Arcane Lord

Vol 13 Chapter 2039: Demon Intelligence Analysis Laboratory

Floating City, Hengchun Square.

Xia Duo will place all kinds of materials confiscated from the Devil's Secret Palace in a corner of the square. Most of them are books, secret scrolls of spells, and light of inspiration potions, as well as a few materials and secret treasures.

After the search just now, Xia Duo determined that although the main structure is very similar to the one he encountered before, there are big differences in functional design.

The previous secret base of demons should be mainly used for the production of aura of light, and the secret temple of demons discovered today should be an existence similar to a wizard's club.

Demon-born mages usually need to hide their identities, and they may be under a lot of pressure. Occasionally, they need to come here to relax and be themselves, but only senior mages and above can have a permanent but independent private room here.

In addition, this demonic secret hall also undertakes the function of issuing tasks and issuing rewards, similar to the interest of the adventurer's bar.

Most of the materials confiscated this time came from the secret hall warehouse, mainly spell secret scrolls, light of inspiration potions, magic materials, and a very small number of precious treasures.

As for books, they actually come from those private rooms, and most of those books have nothing to do with magic, just some poems, novels, newspapers and magazines used for daily entertainment.

Of course, in addition to being confiscated by Xia Duo, the secret temple of the demons itself also contains a lot of information, such as the previous secret base of the demons, which has an altar for the production of aura potions.

There are also two kinds of special facilities in this Demon-born secret hall discovered today, one is a teleportation circle that moves extremely secretly, and the other is an extremely clever facility that seems to evade detection.

Of course, these are only Xia Duo's preliminary judgments. When the detailed investigation report of the Northern Alliance comes out, we will know the true role of the various facilities in this secret hall.

Going back to the materials confiscated to Floating City, Xia Duo is not ready to take possession of them personally, but it is impossible to say that he has no idea.

"Mage Tyron, what are you going to do with these things?"

"How to deal with it?"

At this moment, Tyron was also thinking about this question, and when he heard Xado ask, he asked, "Does Lord Xado have any suggestions?"

His attitude was very kind, not only because Inferran and Netheril were still allies at the moment, but also because of the various surprises in this operation.

Thanks to Xia Duo's floating city, otherwise it would be difficult for the big demon in Luke's incarnation to deal with it, not to mention the expansion of the abyss. As Yin Erfalang, who is the closest to this secret temple, must bear the brunt.

"There is indeed a little suggestion."

"Lord Shado, please speak."

"Didn't all countries reach an agreement on the establishment of a demon information sharing platform before? I think that with the seriousness of the demon problem at present, information sharing is far from enough, and an analysis and research laboratory composed of intelligence personnel from various countries can be established. , specializing in analyzing the demonic information that the research alliance has mastered."

Then, Xia Duo pointed to the neatly placed seized materials on the ground, and said, "These things can be sent to the analysis and research room for relevant personnel to analyze and study, and use them to guide the decisions of various countries on the demons."

"I don't think it's a problem. Yin Erfalang shouldn't object, but Comanso and Yeerlan, their internal problems are very serious! If there are their people in the research room, how can we rest assured?"

Tyron once again unabashedly expressed his dissatisfaction and even concern for Comansor and Yeerlan. If the demons were allowed to infiltrate the research room of the demons, they would even use the conclusions of the demons to deal with the demons.

This possibility makes me shudder just thinking about it.

In this regard, Xia Duo said: "The secrecy of the demons is better than being unprepared. If they are prepared in advance, then they will not have much secrecy."

This is actually very obvious. The easiest way to do it is to conduct a national blood test to easily screen out the hidden demons.

It's just that this approach is very impractical, but it is not difficult for members to be regularly reviewed by the Demon Origin Intelligence Analysis Laboratory as a key department.

Even after hearing the conversation between Shado and Tyron, Comansor's Souviris advisor immediately found an opportunity to intervene and put forward this suggestion.

Obviously, he did not want Cormanthor to be independent from the cooperation of the Northland Alliance Demons.

Not only Suviris, but also Yeerlan's Costa immediately expressed Yeerlan's willingness to support the establishment of the Demonborn Intelligence Analysis Laboratory.

"We Yeerlan agree too!"

In fact, when it comes to the influence of these elven high mages in their domestic decision-making, Suweiris, as the close advisor to King Yin Liesel Mian, must be ranked first.

Costa can be ranked second, but now King Mian of Yeerlan has just been besieged by the domestic opposition due to the loss of the war. As a family of King Mian, Costa's actual situation is actually not ideal.

As for Tyron, it will be ranked third.

Yin Erfalang has already completed the centralization reform, the system is stable, and the real power of King Mian has been greatly reduced, not to mention that it is almost difficult for Tai Lun under King Mian to intervene in decision-making.

But also because the system is stable, the relevant decision-making direction is easy to judge, especially for a high-level mage like Tyron who has been in the system for a long time.

His judgment on this matter (referring to the establishment of a research laboratory) is that it is beneficial to Yin Erfalang, and it is also beneficial to eliminate the demons as soon as possible. Although the details still need to be considered, but in the general direction, the ruling advisory group will most likely agree.

And at the moment, Tyron is still expressing his personal opinions. The conversation between him and Shado was more focused on discussion. They themselves have no decision-making power.

As if for fear of being abandoned by the Northern Alliance.

Soon, the UU Reading Northland Alliance held a formal meeting again.

Xia Duo was also invited to this meeting, but he refused. In order to get the content of the meeting as soon as possible, he used a projection spell to audit it.

As for the main body (actually the incarnation of the saint), he was busy checking the operation of various systems in the floating city - especially the war spells.

Although this time is indeed a bit early, and there is still some time before the scheduled maintenance date of the floating city, but in the early stage, the law of daily and combat wear and tear is still being explored. After more relevant data is collected in the future, we can plan a plan that takes into account efficiency Overhaul procedures with resources.

Be diligent and collect more data now, and it will be easier later.

Of course, checking the floating city itself is not a difficult challenge for Xia Duo, but it is more cumbersome and boring, and it takes a lot of time.

The real challenge is parsing Alexa's copy of consciousness.

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