In the Hell Palace of Heim, Hela looked at the picture above in confusion:"What kind of power is that?"

God King Odin was inexplicably a little desperate for his daughter who didn't understand anything. What kind of weird thing did he teach before? Son

"That is the Phoenix Force, which is one of the three ancient powers in the universe and has the power to destroy matter."

"Material destruction? It sounds really strong, but not enough to make those guys desperate."

"That's because the Phoenix Power also has an ability. The owner of the Phoenix Power can be reborn continuously."

"The three abilities of rewriting reality, material destruction, and rebirth are combined. Why do you think they are so desperate?"

"Farke! How could such a monster exist!"Hela was stunned when she heard this.

Damn it, how could such a monster exist! At this moment, the thoughts of the ancient gods and Hela formed a perfect overlap.

Locke looked at the ancient gods in front of him with interest:"No If you want to kill me, come on, I'm waiting".


Who dares to jump on this horse?

Now I'm just being insulted. Let's just treat it as an insult. Just treat it as something new that you haven't experienced before. If you jump again, you will really get killed.

If you can't resist, you can't kill the other party, but the other party can kill them all, what else can you do?

Locke looked around:"It's boring."

"There's not even any alcohol here957"

"There is wine, there is wine."An ancient god responded cautiously, and then immediately rushed up to deliver a bottle of wine, and was ready to pour the wine for him personally.

The majesty and shame of the ancient god have long been lost outside the Milky Way at this moment, how can it be possible? Does your life matter?

A finger suddenly pressed down on the hand of the ancient god who was pouring wine.

The ancient god looked at Locke with some confusion.

"I heard that the three goddesses of destiny are the ones who make the decision here?"

"I never drink from a male."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several ancient gods turned red.

Insult! A naked insult!

But, no matter how angry they are!

Even the ancient gods whose faces turned red with anger suppressed their expressions. Going back, it was like changing his face, it was wonderful.

Silence, silence again.

Locke's expression gradually turned cold:"Why, are you so arrogant?"

Finally, with a sigh, a beautiful goddess walked out from among the ancient gods, came to Locke's side, and began to pour wine for Locke with her own hands.

Locke lay back, and then put his legs directly on On the head of the unlucky ancient god who was trampled on the ground

"My shoulders are a little sore and my legs are a little numb."

There were two more sighs, and two goddesses who were no worse than the previous one came out. One pinched Locke's shoulders, and the other gently lifted Locke's legs. They squinted slightly and enjoyed it for a while, and then Enjoying the beautiful wine that the goddess herself brought to you

"Not bad, the craftsmanship of the three goddesses is pretty good, much more useful than trash like you."

Another insult, but the ancient gods are used to it. As long as their lives can be saved, nothing else matters. They have become numb.

Looking at the ancient gods who showed no response no matter how provocative they were, Locke curled his lips and said:"It's boring."

"Forget it, I won’t tease you anymore"

"I came here just to say that from now on, I don’t want to hear any more weird problems in Asgard."

"From now on, I will let God King Odin and God Queen Frigga keep an eye on this place."

"Of course, you can also choose to kill God King Odin and God Queen Frigga, then we will have fun."

As he said that, a force appeared on the ice crystal gauntlet again.

Very good, this time it was the power of time.

What's even worse, if you try any method, you will be noticed instantly, and you won't even be able to think about it.

Just watch how you tease it. None of the ancient gods reacted, and Locke tore apart the void without interest. Before stepping into it, his last words echoed throughout the divine realm.

"I'll come and play with you next time when I'm bored."

One sentence instantly made all the ancient gods feel heartbroken. Please, please don't come!

At this moment, none of the ancient gods wanted to cry but had no tears.


In the Underworld of Heim, Hela frowned and looked at Odin in confusion.

"Old thing, that guy, why didn't you kill those ancient gods?"

"Also, if reality needs to be rewritten, it is possible to kill them. Can the Reality Stone do the same?"

God King Odin sighed helplessly:"You can think of it, but others can't think of it. My father, the previous God King Baoer, once obtained the Reality Stone, but in the end, he still failed."


God King Odin looked at the picture with a complicated expression:"Because they are themselves part of Asgard. They cannot die, and they cannot die. Killing them is equivalent to killing Asgard. Virtue!"

"No god-king can destroy Asgard with his own hands, not even any Asgardian!"

"Then let others kill it!"

God King Odin looked at his daughter speechlessly:"You can guess, if someone controls the Reality Stone and learns the biggest secret of Asgard, will he choose to kill the ancient god or choose Use this opportunity to take control of Asgard."

Hela was silent for a moment. No matter how stupid she was, the answer couldn't be the former.

"So why let him do it?"

God King Odin looked at Hela with a strange look.

"That's of course because he is not an outsider"

"Not an outsider? How can it be? There's nothing Asgardian about him!"

"Also, Odin, what does that weird look of yours mean?"

"Because he is the son-in-law of Asgard, the only son-in-law I recognize"


Hela looked confused, what the hell, son-in-law? Odin, the old ghost, has a daughter again? Never heard of it! etc! etc!!!!

"Odin, you mean, he is the husband you chose for me?"

"Yes, he is very powerful and handsome. He is just right to be your husband."

Silence, two seconds of silence.

The next moment, an earth-shattering roar sounded.

"Odin! Kill you! I am going to kill you!!"Crazy, Hela is completely crazy at this moment!

Odin, you are crazy! Choose that kind of monster for him to be your husband! You are not afraid of domestic violence! What if the other party gets angry and beats her! She can't fight back, and it's not like being beaten. Her character.

Thinking about the possible turbulent life, Hela went completely crazy.

Could she have cheated her daughter like this?

Looking at the hysterical Hela, God King Odin shook his head. , my stupid daughter~ It’s easy to find a backer for you.

Turning to look at the screen, God King Odin once again had an extremely complicated look in his eyes.

"That's it, actually not bad."Shock the ancient gods and make them completely quiet. As long as Locke lives for a day, they will be quiet forever.

Locke can naturally kill the ancient gods, but Odin stopped him. Yes, It was Locke's complicated eye contact before setting off.

Why did the ancient gods stay? It was because once all the ancient gods were killed, everything in Asgard would be destroyed!

, why did the God King Baoer back down?

As for why this happened, perhaps only the first ancestors of Asgard knew.

"That's it, that's just right".

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