An Unparalleled Master of Martial Arts

Chapter 1075: Liba Mountain River (Part 2)

In the morning competition, only the empty battle was the best. Someone finally forced the empty out of the sixth relic, but in the end it was helpless. There are three gaps between the nine relics.

The empty strength is also something that others like to talk about.

But the next thing to play is Jianying, Jianying is against four two. Forty-two is a famous master of stick technique. This time, it really forced Jianying's first move, the real first move.

The person who looks at it can't help but endure! This is Jianying's strength, an overwhelming victory.

In the third battle, Jianying still did not show his strength.

After Guo Yuanqing came on the court, the person on the opposite side failed in his hand without sustaining five moves. After Guo Yuanqing, it was Lu Yun.

He wants to play against the Begonia, which is known as the first divine force against Dongzhou, but of course it is the divine power among young people. Compared with the long-time master, his strength is not enough.

After the two played at the same time, the host stepped forward and said: "Qi Ming Mountain Lu Yun, against the first divine begonia."

"Can Guo Yuanqing's son-in-law still win? This time Begonia!"

The driver said to himself: "Let me see what way you want to win this time."

Seeing Lu Yun's side without a knife, Begonia asked: "Is my strength, can't you let the knife out? Or, your knife is just a decoration, the real thing is not the knife!"

"It is my willingness to fight you in any way." Lu Yundao said, "It has nothing to do with what kind of weapon!"

"Good! It depends on whether you are arrogant or confident!" Haitang said.

When the words fell, Begonia threw up fiercely and punched Lu Yun with a punch.

This is a very ordinary punch, and Lu Yun also punched it up.


Neither of them moved half a step, as if they were evenly matched.

Begonia is very different. His power is the same as that of Lu Yun, but even so, his internal strength should be ahead of Lu Yun, which will cause internal injuries. Could it be? Is this guy holding on hard?

Lu Yun's inner strength did not lose to Begonia at all. With his strong energy, he could just resist Begonia's inner strength.

"Look! Rage Chaoge!"

"Empty power!" Lu Yun fought back.


The fists of the two men collided again. Unlike what Begonia had imagined, Lu Yun was still standing still.

The gap between the two is minimal!

Lu Yun's fist is redder, and Begonia's fist is still the original color.

When all the people thought that Begonia tried harder and Lu Yun was about to lose, Lu Yun's mouth raised a smirk.

Begonia didn't take it for granted, it was that he hadn't started to exert force yet.

"Gift!" Begonia suddenly became stronger.

"Look! Begonia really wants to take it seriously. He himself is divine, and the special practice is to increase the martial skills of divine power. At the same time, he has a good body and is as light as a bird. Guo Yunqing's son-in-law Lu Yun, even if he wants to use it There is no way to attack by body and body. Lu Yunxuan is suspended in this battle. "The people watching the battle said excitedly.

Begonia smiled and said: "This is just the first layer I am empowered. I have a few layers in total. See if you want to change your mind against me or force you to compete with me!"

"I will take the trick!" Lu Yun grinned badly.

"Offended!" Haitang finished, punching Lu Yun in front of him.

Lu Yun headed up, opened his feet, and hit with a punch.


At this time, Begonia faced Lu Yun's fist, there was always a kind of exertion, and he seemed very cold and soft.

If Lu Yun didn't do the second step, he might not be able to escape. What is even more depressed is that he has used the power, and Lu Yun still uses his own fists to come.

"Power! The second floor!"

Begonia did not believe in evil, and continued to punch Lu Yun's fist. This time, Lu Yun was forced to take two steps back.

"The third layer of power!" Begonia saw the victory in front of her and continued to increase her strength.

Lu Yun's third punch still caught, but he took two steps back.

"Gift! The fourth floor!"


At this time, Lu Yun was directly repelled a few steps, barely standing.

Another punch, another punch, Lu Yun will have internal injuries.

"Power! The fifth floor!"

Begonia struck Lu Yun with a smug triumph, and Lu Yun took two steps back and then punched forward.


As a result, Lu Yun just took two steps back and stood firm!

How can it be? Was it obvious that he had already made it difficult for him to fight, but now it was just because he took two steps backwards and stopped again?

He has already used 20 million pounds of strength.

"You are a respectable opponent! I used the fifth floor to win the last opponent, but he did not parry. If you still choose to parry, I think it is a very unwise choice!" Begonia said.

"Sixth floor!"

Lu Yun took a deep breath, or fought back.


Lu Yun took another two steps back and stood firm.

"Impossible! Give the seventh floor, raging mountains and rivers!" This time, he was no longer an ordinary fist, but also joined the martial arts.

Lu Yun hit back and said: "Clouds are light and windy!"


Not only did Lu Yun resist this punch, but Begonia felt his arms numb!

Begonia is more and more afraid, why is it like this?

what is the problem?

Lu Yun whispered: "I used to try how much power I suddenly shot, it seems to be 20 million pounds. Then, I have to charge up!"

"Less ... less crazy!" Begonia was frightened by Lu Yun's words, "eighth floor!"

"Fisting the mountains and rivers!" Lu Yun hit back with a punch.


The two are equal, but Begonia feels that Lu Yun has reached the limit! It must be to the limit, otherwise it is impossible. How can cultivation like this be able to exert such power.

Lu Yun hasn't used any martial arts to enhance his strength. He uses his own martial arts for his own power.

If you have the martial arts to enhance your strength? Isn't it ... reversed?

How can it be!

"The ninth floor! The power of selflessness!" Begonia's upper body clothes burst apart.

Because his strength has increased to the limit, the muscles stretched out the clothes.


The punches produced by the fists of the two men shattered their respective clothes.

If it wasn't Lu Yun who hadn't put on Jinlin Jiu Pin Shenyi yet, how could this punching force open his clothes.

But everyone was surprised. From the lines of muscles, Lu Yun's body was more beautiful than that of Begonia. The most important thing is that Lu Yun does not rely on the martial arts to enhance his strength, so his body will not be loaded.

Begonia's body swelled very much, and it looked very bloated, but his head looked very much.

Guo Shuang's blushing is such Lu Yun, making her unreserved.

Yu Ting grabbed Bai Juliang's arm ~ ~ excitedly said: "Why is he not mine!"

"Ah! You are strangling me!" Bai Juliang said painfully.

Begonia breathed out and said, "I'm punching! Can ... beat you!"

"Come!" Lu Yun roared.


"Stretch ... Mountain and River!" Lu Yun suddenly showed his full strength, he believed that this punch would not kill Begonia.


"Ah!" Begonia screamed after the two men touched their fists.

One of his hands was beaten ... in the opposite direction.

Lu Yun stood safely in the same place, still maintaining a punching posture.



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