The White Queen's expression changed instantly, she sat upright, and a bright light appeared in her eyes.

In an instant, it seemed as if countless fine needles were constantly impacting Locke's brain.

Locke's expression did not change at all, and he still looked at the White Queen calmly.

What is the limit of a human being? It’s either a person’s strength or the limit of a human being. The real human limit, ultimate physical fitness, ultimate fighting skills, and a firm will that has been tempered for thousands of times. The total of these is the real human limit, and it is the human body. Counterattack the existence of these extraordinary beings

"Your psychic powers are weaker than I thought."

"Ten seconds!"

"If you want to break my spirit, it will take at least ten seconds"

"I'm not short of time!"The White Queen said coldly.

With a snap, a gun was slapped on the table. The White Queen was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

"I have no body now, how can you kill me? And within ten seconds?

Locke chuckled:"Your psychic power is indeed very strong, but it's not enough to be number one. At least Professor X is above you.""

"so what?"The White Queen was noncommittal.

"Even Professor"

"Excluding the almost impossible possibility that your psychic power has surged beyond Professor X in a short period of time, there is only one possibility. You used external force"

"So the question is, what could it be? Where does it exist?"

The gun in Locke's hand was raised, and the cold and dangerous muzzle hung straight above the White Queen's head, in the middle of her eyebrows.

The White Queen was stunned for a moment, and her face instantly became ugly. She took a deep breath, and her face was very dark. A charming smile almost appeared

"I'm kidding you……"


Before she finished speaking, a gunshot instantly interrupted the White Queen's words. A bullet flew past the White Queen's head and pierced a vase behind her.

The White Queen's eyes widened:"You!"

Locke shrugged and said with a half-smile:"Sorry, I was joking with you too~"

The atmosphere suddenly became serious, and the White Queen's eyes flickered again, one second, two seconds...

Suddenly, Bai Queen The Queen smiles beautifully

"Okay, let’s end testing each other here. You win."

"Now let’s talk about it, who are you?"

"You are not a mutant, you are very confident, and you smell of iron and blood. Are you from the military?"

"Why does it have to be the military?

The White Queen smiled bitterly:"The military and capital are the only two entities besides mutants that have the ability to save me.""

"Oh, it seems that the guy who captured you has some background."

The White Queen was silent for a while, and then said:"Actually, I don't know who that is."

"This mental projection of mine was made with a treasure I occasionally obtained in order to save myself when something happened. My last memory is that I was besieged and captured alive by a group of warriors with special equipment. Those guys seemed to know a lot about mutants. There are many ways to restrain mutants."

Locke nodded. There are many such guys. There has never been a shortage of human supremacists in this country. There have always been many people who discriminate against mutants as aliens and then conduct various cruel experiments, such as the Sentinel organization, and others. William Stryker.

The White Queen continued:"I have looked for Professor X. Professor X has a good temper. He once helped find my body but failed. Professor To attack some possible targets, Magneto has the possibility of doing so, but……"

The following words were not stated directly, but Locke also understood that Professor

Black King Xiao personally created Magneto and killed Magneto's mother. In Magneto's eyes, the relationship between the White Queen and Black King does not need to be explained, not to mention that Magneto once had a chance to kill Black King. He wanted to take revenge, but was stopped by the White Queen and was even beaten up by the White Queen. This grievance became even bigger.

So anyone can save the White Queen, except Magneto.

"If you don't have a lot of power in the military or some strong capital, then forget it."After all, there are really not many people who can have a well-formed battle formation and can hide the existence of Professor When the time came, the White Queen guarded the bad sign of Hellfire not because she had any special feelings, but because she wanted to use this sign to attract some really capable guys.

But unfortunately, those guys before were either liars or liars. A coward who flinched when she heard the situation. Now, she is close to despair.

"Military, capital~" Locke smiled:"It's not impossible."

Hydra is very powerful. Even if it is just a branch, it still has a dense network of relationships.

"But, what can you give me~"

The White Queen's eyes were filled with unprecedented luster. She stood up, walked in front of Locke, and sat astride Locke's legs.

I have to say that the White Queen's spiritual power is really It's so powerful that it's obviously just a projection, but it actually gives Locke a real sense of richness. He slowly approaches Locke's ears and exhales a stream of air that is extremely charming.

"All of Hellfire’s assets and all of Xiao’s inheritance are in my hands. Believe me, that’s a figure that even a big capitalist would be tempted by."

"Besides, not only the hellfire, I will also be yours."

Locke was silent for a moment, then gently lifted the White Queen's chin and said with a smile.

"Very tempting answer, then, happy to work with you."

Locke is not interested in Hellfire's legacy, but he is very, very interested in the White Queen.

The White Queen's psychic abilities are somewhat worse than Professor

No one among Professor Locke naturally has the absolute confidence to suppress the opponent.

The White Queen may not be an excellent leader, but she is definitely a perfect deputy!

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