Chapter 137

Weird loot (3)

(Help, please!)

suddenly ask for help

Junyoung was absurd, but somehow I felt like I shouldn’t just let it go.

‘Who else is asking me for help?’

As soon as I thought of that, the voice came again.

(I am Femur.)

Likewise, it is a voice transmitted through the heart.

Junyoung was surprised.


(Yes, that’s my name.)

This is the continent of Pemur, whose name is Pemur.

It seems to have something to do with it.

(That’s right. I’m also from the Pemur Continent.)

voice coming back.

Junyoung was surprised again.

The continent of Pemur is soon to be Femur.

Although the horse is a continent, the continent of Pemur is itself a small world.

Talking to Junyoung right now means the small world itself.

(You are well aware. As you may have guessed, I am the world itself named Femur. )

It’s still like that.

It’s hard to believe that a self exists in the world itself.

Besides, he must have a tremendous ability to make Pathus in trouble, even for a moment.

(I didn’t have this ability from the beginning. The beautiful aspirations of the people living on the Pemur continent gave me strength. Until then, I was just an ordinary world. )


It continues to be a series of amazing things.

Even so, I heard it when Kaios reported.

Because this continent of Pemur is a world full of positive aspirations, not only the 9-star god Chaos, but also the fate system, Pathus, cannot bring disaster.

This means that the desire strengthened Femur so that he could fight even Patus.

That proves that the power of desire is great.

(That’s right. One of the most powerful forces in the dimensional world is desire.)

A voice that comes back as if reading Junyoung’s thoughts.

‘By the way, you are reading my thoughts.’

(Please forgive me if I was offended. I can only read thoughts related to me, other things are not possible. )

‘What does that mean?’

(It means that I can only read what you are conscious of and think of me. Thinking about me is the same as talking to me. )

Was it like that?

It’s amazing.

That was impossible even with Pathus.

(It’s more urgent than that. Pathus is almost aware of my existence. If my presence is revealed, Pathus will attack me directly. )

‘I’m sorry, but I can’t help you. As you can see, I am just a demonstration of Patus. It means I can’t help you.’

(I’m also very puzzled by that. How can you, who feels so full of the power of beautiful aspirations, follow an evil being like Patus? )

Even if you notice something that you have aspirations for.

Junyoung was deeply embarrassed.

This is a secret power that even Pathus did not notice.

Femur had grasped the hidden power in his reality, which was thoroughly hidden through the goddess of the goddess.(Don’t be wary. I don’t know why you’re under Pathus, but I trust you. )

‘You believe me?’

(Of course. Because I am full of desires similar to yours, I could recognize the power of desire hidden in you. But that desire does not exist in Patus. Her heart is full of curses, destruction and disaster. It’s just a car…)

At the end, Femur’s voice was muffled.

(I won’t be resentful if you don’t help me. But if I lose here to Patus, a terrible disaster will come to the peoples living in my world. So please, I beg you. Please help me. )

Femur’s voice was so desperate.

He was begging as if sobbing.

Junyoung sighed.

‘I want to help too, but it is impossible to defeat Patus with my own strength right now.’

(Excuse me. You have the power to help me. Technically, you have a place to hide me. )

‘A space to hide you?’

Could there be such a thing?

Junyoung is an all-weather bastard from the dimensional world who possesses not only mana, but also divine power, dimensional power, and aspirations, but does not have the space to hide mysterious beings like Pemur.

‘Where the hell are you?’

(I don’t know that either. But I can be sure. For you…aah! )

Suddenly, a voice sounded like Femur screaming, and then there was silence.


Since then, Pemur’s voice has not been heard any more.


Instead, Pathus’s voice sharply penetrated Junyoung’s ear.

“What are you doing, Harek? Can’t you hear my voice?”

Pathus, who had just appeared and disappeared until recently, was looking at Junyoung with a unique and sullen look as if it had ever happened.

Maybe that’s why her voice was also heard as a voice rather than a magnificent God’s voice.

This means that soon her battle is over.

It must have been a battle with Femur.

It means that Femur is defeated.

Unfortunately, Junyoung had no room to try his hand.

“I’m sorry, Rod. I’ve been thinking about something else for a while.”

“It is a great courage to say that I was thinking of something else while I was speaking.”

Patus snorted slightly and continued.

“If any other god had done that in front of me, I would never have forgiven him.”

This means Junyoung, so they look after you.

I think this is a good thing because it raises the level of intimacy.

Now that’s not the problem.

‘Is Femur dead?’

Somehow it seems

Seeing that happy smile on the corner of Patus’s mouth.

If you still don’t know, ask.

“Is it as you wished, Lord?”

Then, Patus nodded as if it was natural.

“of course. The Pemur Continent was a troublesome place for Papilio, but it was not a big deal for me. can you see The wretched agony of beings who dared to oppose me.”

With those words, she showed a barrier.

‘That one?’

Junyoung’s eyes widened.

The barrier that Patus showed.

dark space.

