Arcane Lord

Chapter 491: Snow melting competition new project, supreme heritage

Not long after Lord Dolayson left the Elf Embassy, ​​in another secret place, the Great Arcanists of the Seven Towers gathered together to discuss some arrangements for the snow melting competition.

The snow-melting competition was originally a teaching arcane competition for the wizards of Yerlan to instruct the Nishite Mage. Later Nishite discovered the [Nishish Scroll], and then abandoned the wizard magic.

Regardless of whether it was for breath or other reasons, the subsequent snow melting competition gradually lost its original flavor and developed into a game field for the two countries to resolve various disputes.

The biggest contradiction between Netheril and Yervin is not the rise and suppression of new forces, but the trade dispute. As Netheril’s largest exporter, Yervin has learned from Netheril for hundreds of years. Obtained countless metal ore, and jewelry rough.

After that, it was converted into finished products and sold back to Netheril, which also included magical items, artworks, and even high-value-added products such as spices and drinks.

The unit price of the product is nothing. The snow melting competition competes for the trade share and the amount of trade tax.

Yerlan hopes to increase imports and exports, but at the same time reduce the tax rate, and Netherrel will not only reduce the import and export of certain specific commodities, but also increase the tax rate.

Netherites are more inclined to shift part of their trade to dwarves instead of elves. After all, dwarves live in mountains and underground, and they have no natural territory to compete with humans.

On the other hand, dwarves also need human food, but elves do not.

In recent years, the Netherites have lost less and won more in the snowmelt competition, and have transferred a lot of import and export shares to the dwarves in the northwest. Even today, the dwarves have become Netheril's largest source of high-quality mithril.

The increasing trade tax on elven goods also made Yerlan very dissatisfied in the country. However, based on the historical origin of the two countries, it ultimately only increased the participation in the snowmelt competition without launching any substantial threat.

It's just that now that Comanso is involved, no one can predict where the situation will go.

The Great Arcanists of the Seven Towers met frequently after the New Year's meeting of the Sevinton Council. In a sense, they represented the entire Netheril. Although there may be conflicts of ideas between each other, when facing the elves, They will still let go of the dispute.

Today’s meeting was mainly to discuss the format of the competition. No one thought that there would be a snowmelt competition in less than two months, and the format of the competition has not yet been discussed.

The previous arcane competition with Yerlan was extended from the instructional practice hundreds of years ago, but now it is more intense than in the past. In addition to the limited space and the use of restricted foreign objects, it can almost be regarded as a one-on-one actual battle.

With Comanso, is it going to be a three-way melee?

Or they may fight repeatedly, but Komanso has clearly refused to fight repeatedly, and Yerlan is also tired of the past game format. With this format, they will still lose more and lose less and cannot change the status quo.

Therefore, the elves strongly demanded to change the game system, three-to-two, and Nether could not refuse. In addition to the traditional spell duel, two new competitions will be added, respectively proposed by Netheril and Comanso.

The Elf's plan has not yet come out, but the Great Arcanists of the Seven Towers are almost certain that it must be biased towards the Elf Mage.

Although the opponent seemed fair to let the Netherite also propose a new competition, since it was an arcane contest and involving magic, Netherite mages did not have an absolute advantage.

Except for the old project that has been honed for hundreds of years-the spell duel, changing other projects, it is not necessarily able to compete with the wizard wizard.

Therefore, the discussion of the Great Arcanists is no longer about designing how to conduct magical confrontations more cleverly, but about designing a game that is more advantageous for humans.

But after the discussion, the great arcanists were a little lost and found that even in the traditional event of spell duel, the Netherite might still have a certain advantage against Yerlan, who has been playing for hundreds of years, but against Comanso. Not necessarily, let alone new projects.

So, what kind of competition is more beneficial to human mages?

When everyone was in deep thought, Princess Shia suddenly said: "Regarding the spell showdown with Komanso, you don’t have to worry too much. I have an elf mage from Komanso. I will let him give the arcane magic to the contest. The teacher conducts counseling and practice, and is familiar with the spellcasting habits of Mage Komanso."

The wizard mage that Princess Shia said was actually the Fenowita brought back from the Tower of Time.

The Star Dew family experienced disaster, and after exiled to Sevinton, they quickly fell under the princess. The patriarch Orlando just wanted the family to continue, and didn't care about serving humanity.

To show his loyalty, he even married a human wife.

As for Fenovita, although he is not used to human life, he is still obedient under the suppression of the patriarch's brother.

For the princess, the refuge of the Stardew family does not lie in the harvest of a few wizard wizards, but in the judgment of the domestic situation of Komanso, and a set of wizard magic inheritance sufficient to advance to a higher wizard.

This was something that Yerlan could not provide in the past. The elves were unwilling to open to the highest inheritance, and it was also an important reason for the Nether people to abandon the magic of the elves. Of course, the main reason was the discovery of the [Color-resistant Scrolls].

The princess's sudden utterance reminded the representatives of the other seven towers that an elven family had been in exile to Sevindun last year, but they only now knew that the elven family came from Komanso.

When the princess said the name of the Stardew family The other Seven Pagoda representatives showed a stunned expression, but then frowned, "Commanso's Stardew family was destroyed overnight. , The survivors still switch to Netheril? Will there be any conspiracy in this?"

"I have already understood the details. Regardless of whether there is a conspiracy behind this, there is nothing wrong with the Stardew family itself. In addition, a set of supreme heritage cannot be fake!"

"The highest heritage?!"

All the great arcanists suddenly forgot the new arcane competition project that should have been discussed, and turned the topic to the highest inheritance. A great arcanist immediately said:

"Those long ears have been hiding the Supreme Legacy, Your Royal Highness, are you sure that it is the Supreme Legacy? When I was young, I traveled through the elven kingdoms. I still know elven magic. Would you like to take a look ?"

"Just you?" Another great arcanist immediately retorted, "Who in this room hasn't studied elven magic, but if you know it best, it should belong to me Morion Tower, Princess, please let me see the highest heritage, I will make the most professional judgment!"

Soon, the other great arcane masters also spoke out, asking to watch the Supreme Legacy, but Princess Shia did not refuse, "I have left the Supreme Legacy in the Giles Tower. If you want to see it, go see it by yourself!"

Although there is competition between the Seven Towers, there is also cooperation. They are collectively referred to as the "Seven Towers Group", and it is common for people to exchange and even circulate between each other.

For example, the great arcanist Byron of Giles Tower was originally born in Gustav Tower.

As for why the Supreme Inheritance is not put in the Austrian Law Federation, it is naturally that the composition of the Austrian Law Federation is more complicated, plus you don't want to touch the sensitive nerves of the elves, and you can study it privately, and it is better not to make it public.

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