Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2483: Mind Sync, Spell Command

The spell-casting ceremony prepared by Xia Duo this time split the source point of a spell originally cast by a single person into a core source point, three second-level source points, and three third-level source points.

Taking the source point as the unit, the spell-casting team of the first phase of the new city construction is divided into multiple nested spell-casting units.

Generally speaking, the ideal configuration of a spell-casting unit is a guide and three coordinators, but the co-ordinator can also be served by a lower-level spell-casting unit.

In the same way, the higher-level spell-casting unit can also serve as a synergist in the higher-level spell-casting unit.

Due to the scarcity of high-level mages in the Tower of Time, the core spell-casting unit of Xia Duo as the guide can still be used as a second-level spell-casting unit, that is, a multi-person team can complete it collaboratively.

However, the synergists of the second-level spell-casting unit cannot be fully used by the third-level spell-casting unit, and only a single caster can be used as a synergist.

With Xia Duo's current configuration of three second-level source points and second-level spell-casting units, it can be split into at least nine third-level source points, corresponding to nine third-level spell-casting units.

But in this way, at least 39 high-level mages or above are needed.

However, Xia Duo only got 21 people who basically met the spell-casting requirements by picking left and right. Even if he added the 14 newcomers, he still couldn't make up the full configuration of the third-level spell-casting units.

This is still a configuration of one guide and three synergists. If there are more synergists in the configuration, Xia Duo may not even have the second-level spell-casting units.

This is the biggest dilemma of the Tower of Time right now - the shortage of high-level mages. In addition to cooperating with Xia Duo to coordinate spellcasting, a large number of high-level mages are needed for the development of a large number of new projects, mass production of magic items, and territory protection.

Even if the number of places for the inheritance ceremony is continuously released, it will be difficult to gather more than a hundred people of the magnitude that Xia Duo wants in a short period of time. After all, the inheritance ceremony is not a panacea. Participants need at least a certain magical foundation to ensure that there is still potential to continue in the future. Progress, otherwise, purely picking seedlings to encourage Xia Duo will not be taken.

Azurite plane.

In a nameless water area with no evidence up and down, like a void, Xia Duo and the other 21 members of the spell-casting team stood according to the positions previewed when they were on the main plane.

Afterwards, Xia Duo issued a series of time-marked spell-casting instructions through the smart brain that was also connected to the Lingsi network, and the new city construction channel of the public network—

00:01, number 21, 1ΞΩΔΠΞΔ;

00:01, 20th, 1ΧΞΔΠΧΛ;

00:01, number 15, 2ΨΛΧΞΔΠ;

00: 01, number 01, 4ΠΓΘΛΔΛ;

Everyone casts spells at the same time under the time instruction of the magic moment in advance, and the guides and coordinators perform their respective duties. Of course, Xia Duo, who is the core, is indispensable.

And once the instruction transmission of the intelligence brain starts, unless someone makes a mistake or the spell casting is over, it will not stop at all, from the moment of 00:01 when the spell is cast, until the execution ends at 55:17.

In other words, most people need to maintain a highly focused spellcasting state for up to 55 minutes. Although they are not casting spells all the time, they need to concentrate every moment.

This state is not to mention some high-level parallel mages who have been promoted by surprise through the inheritance ceremony, even Xia Duo wants to maintain it. It is not easy.

It can also be seen from this that it is against the sky to use the elements of the 1st level to express the 9th level spells to a level 1 mage, and it needs to be cast for three years without eating or drinking. It is theoretically feasible but practically impossible.

As the instructions were quickly completed, Xia Duo felt a little joy in his heart, but at the next moment, he gave up and continued to cast spells without hesitation, and then controlled the magic lock to lower the spell to stabilize the field, and set the seven spell source points The position was completely smoothed out, and then he turned his attention to Niya's position:

"Niya, what are you thinking? Why did you make a mistake?"

"I—" Niya lowered her head without explaining, "I'm sorry, I won't do it next time."

"Concentrate and don't get distracted."

Xia Duo reminded, and then issued instructions through the brain again, and the dense instructions shuttled through the Lingsi network at high speed, and were accurately delivered to everyone in the spell-casting team.

However, when the command was executed at 03:22, a third-level spell source suddenly oscillated abnormally. Xia Duo sighed silently in his heart, and once again controlled the magic lock to eliminate the upcoming spell riot.

"Etta, what's the problem?"

"President, I'm sorry, I was a little slow just now."


Xia Duo took a deep breath and told himself that this was just an attempt, and the next time will be fine, and the next time will be fine. In fact, this is indeed an attempt. The rehearsal on the main plane only previewed the general process, rather than directly doing it .

He had already thought about the situation that too many people would lead to unfavorable coordination, but he didn't expect that the two attempts did not last for five minutes, and it took nearly an hour to complete the spell-casting ceremony.

"Is there too little training, or did I overestimate people like the Tower of Time?"

Even with the assistance of Lingsi Network's mind synchronization, it is so difficult to complete coordinated spellcasting. If not, wouldn't it be even more impossible?

Thinking of this, Xia Duo once again envied the convenience of coordinated casting of elf magic, but it is a pity that elf magic is not suitable for human beings, and the Nether magic system also has coordinated casting, and there are very few people with more than 20 people.

Even if there is, it is more with the help of resonance magic weapon, rather than the physical body directly cooperating to cast spells.

The Lingsi network and the resonance magic weapon have their own advantages. The former has a wider application prospect and is more versatile, while the latter needs to prepare the resonance magic weapon in advance. With Xia Duo's current level of spellcasting in the first phase of the new city construction, UU Reading www.uukanshu. If you use a resonant magic weapon, it's not as convenient as casting it alone.

Moreover, once the resonating magic weapon is made, it cannot be changed, and can only implement a fixed casting process. Xia Duo chose to use the Lingsi network in order to reduce his own burden and cultivate the intermediate power of the Tower of Time.

This is only the first phase of the new city construction, and there will be phases two and three after that. Other projects may also need to use coordinated spellcasting. It is always right to cultivate first.

"Come again!"

Again, I made another mistake. This time, someone made a mistake only 17 seconds after the instruction was executed. It was ETA just now, and this time it was half a beat earlier.

"Etta, don't be nervous. I let you join this spell-casting ceremony because I believe you can do it. If you can't do it once, you can do it twice or three times. If you can't finish it today, there will be tomorrow."

Xia Duo gave everyone a psychological training, and at the same time he calmed down his mentality. He wanted to strive for a success, but he never thought that he could really succeed once.

As long as you calm down, there is nothing unacceptable. Now he is just worried that Savile may not want to play with him.

"get ready!"

Xia Duo issued the order for the eleventh time, and this time it was unexpectedly smooth, and the time-marked order was executed until 30 minutes, but unfortunately, good things take time, and this time it failed again.

Fortunately, there is a fan lock he prepared in advance. There is a big difference between the magic net environment of the blue crystal plane and the main plane. Considering that it will often be used here in the future to build a maintenance base in the floating city, it can provide the magic net environment of the main plane. Adaptive mylocks are naturally essential.

Of course, besides the function of the self-adaptive framework itself to provide the environment of the magic net on the main plane, this mytho now only has the spell stabilization field.

After that, it can be gradually improved together with the floating city base.

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