American Legendary Life

Chapter 1481: No leisure

"The success of Boeing 341 marks that Boeing has started from today and has its own foundation and heritage for large aircraft research and development, as well as the way forward in the future."

At the Boeing annual meeting, Thomas Cook burst into tears with passion.

His speech made Boeing people's inner pride and blood instantly reach the apex. The thunderous applause sounded on the scene. Cheers and screams seemed to lift the ceiling upstairs.

"Next, let us have the boss of Charlie Lee, who is also all of us." Thomas said with a long tone, applause as usual.

Li Zitao believes that these applause are sincere and sincere.

Because his arrival brought changes to Boeing, from working hours, salary and salary, promotion system, and then to the increase and adjustment of specific benefits.

The benefits of pragmatic, let Boeing shine a new year, but also let him gain the recognition and love of employees.

The huge investment in R&D excluding personal interests brought them international attention, praise and glory.

No amount of promises and cakes can compare with the reality that has been handed.

"Today is a glorious moment for Boeing, and it is also for you and me. The glory of all Boeing people who are present and who cannot be present,

It is your efforts that have created Boeing's past, present and future. Whenever you think, I think you will remember this and be proud of it, because we are no.1. "

"Boeing, no.1." Thomas shouted immediately.

"Boeing, no.1, Boeing, no.1..." The atmosphere at the scene was immediately mobilized.

Next will be today's highlight, awards and awards.

The medals are made of pure copper and gold plating, and the teams participating in this project all have a share, as well as the procurement and transportation to ensure logistics. ’

The team that won the highest prize is naturally the Boeing laboratory team that led the research and development.

They received a huge bonus of $800,000 provided by the company.

And won the "Best R&D Team Award", "Individual Contribution Award", "Design Creation Award" and "Large Aircraft Pioneering Team Award" and many other awards.

When the awards were handed over by Li Zitao and Hughes or Thomas, some people had already burst into tears.

Although the trophy in hand is not high in value, it weighs a lot in their hearts.

Identity from others can sometimes fill inner needs and desires more than matter.

"Your idea is great, they cry like a child." Hughes returned to the seat and looked at the winners on the stage with a complicated look.

Why do people who don't even have a prize, only a trophy, show a brilliant smile.

Is such a trophy enough to satisfy them?

"Know that spiritual needs are often greater than material needs." Li Zitao said with emotion.

You must know that these are also from him and the insurance industry. An Anfa’s certificate is calculated on a monthly basis, and the spirit substance is used to fight employees’ blood and create thousands of times of profits.

The other party's tens of thousands of people gathered together, beat the chicken blood, clapped their hands, stomped their feet, and the scene of the group of demons and dances was shocking.

Boeing’s annual event lasted 10 hours, and ended from 10 am to 8 pm.

But this is only the home field, and there will be night party revelry in various departments. Foreigners are really crazy to play.

Fortunately, they do not need their leader to be present on these occasions. Li Zitao also intends to invite Hughes to have a drink, but this guy hugs a strange girl and disappears into the crowd three or two times.

How long does it take to get a girl?

Hughes' standard answer is 5 seconds, and few women he can't handle.

Whether it is appearance or internal, he is impeccable, young and humorous.

Humor and humor are very important. They are the key to whether girls can remember you for the first time and have a good impression on you.

And as a magician, engineer, designer, pilot, special technician, circus performer, actor, director, screenwriter...

Hughes, who waits for a career, has everything a girl wants.

The girl Li Zitao saw was a waiter at the address of the annual meeting.

At the end, he happened to have a positive encounter with Hughes, and he used his empty hand to change roses, letting the girl sit on his thief car willingly.

"Unfortunately, when she gets up tomorrow, she finds that there is a **** who refuses to play overnight, and I don't know how she will feel."

In fact, he was a little curious about Hughes' performance. Wasn't he meeting true love and intending to take it away, would he want to stay with Taylor and walk into the marriage grave?

Why didn't I see it for a while, and changed back to the character of Playboy.

Still said that he is really like Tony, lustful in nature, and has not been saved in this life.

Li Zitao wanted to ask why, but he ran too fast, too late, and now he can only suppress his doubts and don't know what to do.

If he wanted to say something, he would know the answer without asking.

The night was deep, and Li Zitao had someone arrange accommodation for him at the hotel.

It's not that he can't go back, but he didn't have anything special tonight, so naturally there is no need to tune the crew to run at night.

Arrangement of the boss's accommodation, Tia was overjoyed.

The boss doesn't have any women here, and he is alone, doesn't it mean that she can monopolize all night.

So, after arranging the accommodation, Tia was preparing for a romantic evening.

Fill the bathtub with water, sprinkle with salt and petals, and light the aroma.

She also communicated with the hotel's customer service and carefully prepared a romantic candlelight dinner. She also specially selected a white wine that boss likes, and told her to freeze it in advance.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, it was determined that Li Zitao had not yet rested and was reading in the room.

Tia came to the door of the room wearing a **** side-split secretary skirt. When he was about to knock on the door, a tone of inquiry came from behind him.

"Excuse me, is Charlie here?" the woman's voice.

Tia was immediately alert and the other party was kindly called "Charlie" to make her like an enemy.

"Miss Tia?" Before she adjusted her mind, the other party called her name.

"Lima?" It was Lima, who was supposed to be in Chicago, standing behind Tia.

Lima happily pulled her to compliment; "Gosh, it's so beautiful, if you were standing in front of's unbelievable."

Tia was a little embarrassed, but thought of his perfect plan, he couldn't help calming down, "Lima, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to find Charlie. I haven't seen him for a long time." Lima lowered her head.

‘Damn, I knew that. 'Tia said angrily.

Finally, there was a perfect night of solitude, and now it's time to soak.

However, there is another way.

That is to make an excuse for her to leave and tell the boss tomorrow.

Tia had a hard time weighing, and when she was about to make up her mind, the door opened from the inside.

"Tia?" Seeing Tia standing at the door, Li Zitao also saw Lima.

"Why are you in Seattle?" Lima's presence here surprised him.

‘I came to you specifically. "Of course, this cannot be said. Lima had already figured out the reason before he came.

"I'm planning to open a branch in Seattle and learned that you are coming to the annual meeting." Lima looked at him a little bit wrongly.

Seeing his gaze, Li Zitao realized that he hadn't contacted her in a long time.

"Cough." With a dry cough, Li Zitao asked them to go in together.

‘It’s over. ’Tiasheng raised his head irresistibly and walked into the room with a fate.

Soon after the door closed, Tia's carefully prepared candlelight dinner and white wine were also brought in.

As a result, the house was completely chaotic.

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