It was full of things like bloody thorn vines.

Those vines wrapped around a single entity like a snake.

She was a slender girl.

A beautiful girl in the form of an angel.

The girl, with a really nice face, had been stabbed by the thorn vines that wrapped her around her and was covered in blood.

‘I think that girl is Femur.’

It was the first time, but Junyoung recognized it at once.

Femur with a face full of pain.

She was shaking her head as if she had lost consciousness, but the pain was so intense that the convulsions continued throughout her body.

But it doesn’t end there.

The thorn vines turned into spears and sword-like shapes and pierced Femur’s body.

Femur, who had lost her consciousness, woke up and screamed at her before she fainted again and it was a repeat.

A sight from hell!

That is what is unfolding in that mysterious barrier.

“Can you see, Hariek?”

“Yes, Lord.”

“That is Pemur. How dare I be guilty of rebelling against Patus.”


“huh! But this is only the beginning. It will make you realize how reckless it is to dare to stand up to your fate by relying on the wishes of insignificant creatures.”

That’s the start now.

How much more pain are you planning to inflict in the future?

In the barrier, I could see Femur shaking his eyebrows and weeping.

Meanwhile, a vine of thorns that had turned like her saw was cutting off Femur’s neck without mercy.

The strange thing is that even in such a terrible situation, Femur is still alive.

I don’t know if it’s because of her mysterious vitality or if Patus is deliberately trying to keep her alive and inflict her pain, though I don’t know.

It was clear that it was a sight that could not be observed with both eyes open.

‘Damn it!’

Junyoung shuddered.

It’s really cruel.

The devilish side hidden behind the beautiful appearance of Pathus.

Of course, he knows better than anyone, but he reminds me of it whenever he has time.

who she is

Demon of Demons!

Junyoung also doesn’t know when he’ll end up like that if he doesn’t pay attention.


Fortunately, it’s

It means that Femur is not dead yet.

‘I told you I had a place to hide Femur, what was that?’

If there is, I’d like to hide it somehow, but it’s a problem because I can’t get a sense of it at all.

Junyoung shook his head.

‘There is only one way anyway.’

Being stronger than Patus himself!

Then everything is solved.

just focus on that

Although Femur is pitiful.

There would be no way for her to help her now.

Even though she tried so hard to turn away from her Femur’s pain.It was hard to bear because something was boiling in my heart to leave it as it is.

“What are those eyes?”

For a moment, Pathus’ eyes staring at Junyoung became cold.

Because her Junyoung was glaring at her fiercely.

“You look dissatisfied with me, Hariek.”

“No, Lord. How could I have such disrespect for Lord?”

“Your eyes are full of hatred for me, but what is it?”

Pathus had an angry voice, but it wasn’t his expression.

His eyes were twinkling as if something was very interesting.

“Tell me. What were you thinking just before?”

“Honestly, how can I, the god of the Elyos, be happy to see a scene like mine? However, that does not mean that I have a disrespect for Lord.”

“I know. I mean, you can’t have any disrespect for me.”

“Of course it comes.”

“But you are the only one who has survived the same disrespectful look at me until now.”

She smiled softly, as if she was cute, and came over and tapped her forehead lightly with her finger.

“it’s okay. Everyone trembles when they see me, but there has to be at least one guy who shows his emotions like you and doesn’t like it. Otherwise, it will be too free.”


“But be careful. I’m in a very good mood right now, so I can be generous with you. I don’t know how I’m going to treat you if I’m in a bad mood.”

She is making threats with threats towards Junyoung, but her eyes are still soft.

“Can you hear me?”

“Of course it comes. I’ll be careful going forward, Lord.”

“There’s nothing to cringe about. Anyone can make mistakes.”

With those words, Patus smiled.

Rather, it seems to have become more favorable.

She didn’t praise or flatter her for her beauty, but she is enjoying it as if she had heard such a word.

‘What are we trying to do? Anyway, I can’t figure out what he’s thinking.’

Junyoung let out a laugh inwardly.

Anyway, it was his mistake a while ago.

It’s foolish to show hostility here because you can’t beat Patus yet.

‘By the way, I don’t know why, but the mission achievement rate keeps going up.’

[13% of mission overcoming fate]

It was 10% before coming to the continent of Pemur, but during that time, it rose by 3%.

I don’t think I’ve done anything in particular, but it’s strange that I’m climbing on my own.

“Then, shall we hold the festival now?”

Patus said with a strange smile.

Junyoung was startled.

Because I know what festival she was talking about.

It was a festival from her point of view, but it could be called a catastrophe for the Pemur continent.


“Yes, Lord.”

“Which card would you like?”

Patus held out four cards.

“What is this?”

“Apocalypse card. They are all cards with a terrible doomsday catastrophe.”

Patus chuckled.

“I’ll give you a special choice. The end will unfold here as you choose.”

For a moment, Pemur, who was moaning in the distance, flinched and looked at Junyoung with pathetic eyes.

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