Arcane Lord

Chapter 832: Building mage, pomp

When Xia Duo and others entered the formal training session in the southern jungle of the camp, a group of black-robed wizards suddenly walked out of the camp portal.

After arriving at the camp, a mage who also wore black robes left from the mage tower construction site. After a brief negotiation, the new black robe mage immediately came to the east of the row of stone buildings.

After standing in their respective positions, they took out the spell book and started casting the spell.

A tediously structured creation spell in the field of earth elements, under the joint cast of a group of black robe wizards, gradually weaves into shape.

With the completion of the spell, a row of brand-new stone buildings rose from the ground, connecting with the previous buildings, which seemed strange.

However, after casting spells one after another and the buildings changed from one row to multiple rows, order emerged spontaneously, but after completing multiple rows of simple buildings, the wizards did not leave, but took out the dimension bags they carried.

Pour out a large amount of magic circle materials, starting from the building where the first spell is cast, simple protection and warning magic are arranged.

The magic that only depends on the caster to maintain the spell is not long-lasting, and it is not easy to be stable.

In contrast, in addition to a small amount of Mithril materials that can be reused, other materials such as five-color gems and packaging materials are difficult to reuse.

Even if it is used as a temporary camp, it will not consume a lot of resources to deploy permanent magic circles, but these relatively stable and long-term temporary magic circles are expensive.


When Xia Duo and others finished the first day of training and returned to the camp, the Intermediate Mage was completely startled by the scene in front of him.

As for the high-level wizards such as Xia Duo, even if they are fully engaged in training, if they can't even notice the strong magic fluctuations from the camp not far to the north, then this high-level wizard is also too cheap. Up.

However, Xia Duo initially thought that someone in the camp was trying some special spells, but he did not expect a group of black-robed wizards to build houses here.

The camp was not far away from the jungle that was trained before, but not too close. It was almost two to three hundred meters long. Xia Duo could only judge that the spells on the camp involved a huge energy flow.

As for more, it is difficult to judge at this distance.

"You come first, you can choose a room as a temporary rest place, rest early, and continue training tomorrow!"

Fosterm confessed the last sentence and left directly.


"Choose a room first!"

Xia Duo adapts well. He doesn't care about these unnecessary external environments very much. After seeing other people's complexions, he broke the silence first.

With his lead, Niya and Belera followed him to choose a room, and the others quickly followed suit.

The so-called selection of rooms, in fact, there is not much room for selection, almost every room is carved out of a mold.

The room is not big, and there is only one. The conditions are not as good as the apprentice dormitory of the Tower of Time. There is only a bare stone bed, a stone chair and a stone table.

Nothing else.

Xia Duo randomly selected a room closer to the portal. Niya didn't choose, and planned to live with Xia Duo. After all, it was just a temporary rest place, and it was not a big deal to live with two people.

The others had one room for one person, but they were all chosen near Xia Duo's room, which seemed to have the intention of being a group.

But such a distance, even if there are relatively independent protection spells, and you can also set up protection magic by yourself, such a distance is still too tight for the caster, especially the high-level mage.

It almost impacted the psychological safety distance of high-level mages.

Such a large-scale centralized resettlement is really "hard-working"!

Xia Duo couldn't speculate about the above thoughts. After the placement, he immediately closed the door and put all the tables and chairs in the room into the portable space.

As for the stone bed, Xia Duo was not prepared enough. The bed he brought could not fit in the room, so there was no rearrangement. Just pay attention to it next time. Anyway, the portable space is large enough to store any supplies that he wants to carry.

When a complete set of familiar desks, chairs, paper and pens, and even tea cups, teapots, and bookshelves appeared in the room, Niya suddenly showed a pleasant smile on her face:

"Do you even carry these things with you?"

"Of course, it's more than that, it's just that during the mission, it's not too public."

For the senior mage, the dimension bag is no longer a high consumption, and it is not a problem to buy one a month with a little effort.

The only concern is safety issues!

But for some supplies of life and ostentation, even if the dimensional bag does have hidden dangers, there will not be a thief that is not good enough to steal those things.

You must know that at least high-level mages are used to make dimensional bags, and stealing items from dimensional bags is actually stolen from the etheric plane, and non-organizational high-level decisions cannot be made.

Although Xia Duo heard the argument that the dimensional bag is not insured, and the dimensional bag is not insured theoretically, he has never heard of anyone who was stolen through the dimensional bag.

Perhaps it is because the caster is cautious, but it actually involves a credit cost Once a problem occurs in the dimensional bag produced by a certain company, it is likely to affect subsequent sales. If there is no large enough When profit temptation, even the producers themselves will try their best to avoid dimensional bag safety problems.

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As for the means to avoid, in the presence of competitors, Chateau believes it should be positive.

Unless all dimensional bag manufacturers unite and engage in shady, it is almost impossible. Many mage towers have the ability to produce dimensional bags. If it is really shady, someone will always want to take a shortcut through exposure.

Once it bursts out, even the Seven Towers can hardly bear such consequences.

This is the power of order.

Therefore, when there is not enough profit temptation, the dimension bag is relatively safe.

So, for a high-level mage, it is not surprising that some life and ostentation materials are packed in dimensional bags.

Xia Duo believed that even Niya would carry some living supplies with him, but it was not as rich as he was.

And if someone had a dimensional bag linked to the demiplane, then even Xia Duo might not be as rich as him.

After all, his current portable space is only 1,000 cubic meters, which is not more spacious than the half plane!

However, using the dimension bag linked to the demiplane makes it more cumbersome to store and retrieve items than the general dimension bag, and it is even worse compared to the portable space.

In contrast, Xia Duo's desire for the demiplane lies more in its research value than its use value.


The temporary residence was simply decorated. After dinner, the two of them simply cleaned it, and then lay in their clothes and started talking at night.

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