bit strange, but I didn't think much about it. I looked around and saw a very spacious room, very simple, with a bed and some small items scattered here and there. There was a wine rack with all kinds of fine wines.

There is also a steamy pool with Hulk soaking in it.

Hey, this guy is here and he doesn’t make a sound.

Then I heard a grunting sound like a wild animal.

Sol sighed and waved his hands, saying that I am not in the mood to fight now, especially with a heartless guy like you.

"Why have you always been the Hulk?"

What if we promised to change back when the sun is about to set? Emotional liar!

"...That's Hulk."

Hulk curled his lips and didn't know how to answer this question that even though the fight was pretty good, but he had no brains, he asked such an ignorant question.

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