An Unparalleled Master of Martial Arts

Chapter 1599: Eating game, drinking wine and marrying daughter-in-law (Part 1)


Along the way, Lu Yun and Bai Jingran met all kinds of people from the Li family. Different from the Baijia tribe, they behaved as if they made Lu Yun think he had returned to the Shenhuang Continent.

This is not like a tribe at all, but like an ancient city.

It's just that this city is mostly Tucheng, and there are some hawkers on the streets along the way. They are self-sufficient and live a neutral life. If it were not for the current pattern change, Lu Yun concluded that their group of people, even after a hundred years, would not change this way of life.

"What do you think?" Lu Yun asked Bai Jingran.

Bai Jingran nodded and said: "The Bai family is not as formal as the Li family, but it is very strong."

"Yes! Sometimes scale does not represent strength, strength is just the ability of one person! The ability of a group of people!" Lu Yun said, "Even if the Li family girl does not want to marry you, you can learn from the Li family tribe in the future. It surpasses five tribes and imitates excellent places in construction. Teaching according to aptitude and making good use of people is the way to rule. "

Bai Jingran said admiringly: "I didn't expect Master to be able to see the door from here! My disciple is still far away!"

Lu Yun said with a smile: "Although it is far away, it does not mean that you can't. You are making progress!"

"I'm afraid to the limit!" Bai Jingran said.

"Then learn something else! You can't learn in 10 years, 20 years, 20 years, 30 years. You can also learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses."

"Disciples understand!" Bai Jingran said instructed.

Who would know that the two Maotou boys who suddenly broke into the Li family clan would say such a truth. Just like a sensible child, fooling a naive child. People around don't care!

The Li family has no magnificent restaurant but a small tent pavilion. In these restaurants, people often sit down and eat and drink in a hurry.

The things that are exchanged are all things. For example, people who eat noodles will leave two corns, or some good-looking and fun things.

They are still in the stage of bartering!

The Baijia tribe and the Huajia tribe have the same logistics goods because of their alliance. So they minted coins, the same as the people on the ground, gold, silver and copper, plus diamonds, treasure materials!

In this neutral cube, even if they make money, they will not go out and have always been self-sufficient.

Even the wedding gift to Baishou Oak that day was just something they thought was precious. If you do n’t know the people of the Li family, you really think they are humiliating others.

"Boss! We came from afar and don't know the rules here. If our brothers want to eat noodles, what do we need?" Lu Yun asked.

"From afar, give you two bowls. Because your money is not used here by us. Look at the two of you as young guys. Even if we have something we want, they are all valuable. When we were hospitable, we gave it away, "the boss said.

"Thank you boss!" Lu Yun said with a smile.

Bai Jingran feels that this barter is still too troublesome, but it doesn't matter if people are neutral. If you really have contact with the Bai family, then the money will be useful. Of course, this is what he said after his success!

Nice face!

very chewy!

Although there is no good thing added, this place is able to eat good noodles, which is very satisfying.

"Our old lady of the Li family is really a lot of things! At first, the Bai family boy rejected her, and now he does not agree with the Qin family's marriage, and went to the Bai family to find someone. But it is good, does the son agree to the marriage and do not say Daddy married. We, Grand Master Li Ru, ran to give a free gift to others. "

"Isn't it! If I wanted to say that if the Li family was not Li Boqing, then Li Yanran would dare to be so arrogant. The tribe's major affairs should be left to their temper. The family of the Baijia tribe has five tribes. This is good. I hope that the Baishou oak of the Bai family will die, but they will survive the Li family's plan. This person is doing, the heavens are watching, and the lack of virtue in doing things has been retaliated. "

"Good! The Bai family looked down, hey! Bai Shou oak came alive!"


Everyone laughed.

"Master! Why are they doing this? At least Li Boqing also wanted to think about the Li family, and now he also wants to think about the Li family. As a tribe of the Li family, the least is to support the Li family!" Bai Jingran asked. .

"People just don't have enough greed! When they don't get it, they miss it very much and look forward to it when they get it. When they find an empty time, they twitch. Even if the people of the Li family did a thousand good deeds, they did one. A bad thing can also be criticized. People are divided into good people and bad people, but also good and evil and beautiful and ugly. People with good hearts and jealous people are everywhere. In my world, because I do n’t look good, I directly There are many scolding people. "Lu Yun said.

"If you don't look good, you scold? Are you afraid of offending?" Bai Jingran asked.

Lu Yun said: "In our world, there is a magic weapon that can be used to show what others say. This magic weapon is very common, but people are likely to be far apart. There is no king. The law swears and breaks the law. So this is what you do! If you do it well, praise it, but someone who is jealous will look unhappy and slanderingly say that he is greedy and vain in doing things.

"The people in your world are still so disgusting?" Bai Jingran felt that he could not understand.

"Because they do n’t violate the Wang Fa, because everyone ca n’t see the corners of others, they feel that they are the only one in the world! Different from others, when others make a name for themselves and become famous, they think they are just a person who hides in corners and abuses them. What can be done is still abusive. "Lu Yun said.

"Really ... boring!" Bai Jingran said, "Master! Will the people of the Qin tribe be around here. Just patronize and tell you this."

"This is the center! But there will be no Qin family!" Lu Yun said, "Do you know why?"

"Why?" Shirai asked.

Lu Yun said: "If you see the sheep, is it the Li family tribe. Is the wolf catching the sheep, sleeping in the sheepfold, or in a position where a sheep can't run and dare not run?"

"Of course it's in a position where the sheep can't run or dare to run." Bai Jingran suddenly realized, "Master means that the people of the Qin family will not be exposed under the eyes of the Li family. But if the people of the Li family want to know Where are they ~ ~ but they can be found. "

"Should be outside the center city! The cruel man refers to his cruelty, which does not mean that he has no brains. The more like this kind of hunter, the more people will be regarded as prey as their own target. "Lu Yun said," If you become a goal, that is the method you can't think of! "

Bai Jingran said: "So let's get to know the Qin family, or go to the Li family to raise relatives?"

"We need to be at the safest time, the most appropriate time, and the appearance of adding oil and vinegar." Lu Yun said.

"What do you mean?" Bai Jingran asked.

"If you go to raise a family with the Li family, nobody knew us originally. Now it becomes everyone knows us!" Lu Yun said.

Bai Jingran said: "Then it's dangerous!"

"The Li family doesn't need us now!" Lu Yun said.

"Yes!" Bai Jingran understood ~ ~ The first book of the novel

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