American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 693 6. Not all adopted people are evil

"Huh? Isn't it my trophy? Of course it's Carla's too, but I asked her and she said no."

"That's a prison for aliens. What are you doing here?"

"Live, I don't have a place to live yet. I plan to move it to the Fortress of Solitude and make it a neighbor with Kara, Cool huh?"

"...Well, it's really cool. That's not the point. The point is that the fortress has more uses. The alien technology and the function of imprisoning criminals are very helpful to the earth."

"It's also very helpful to me."

"Don't you just need a place to live? What if the DEO provides you with a house?"

"Tch, that's a battle fortress. You want to get rid of me just because you have a house?"

"I also know this is a bit..."

"Unless it's a penthouse with at least 1,000 square meters, you can't even think about it."

"...Okay, but you have to help us transport the fortress to the designated location."

"You have to waive all water, electricity, WiFi and parking fees for me, permanently."

"...Aaron is acting weird again."

Kara and Alex watched Aaron and Lucy Lane bargaining. Lucy ducked back and snickered along with them.

"This friend of yours, let's say he is not serious, but he is very capable. Call him reliable, but he is always so funny. It's really..."

"What is it really?"

"Uh! I feel like I'm going to shoot you in the face one day." Aaron's voice suddenly appeared behind Alex, startling her.

"Hey, Alex, Kara, I have a new house, so I don't have to disturb Kara, you and James anymore."

"Don't bother, don't bother... I hate it! Don't make fun of me all the time."

"Anyway, come to my greenhouse party then."

"Lena Luthor, you are the person Kara said can protect me."

"As your service, my lady."

Lena Luthor, the adopted sister of Lex Luthor, does not seem to be like her bald brother. She has not become stronger or turned into a villain boss. She does not want to fight against Superman all day long. She just wants to see Luthor brought to justice by Superman. During this period, the Luther Group was reorganized into the L Group and the image of the Luther Group was reversed.

Then the missed flight exploded, and Kara questioned him because he was a Luthor. Kara also brought her cousin Superman with her, and then cleared the suspicion, but was confirmed to be the target of assassination.

So when Kara and Superman tracked down the killer, they asked Aaron to protect Lena.

There's nothing important to do anyway, so I just came to meet the celebrity.

Fortunately, he is adopted. When Aaron looks at a person, he first looks at his hair. This is not rude. In fact, in some spoiler poses, this one is also bald.

Lena is an anomaly among the Luthers, but not all adopted ones are evil, such as Loki, but the good ones. Not only are they not bald, but they are also different from the rest of the Luther family. They don’t have so many reasons for borrowing. Human beings do not need the name of Superman to realize their various ambitions.

Lina feels that her brother is simply a lunatic. Isn't it good to be the president of a group with a market value of 100 billion? What's wrong with being a god in peace and quiet, when you have to do things all day long and cause death?

Although this kind of disregard of the real assassination crisis still has to appear in the public, if Kara hadn't found Aron, he wouldn't even have a personal bodyguard, which would be pretty cool.

But now that Aaron is here, explosions, shootings, drone attacks, etc. can really be ignored.

"Is it really Luther? But it seems like this person gave his name on purpose?"

"Not only are you so skilled, but you are also very observant, Mr. Walker."

"With Ms. Lina's wisdom, I naturally don't need to say anything else."


This was the conversation between the two after Aaron subdued a killer and the killer couldn't wait to say Lex Luthor's name.

Superinspection Department Headquarters.

"Sorry, I didn't say hello formally just now, Aaron Walker."

"Clark Kent, thank you for your help, and thank you even more for taking care of Kara."

"You're welcome. Carla also helped me a lot. If she hadn't taken me in in the first place, I would have been sleeping on the streets."

Superman, Super, alive.

Aaron is somewhat nostalgic. A long time ago, before time travel, the most impressive thing was this famous superhero. When he was a child, he didn’t know about Iron Man or Thor. Instead, he was Superman and Bat. Xia is familiar with it.

This Superhero is also similar to the Man of Steel version. He has an adoptive mother named Martha. He does not wear underwear, has not overcome the weakness of kryptonite, and cannot travel faster than the speed of light and travel through time and space.

This is already a few days after Aaron said goodbye to Lena Luthor.

Being invited to the Chao Investigation Department this time, naturally something happened again. The killer who assassinated Lina last time was kidnapped during transportation. Then he came out to cause trouble within a few days and gave Kara and Da Chao a beating. hammer.

That's right, he gave two Kryptonians on Earth a good beating.

The reason is, of course, it is Kryptonite, the nemesis of the Kryptonians.

There is an evil villain scientist who has developed a way to use kryptonite as an energy source, and has semi-mechanically transformed the killer, equipped with a kryptonite energy source, and is nicknamed "Metal Man". He suddenly attacks and Kara and Supernatural eat it. A big loss.

[Hey, this is very rude, don’t go too far, or I’ll get angry. 】

[Your psychic ability is indeed very powerful. 】

Lucy Lane is transferred, Officer Hank Henshaw is reinstated, and Aaron meets for the first time.

Unexpectedly, a mental probing came when he came up.

Hank Henshaw, whose real name is Ron Ronds, is the last green-skinned Martian. The Martian Manhunter is physically as strong as Superman and has a strong mental power. However, he also did not expect that his mental power, which has always been tried and tested, can actually fail. He returned with success and got a warning for being mad.

He was clearly aware of his spiritual power, and this was just an ordinary person... Hank Henshaw didn't dare to be careless.

Let him be nervous. Aaron has no intention of showing any kindness. Being persecuted all day long is not considered paranoia. There are indeed powerful enemies, and the last Martian is the last one. The race cannot be more miserable.

In short, this person is very difficult to get along with, and there is no epic equipment to sell. Aaron has no intention of earning reputation points at this difficulty level.

Just handed Hank Henshaw a little note.

"I agreed with Lucy before that you won't refuse to pay this month's bill, right?"

I had this idea before, and the DEO funds did not come from strong winds... But it was useless to show off my power, and there were still people to ask for, so Hank Henshaw had to accept it.

"Then let's get down to business, Hank Henshaw. Although I still don't agree with your approach, you promised that the kryptonite will not leak out. Now can you tell me what happened to that piece of kryptonite?"

Dachao and Hank Henshaw have known each other for a long time, but they seem to be very difficult to deal with.

The setting here is probably because Martian Manhunter did not trust Superman and collected all the kryptonite. Instead of destroying it, he sealed it up to guard against Superman.

"Four months ago, a shipment of kryptonite was lost in transit."

"Four months!? Now you're saying it!?"

Dachao fell out at that time.

Martian Manhunter didn't show any signs of weakness either, pressing his forehead against Chao's forehead.

What the hell! ?

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