At the airport, cangming's face was in doubt. The only purpose of their visit to America this time was to collect and refine the nine kinds of elixir of jiuzhuan Xuming pill. These elixirs can only be found in the tropical rain forest, but it can't be said that the outside world certainly doesn't have them. It's just a matter of chance.

"No, it's extremely dangerous because there are few people in the tropical rainforest. If you can find nine kinds of panacea in the outside world, you can't go there again."

After thinking about it, LAN Xiangyu said, "let's go separately. Now I'm going to Chinatown to ask for the information about the elixir. You collect information in the city to find a person named Su Jin, who is a friend of Ye Lan and can provide us with a lot of convenience."

The three separate. LAN Xiangyu stops a car and goes straight to Chinatown.

As soon as you enter, a lot of people are heard. The crowd is dense and the news is concentrated here. It's the best choice.

LAN Xiangyu chose a coffee shop with a large family. Just as he sat down near the window, he heard a burst of conversation.

"It's said that the two top families of the Ye family and the Lu family are upset by a young man. Both families have sent people to America. They have released information that once the location of the person is provided, they can go to the imperial city to get a million yuan reward."

"Don't think about such a good thing. Even if we provide true information, do you dare to take the money of the top family? I know a reliable thing. A big man in the Lawrence family has come here. It's said that it's for a medicine. "

"I've also heard that this kind of medicine is very miraculous. It can prolong life!"

As soon as LAN Xiangyu's face changes, he doesn't worry about the people of the Ye family and the Lu family coming to America. The strength of the two families is greatly reduced here, and they can't find him.

But the kind of elixir they mentioned deserves his attention.

It can prolong life, which is very likely the first medicine he is looking for, Guichi grass.

"Ladies and gentlemen, is the medicine you said true or false?"

LAN Xiangyu went to several people and asked directly.

Several people looked at him in surprise and said, "of course, it's true. Now it's in Jinyu Pavilion in Chinatown. The owner of Jinyu Pavilion said that an auction will be held in three days. Everyone is guessing that the final treasure of this auction is Guichi grass."

It's such a thing!

LAN Xiangyu moves in his heart, but he doesn't say a word on the surface. After thanking him, he leaves directly. No matter what, he wants to get it.

In three days?


Suddenly, a long whistle interrupts LAN Xiangyu's thoughts. He quickly gets out of his way. A sports car comes whistling and stops in front of him.

The window pulled down, revealing a delicate face.

"You don't look at the road when you walk!"

LAN Xiangyu was stunned. The man in the car was wearing a ponytail, with big eyes and a small mouth. He was very cute. On the side of the co driver, there was a strong black-and-white husky like a calf.

Seeing that blue dog with a sore face, I can't help recalling the scene of being chased and bitten by a dog in the forest.

This little girl is the little Laurie Li Youxia who has experienced life and death with him!

"Well, why don't you talk? Do you have any reason to occupy the driveway? "

LAN Xiangyu thought for a while and didn't show his identity. Instead, he said with a smile: "you almost ran into me, didn't you? I walk on the sidewalk. Tut Tut, even if you have an airport, you can't be so unreasonable? "

Blue to Yu swept a small Laurie's chest, a face of disdain.

Little loriton's eyes widened when she heard this.

You mean it's an airport?

"You are the airport! Your whole family is an airport

Little Lori's face is angry. Husky bares his teeth and shouts at Lan Yu.

At this time, another sports car came over under the protection of several business cars, and directly stopped on the road. The door opened, and a proud young man came down. He came to see it without looking at LAN Xiangyu, and said to little Lori, "cousin, what's the matter?"

With that, he leaned against little Lori, and could clearly see a flash of contempt in her eyes.


Little Lori glared at LAN Xiangyu angrily, and was about to leave. The young man suddenly hummed, "did this guy annoy you? Don't worry. I'll teach him for you. "

"Don't you come here and kneel down!"

The young man's face suddenly becomes ferocious when he looks at LAN Xiangyu. Several bodyguards around him come forward at the same time and stare at LAN Xiangyu coldly.One of them said, "don't you hear me? My young master told you to come and kneel down! "

LAN Xiangyu was upset by such a domineering attitude, but without waiting for him to speak, little Lori suddenly snorted, "Li Xuan, didn't you hear me say it's ok?"

With that, little Lori glared at Li Xuan, then drove away directly.

"Be careful."

Li Xuan looked at LAN Xiangyu disdainfully and left, which made LAN Xiangyu speechless for a while. The dandy could see everywhere.

Time has come in the afternoon, it's time to meet them.

But LAN Xiangyu just walked out of Chinatown and suddenly felt a sense of killing.

Someone's following him!

Lingjue put out, blue sneered at Yu, and then took out the card that the fat man on the plane gave him.

The rear of a few business car captain is very hidden, a few people on the car are Li Xuan's bodyguards.

The first man said: "keep an eye on it, young master. If the young lady can let this guy go, it's because the young lady doesn't want to cause trouble, but she can't let this person who dares to be rude to him go!"


Meanwhile, LAN Xiangyu has entered the Hutong.

Suddenly, in front of a business car, blocking the road.

The door opened and several bodyguards got out of the car with a grim smile.


LAN Xiangyu frowned. He couldn't hear joy and anger in his voice.

"Boy, in fact, my young master is very kind. As long as you just kneel down and apologize, my young master will spare you a lot. But if you don't drink and eat, you dare to offend the Li family! What's wrong with that? "

Several people approached LAN Xiangyu and soon surrounded him in the middle.

"In broad daylight, do you want to do it?"

LAN Xiangyu looks alert.

Several people were laughing wildly when they heard this.

"Is this boy really stupid or fake? When did the people of the Li family divide up their time? "

"Yes, I don't think the boy deserves to be beaten. He'll give him a good lesson and then tie him up and send him to the first lady. The first lady will be very happy. If the young master works hard at that time, it will be their business."

"Brother, let this boy know that there are people out there!"

A few bodyguards you a word I a word, completely regarded LAN Xiangyu as the meat on the chopping board.

Several people were advancing, while LAN Xiangyu was retreating. He frowned and said, "aren't you afraid of people from the public security bureau?"

"Boy, if you ask like this, you will only show your ignorance. No one dares to manage our Li family's business in Chinatown!"

"Coincidentally, so am I!"

Suddenly, a violent voice came

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