Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2475: Go to Privilege, Legalist

"Lord of the Arcane"

"It doesn't matter whether it's intentional or intentional. This is an unavoidable topic. The difference is who speaks first." Conjenio said the fact in a flat tone.

Hearing this, Xia Duo was shocked, yes! Compared with them, the current Seven Pagodas are actually more representative of the princess. Although there is a certain risk in false transmission of the oracle, the princess is a mortal who ascends to the gods after all. With the previous affection, the probability of immediate death is still very small.

As long as the Seven Towers are allowed to do it first, the others will be too passive. Not rebutting is equivalent to tacitly acquiescing the authenticity of the other party's false oracle. With the endorsement of the princess, maybe they can really bear it.

If he refuted it, he would have to confront the princess on the spot. Although the final result may be that the Seven Towers backed down, the impact of the true god's personal exit is really unpredictable. No one dared to make up his mind to make such a decision.

But now Congeigno starts and Byron expresses the attitude of the princess, which is more representative than the Seven Towers. There are two major risks in the end of the true god.

Xia Duo felt that as long as they didn't push too hard, the Seven Towers wouldn't be able to take this worst step.

"Then what does the master think this matter will eventually lead to? Or where does the master think we need to reach an agreement with the Seven Towers?"

The so-called agreement is actually a measure of compromise. The demands of the two parties overlap. If they do not make concessions, the negotiation will eventually fail. However, where the intersection is and where the concessions are, it needs to be judged through trial and consultation again and again.

Xia Duo felt that he knew too little about the Seven Towers. If he only judged from the general trend, he might miss something. Even Yin Aureum actually controlled the Arcane Federation only in recent years. Maybe have more say.

For Xia Duo's inquiry, Congeinio did not give a direct answer, but asked a question instead: "Are you sure you want to rebuild the Severton Covenant?"

This is a very normal sentence in itself, but Congeenio's accent fell on "you". Xia Duo immediately realized what Congeenio wanted to say—if he doesn't want to rebuild Severton In terms of the covenant, maintaining the ruling status of the Seven Towers is the best compromise, and it is also the best ending result of this incident.

For an old man like Conjenio who has lived for hundreds of years, Xia Duo is actually a little uncertain about the other party's true thoughts, but the more he is at this time, the more he has to clarify his attitude and position:

"The current Covenant of Sevington is no longer suitable for the current development situation of Netheril and even the Northland, and reconstruction is imperative. If Master knows, you should have heard about the centralization reforms of Yeerlan and Cormanthor!

"The reason why they do this is to improve the organizational efficiency and mobilization ability of the entire country. Netheril has its own national conditions. It is unrealistic to carry out centralized reforms immediately. The lords will not hand over the power in their hands, let alone Not to mention where is the power concentrated?

"However, in order to increase Netheril's international competitiveness and improve domestic organizational efficiency and mobilization capabilities, the current system must be optimized.

"Among them, I think the special ruling status of the Seven Towers is the most critical. As long as the privileges are removed, and then the centralization reform is carried out, there is no need to worry about where the power is concentrated and how to supervise it, because without privileges, it will be fair and long-term. .”

Although Xia Duo has his own territory, he does not want to give up such a large base of Netheril, not to mention that he cares more about the implementation and implementation of Great Xia's order than the territory itself.

As long as the order exists and is implemented, it doesn't make much difference to him whether its carrier is called Great Xia, Netheril, or the Northern Alliance.

Now Xia Duo has once again expressed his position, reaffirming his attitude towards the rebuilding of the Severton Covenant in front of Congeigno, especially the clauses on the special ruling status of the seven towers.

Attitudes and stances must be clearly and resolutely expressed, so that people in one's own camp can have a clear banner to support, and also let opponents understand where their bottom line is, and at the same time attract neutrals.

After Xia Duo finished speaking, Yoon Aureum could not conceal his approval. He looked at Conjenio and said with a smile:

"Mr. Ain, let me just say that Xia Duo is not an ordinary lord, and he is still young. Should we old guys give some support?"

"You're right, but right now—" Conjenio sighed softly, and finally nodded in agreement, "It's indeed the best opportunity!"

"I'll go talk to Badigal again."

Yin Aureum left the lounge after finishing speaking. Before leaving, he asked Xia Duo to entertain Congeinio. Xia Duo immediately understood. The Xia Code, put it in the hands of Conjenio.

"Master, these are some of my thoughts, please advise."

"Great Xia Law Code? Is it the written law of the Law Sect of the Lord of Radiance?"

Conjenio seemed to have thought of hurriedly opened the legal text, carefully checked page by page, and was still whispering something in his mouth.

Xia Duo sat closer, but he only heard some exclamation words such as "unimaginable". As for the law sect mentioned by Conjenio, it is actually a minority among the priests of the Lord of Radiance, but it is Classified according to practical behavior.

If it is divided according to ideals and beliefs, most of the glorious priests are actually potential legal sects, that is, they advocate the establishment of a complete set of written laws covering all aspects to manage the mortal world.

This is actually the core content of the teachings of the Lord of Radiance, but it is difficult to achieve under the current national conditions of Netheril, and there is almost absolute obedience to the superior in the teachings of the Lord of Radiance.

Therefore, on the practical level, priests are vassals of the lord, and it is naturally impossible to formulate and implement statutory laws that may damage the authority and interests of the lord. (Punishment is unknown, power is unpredictable)

Only a few enlightened lords have the courage to formulate and implement statutory laws, such as Cliff who is both a lord, a priest, and a great arcanist, and Conjenio.

But the laws formulated by these few enlightened lords are not without problems. The biggest problem is continuity. Maybe the previous generation of lords was enlightened and the laws could be enforced, but the next generation suddenly came to a screeching halt.

Another thing is the degree of perfection of the law. After all, it is still a classical society. Even if there are priests who study the code to participate in the formulation, there are still many areas that cannot be considered.

The last is the degree of perfection of grammar. Many laws and regulations use specific cases to express a certain judicial attitude, which requires extremely high legal literacy of judicial personnel, and there are still many loopholes.

But all of the above problems have been well resolved in the Great Xia Law Code!

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