Arcane Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 2639: Avoid war, temporary gale

Latest website: In the previous prophecies, there were many times the future scenes of all-out war were shown. Xia Duo believes that the only uncertain factor in the Northland is the demon descendants, which may lead to war.

However, he still couldn't figure out how to lead to the war. Anyway, it is impossible to directly control the leaders of various countries. However, given the depth of their penetration, it may not be impossible to transfer water vapor through Netheril.

As long as the process of water vapor migration is interrupted to cause natural disasters, if the intention is more sinister, spells can be used to enhance the destructiveness. In this case, it seems that Netheril has caused public outrage.

It's hard to argue that this won't be the trigger for an all-out war.

Although even if there is a major accident in the Netheril water vapor migration plan, the current tacit understanding among the countries in the Northland will not intensify the conflict to that extent, but this cannot hold back the demons.

As long as something happens in Netheril, even if the two sides want to sit down and talk, they may not have a good attitude.

Out of various considerations, Xia Duo finally decided that the water vapor migration route should not pass through the northern countries. Of course, it is also possible that his current behavior has led to an all-out war.

However, there was no other way. The prophecy spell was not omnipotent, nor could it be trusted. He could only make a relatively more reasonable decision based on the current known information.

If this kind of decision leads to unfavorable consequences in the end, it can only be said that the emergence of such consequences is far beyond Xia Duo's control.

Things like war must be the product of intensified conflicts that are difficult to reconcile. It has little to do with a specific matter. If you want to avoid war, you must try your best to reconcile the relationship between the countries of the Northern Alliance, or the interests.

As long as the benefits of cooperation outweigh war, there is a high probability that war will not be fought.

This is actually the situation right now, it’s just that there is an additional element of uncertainty of the demons. As long as the countries maintain close communication, enhance mutual trust, and properly handle differences, then there will be no major miscalculations and wars.

The Demonic Intelligence Research Office jointly established by various countries has already made a good start, and it is enough to continue to deepen exchanges. This is actually what Xia Duo hopes to see.

After talking with Taraph, Xia Duo continued the previous research on the automation of spirits, and at the same time was waiting for news from Severton.

No matter what the outcome of the negotiations between the Seven Towers and the South is, the water vapor migration plan itself will not change, it is nothing more than moving the water vapor to where.

However, if the negotiation fails and the water vapor is moved to the Narrow Sea or the North Pole, Xia Duo will remember the favor of the Maired family.

Xia Duo is not shy about owing favors to others. As long as he has the ability to repay and abide by the bottom line, then this is a normal relationship. Just one or two favors are not enough to change from him to Mythra.

If Calinthian is really willing to pay a huge price, it is actually not impossible to sell Mythra to them, for example, come up with a livable plane, or a more sophisticated way to explore the plane.

Or, the ether interplanetary navigation technology is considered by Xia Duo as a strategic-level resource or technology.

Others, such as elemental feeding, are also important enough, but they are not so strategic. The main reason is that the threshold is not high enough, and it needs to cooperate with the soul automation.

As for the soul automation, Calinshan herself has not yet matured, and Xia Duo has now started related research, and it is a general version that is more suitable for the Nai color magic system. The two sides can be said to be on the same starting line.

It's just that Karinshan ran a few steps ahead of time, and the qualitative gap has not yet been widened.

Just when Xia Duo got into the laboratory to continue the interrupted research, Karinshan had already left the floating city and returned to the Yunding Palace docked at the high altitude in the south of Daxia.

In the conversation just now, Xia Duo talked to him about the plight of the floating city, and Talaf said that he could solve it, and it happened that the preparations for the Netheril side of the water vapor migration plan could also start ahead of schedule.

The two are actually the same thing.

Soon, Talav drove the wind lord Lohassey to move eastward, and stopped at a position about fifteen miles southeast of Daxia.

Then, under the command of Tarafu, the wind lord Lohassey spread the domain a little bit, bringing the wind elements in a wider range around him under control.

Of course, in this process, the cloud of matter is also brought under control.

In a short while, a hurricane that continued to grow was formed. Almost at the same time, the casual crowd in the Codex Square of Daxia Ling observed the elemental anomaly produced after the sky was annihilated by [Light of Annihilation], and it began to change from disorder to order.

It seemed that a powerful force attracted them little by little from the southeast, and soon, an unknown wind blew up in the square, and this wind was getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, some people couldn't stay anymore, especially some women who were worried about drying their clothes at home, one by one ran to the house, and while running, the people around -

"It's windy, I feel like putting away my clothes!"

Not just collecting clothes, Layton, who received the news from Gale, immediately realized a bigger problem. Most of the houses where the new residents were temporarily accommodated were the assembled wooden houses created when the territory was first opened up.

The biggest feature of this kind of wooden house is that it is easy to manufacture and assemble, but its shortcomings are also obvious. The foundation connected to the ground is not strong, and it is almost only fixed to the ground by four wooden stakes.

And because the early technology was relatively backward, the wooden house itself was not strong enough. Later, after the scale of the brick workshop in the territory expanded, many people began to miss the brick house, especially those who had been granted land.

There was a sudden strong wind right now, and the brick house probably didn't have to worry about anything. At most, a few tiles might be blown off. The house itself was strong enough.

But those temporary resettlement houses are not so lucky. The strong wind may not last long, and maybe even the houses and people will be blown away at night.

At this moment, Xia Duo walked out of the laboratory again. It wasn't that he expected this kind of scene in advance. Although he had expected it before, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com, but I didn’t expect the movement to be so loud. After all, Tarafu’s demonstration was just a demonstration, and it was impossible to be completely realistic.

He didn't know the seriousness of the matter until he received the news from Savile. Before that, Savile was entrusted by him to help monitor the atmospheric conditions around the Great Xia Territory.

Now this is obviously an abnormal situation, and the strong wind created by the wind lord is enough to adversely affect the Great Xia collar.

Xia Duo left the Floating Void City immediately, and first went to the territory on the ground for a tour. Now the wind speed on the ground is too high. He himself is at home in such an environment, but the others in the territory are very uncomfortable.

It is almost unsteady to walk normally.

This situation is not only for ordinary people, but also for mages, unless there is a targeted wind protection spell, but not every mage has such spells.

Especially for new mages, they can't finish all kinds of things, so how can they have so much time to learn such unorthodox spells.

(end of this chapter)

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