Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2261: Creation advantage, sudden encounter with war

"Try it, can it still be used normally?" Niya asked curiously.

Holding the puppet talisman in his palm, Xia Duo was worried about gain and loss, but he hoped that there would be a new situation to adjust his inherent cognition, and he was worried that the good puppet would be ruined by him.

He rubbed the back of the amulet vigorously, and the armor puppet immediately began to disintegrate and rushed towards him, reassembling it into a complete armor on him, and at the same time dressing Xia Duo as a Cormanthor warrior.

"It actually works!"

There is no need to continue the test for the latter ones. Being able to attach to the main body already shows that at least this part of the function is not missing. Even if other functions are gone, it is a huge improvement compared to common magic items.

Generally speaking, magic items under the Nether magic system or the elf magic system are a whole. Once disassembled, even if it is restored to its original state, it will not have the original magic function.

Because the essence of magic items is the link state of the magic net strings, once this state disappears, it will not automatically recover. If you want to rebuild this state, it is basically equivalent to creating another one.

But the magic of Yin Mascar's secret device is here! Even if it is disassembled, as long as it is reassembled, it can still have the original function!

From this feature, Xia Duo boldly puts forward a conjecture—the Yinmasca encryption device may naturally have the attribute of mass production!

It’s a bit similar to the production of machines by machines on the earth, which can also be seen from the words of the Jam tax officer before—

There are artisan puppets that can produce puppets. Although it requires a variety of cooperation, it is actually using machines to produce machines, getting rid of human limitations!

Machines are fine, so materials are even more fine!

From this point of view, the cost of Yinmaska's various commodities may be much lower than the elves imagined! Of course, it must still be inferior to the crystallization of arcane energy flowing out like flowing water.

Even if it is really cheaper than Aoneng Crystal, Xia Duo will not be unhappy. After all, obtaining cost advantages through advanced technology or craftsmanship is one of his goals.

After being motivated, it is right to work hard to improve yourself.

Of course, Xia Duo actually believes that Yinmasca has not reached the level of universal automatic production, but has such potential, and the threshold ratio for its realization is much lower than that of Daxia Ling.

This made Xia Duo envious. Naturally, he wanted to understand the mystery inside. It would be great if he could inspire the industrialization of the arcane magic system.

After all, Xia Duo didn't completely disassemble the armor puppet. He decided to start with the material, because he felt that the essence of Yinmaska's creation magic system was likely to be in the material.

However, if you want to study materials, some experiments are not very convenient to do in the Tower of Time, so Xia Duo chose to conduct them in the laboratory in the research area of ​​the Floating Void City.

Of course, before that, some matters outside the Floating Void City still need to be dealt with properly.

In the middle of Yinmasca, Janjit City.

When Xia Duo, Percher and other elves arrived here on a magic ship, everything was normal, normal negotiations, normal transactions, but when they were about to leave, Jam told them:

Install the latest version. 】

"I can't leave for the time being, the outside is surrounded by rebels!"

Regarding this, Xia Duo immediately raised a different opinion, "We flew here, can't we fly away?"

"It's possible, but the methods of the rebels are hard to predict. If you hurt everyone, how can I explain to His Majesty Omanode!"

As if to verify Jam's words, as soon as his words fell, a long series of sharp alarms sounded in the city, followed by a violent explosion.

The explosion was so violent that it caused ripples in the magic net, causing the three magic ships to change.

This chaotic moment actually highlighted the uniqueness of the floating city. Almost immediately, Jam noticed the bow decoration that he had ignored before, and the obvious air bubble was very unusual.

However, his good quality didn't make him ask on the spot, but continued to suggest, "If everyone has to leave now, I can help you apply for a special transmission channel."


When Xia Duo heard this, he immediately became interested. He reckoned that the special teleportation channel Jam mentioned was using the purple star in the sky, and maybe it would allow them to visit the teleportation center in the etheric layer!

So he quickly hinted to Percher, but Percher, who had always been "obedient" before, hesitated for a few seconds this time, and then summoned Xia Duo:

"The special teleportation channel is designed for large-scale dispatch of troops. It is expensive to open once. Once opened, the rebels outside will not have to worry about it. Maybe they will wait for us to pay for their military expenses!"


Turning on the teleportation is equivalent to having reinforcements. With reinforcements, the rebels outside can be dealt with. Without the rebels, they can continue to fly away on the magic ship.

If the teleportation is to be opened like this, Xia Duo is somewhat uncomfortable!

However, if you can take the opportunity to visit the transmission center of the etheric layer, it would not be a big loss!

Thinking of this, Xia Duo asked Percher again: "What is the price for opening a special transmission channel?"

"I don't know what price they have to pay, but our three magic ships need to pay at least 300,000 makala, and the passengers will have to pay extra."

I see!

No wonder Percher hesitated, the big emotional head was on his side, and the Floating Void City had to change its form, otherwise, with the size of the Floating Void City, the fee would probably bankrupt Xia Duo.

Obviously, the teleportation spell cannot have such a high price, so there is only one explanation—Yimaska ​​also wants to make money!

And during the secret discussion between Xia Duo and Percher, the situation of the rebels outside the city changed again, and the sound of explosions from far to near was getting closer and closer to the spectacle of the Twin Spires.

Obviously, the rebels also know which facilities are the most important in a city. Of course, UU Reading is able to attract reinforcements to destroy them at any time. The Twin Spires!

Now Xia Duo has several choices - the first is the easiest, showing the floating city, he does not believe that some rebels outside can break through the floating city.

The second is to bet that Yinmaska ​​will not sit back and watch the Twin Minarets be destroyed, and then borrow the channel when the teleportation is opened on the opposite side, or fly away in a magic ship after the other party's counter-insurgency is over.

The third one, of course, is to take the initiative to bear the cost of opening the special teleportation channel, so that the counter-insurgency reinforcements can rush over, maybe they can sneak into the teleportation center of the etheric layer.

How to choose?

In fact, Xia Duo suspected that Yinmaska ​​was deliberately setting up a situation. Although the explosions and killings outside were true, isn't this common for countries where wars are often used as games?

Anyway, it was not the upper class who died, but more slaves at the bottom. If there was no connivance from the upper class, how would the so-called rebels obtain various weapons and even invade the city?

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