Arcane Lord

Vol 13 Chapter 2037: Destroying the body is easy, it is difficult to destroy the mind

Let go of the restraint on Alexa's body a little, so that his face can move freely, and of course the more important point is to let go of the restrictions on his perception.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as releasing the restrictions on spellcasting, but the floating city is outside, and Xia Duo can increase the confinement force at any time.

Compared with Alexa, who has been restricted for the most part, Suweiris is a bigger threat, but Xardo doesn't care, and instead expects Suweiris to do it!

After transferring the space separating Alexa to be flush with them above the hall, Shado signaled that Suviris could ask questions.

Suweiris cast a grateful look at Xia Duo, and then looked at Alexa, his eyes were full of anger and disappointment, and his tone was very deep, so he only asked one sentence:


Why become a demon? Why betray Cormanthor and the Crown King? Why is it here? Why call the abyss to come?

Suweiris had too many questions, but in the end there was only one deep why.

Perhaps it was because he realized that his situation was difficult to change, or perhaps he really had unspeakable difficulties. Alexa's expression at the moment was much calmer than the madness, stupefaction, and panic just now.

He could even look at Suviris without changing his face, and when he heard the complicated tone of why, Alexa first let out a wordless sneer, then put away the sarcasm, and said sternly:

"Uncle Suviris, don't you think that the Taiquise family has fallen? In every way, the countries now are just copies and repetitions of the ancient kingdoms of the past countless years. War, or Cormanthor's plan for the Forest of Ristal—"


Without waiting for Alexa to continue speaking, Suweiris hurriedly interrupted, "Don't forget, you are also a member of Comansor. If you have any dissatisfaction with Comansor, why don't you ask King Mian, It is important to know that as a follower of King Mian, you should have the duty of advice, instead of resentment in your heart and the same flow as the demon descendants."

"Followers of King Mian? If I'm not mistaken, my generation is already his third generation of followers! When I read the senior's notes, I saw the same reality as now."

Speaking of this, Alexa sneered again, "Our great Majesty Yin Lisel has been in power for thousands of years, what has he done besides consolidating his own power? Even the recent change in the attitude towards the common prosperity of the five clans is nothing but forced. In the current situation of the Northland Alliance."

Speaking of the Northland Alliance, Alexa instead praised his opponent and sighed: "If the Northland Alliance could have been earlier, maybe it would have been able to walk a different path from the past, but now—"

Although Alexa didn't say anything about the latter, everyone present knew what he wanted to say - is it too late?

Is it because he has been transformed into a demon, or does the demon have some unknown powerful trump card?

Everyone's heart is heavy, especially Suviris. After all, Alexa comes from their Comanso. If there are any huge variables, Comanso can bear the brunt, and the second is the influence in the Northland.

If the mood of Suweiris was mixed with anger and disappointment just now, then it is clear that anger has the upper hand, and some even asked rhetorically:

"Do you think that what you are doing now is in the interest of the Taiquiths and Cormanthor?"

"Yes," Alexa replied blankly.

"Does it also include the abyss below?" Suweiris asked again.

Hearing this, Alexa was a little silent. No matter how he summoned the abyss, it would never be a good thing, but he still insisted: "This is the inevitable pain of change."

Suweiris continued to speak, but Shado interrupted what he wanted to say next.

Hearing now, Shado's biggest doubt is not how Alexa's feelings, attitudes, and changes have been towards Comanso. What he cares more about is the "different road" mentioned by Alexa. What does it mean!

Judging from what the other party just said, it seems to be related to the "five clans co-prosperity", but it may also be influenced by the demons in parallel time and space.

But no matter what, it means that the fiend seems to have developed a set of words and even theories that can be used to persuade the elven high mages, rather than just threatening and manipulating them with secret hands.

If this is the case, then the threat of demons is not just a powerful enemy that may subvert the entire real world, but also a different set of ideas and discourse systems that compete with the current mainstream thinking in the North.

As long as a powerful enemy finds a way to eliminate it once, it will be over, but a self-consistent and possibly better ideology is difficult to eliminate, and it can even be said that the more it is eliminated, the more it will grow.

Combined with the interrogation of the captured High Mage of the Changming Family by the projection plane, Xia Duo basically concluded that if there is such a thought, it will be a more inclusive and developmental part closer to scientific development.

In other words, the best way for the demons is not to engage in conspiracy, but to spread ideas, of course, doing so may also cause a crazy counterattack in the old world.

To a certain extent, Shado and the demons (the existence behind them) are more like the same kind, but unfortunately, the natural positions of the two sides have been determined. One wants to reshape reality and the other wants to maintain reality. destined to be the enemy.

Many thoughts flashed in Xado's mind, and when he looked at Alexa who was imprisoned, his mood changed again, "Alexa, can I know what kind of development path you hope for that is not degenerate? ?"


Seeing that Shado is a human being and an oriental person, Alexa frowned as if thinking of something, but did not refuse to answer:

"The seniors have already planned a development path for us, that is, the common prosperity of the five races, true equality, not just a word game on paper and verbal!"

"Then why do you think that the demons can achieve the common prosperity of the five races?"

"They are all transformed into demons, and the attributes of demons are more prominent, which naturally smoothes out the slight differences between the five races. Now it is true that demons are discriminated against and persecuted, but when everyone is transformed into Demons, discrimination and persecution will naturally cease to exist."

"Do you really think so?"


"Then what do you think of Yin Erfalang? According to you, isn't Yin Erfalang the ideal country in your heart?" Xado asked back.

Alexa is a golden elf, while Yinerfalang is an almost pure golden elf country. If discrimination and persecution can be eliminated by erasing racial differences, then Yinerfalang should be regarded as an ideal country.

Of course, Shado understands that class oppression is more important than racial oppression. He asked this on purpose to test the existence behind Alexa.

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