Arcane Lord

Chapter 853: Human advantage, increase influence

   So, what are the advantages of humans compared to elves?

Procreation, although an elf woman may only have one child counted by one hand for hundreds of years in her life, basically no more than once every 100 years, but it is caused by many factors such as customs, social systems, beliefs, etc. .

   If you really want to let go of life, the population growth rate will definitely exceed that of human beings.

Not long ago, Xia Duo visited [Projection Plane·Dark Region]. He knew that drow was more radical than elves in fertility. Every drow female must give birth almost every 25 years after sexual maturity. This is mandatory of.

   This kind of fertility frequency allows them to maintain an orderly population growth when the death rate is much higher than that of their distant relatives.

  According to Chardonnay's calculations, as long as the elves give birth to one generation per 100 years, they can surpass humans in population growth rate. That is to say, the population growth rate of the main plane elven kingdoms is slightly higher than that of Netheril.

   There are many factors involved. The most important reason is that the survival rate of human babies is much lower than that of elves.

   If the survival rate of both babies is similar, Netheril's population growth rate can be slightly ahead of the Elven nations.

   Obviously, human beings are inferior to elves in terms of fertility, whether it is quality, quantity, or population growth rate at the current time, they are all inferior.

   As for strength, human beings are still inadequate compared to elves, both in terms of individual and overall.

   The only advantage is probably that human society is in the ascending phase, while the elven kingdoms are in the decline phase.

   The biggest influencing factor here is that the Netheril magic system is easier to popularize than the wizard magic system, and it is easier to quickly transform into actual productivity.

   But such an advantage cannot be reflected in a specific battle or war. On the contrary, it will attract more attention because of this advantage, which may not necessarily bring good results to humans.

   As for the advantage that Xia Duo thought of, it was only in a certain area on the plane of the green field where the two sides had a certain tacit understanding.

In his opinion, Netheril does not necessarily need to keep this plane this time, as long as it can cause a lot of damage to the elves, making the Seven Towers camp and the pioneers of the new era stand in line on the issue of elves, and have the heart to fight. That's it. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   As long as you recognize this and have a clear goal, the advantage will be obvious.

   The elves want this plane, otherwise, it is impossible to force their legs. If they want this plane, the lock may be the key, and the node of the lock is the entanglement they cannot give up.

   As long as a certain amount of pressure is applied to each maze node at the same time, it will definitely be able to contain most of the elf mages and force them to be unable to gather. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   Even if the elven fan lock is finally completed, as long as enough elven mages can be killed and Komanso's war potential can be reduced, Netheril will not lose this time.

   After all, there are so many open spaces in the main plane. The Green Field is nothing more than a better environment, which does not affect the overall situation. What's more, the exploration of the plane is endless. How can you know that you will not find a similar plane again!

   Xia Duo even guessed that the great arcanists above probably thought the same way. Otherwise, why not arrange a unified scheduling, but let each team play freely?

   Netheril does not have the kind of well-organized and disciplined military system he understands, but anyone with a bit of a brain knows that unified command and dispatch is more effective than a mass of scattered sand.

   Xia Duo didn't believe that the great arcanists were really mindless, maybe there were still considerations for investigating talents and preparing for the real war in the future.

   Thinking about it this way, Xia Duo decided to seize this opportunity, not asking for a better performance, at least to leave a deep impression on a few great arcanists.

   He is now only one step away from the senior arcanist, and the senior arcanist can already be regarded as the core ruling class of Netheril.

   One step further is to become a great arcanist, to become the true ruler of this kingdom.

   It’s also time to perform a wave!

   In fact, since the book was delivered at the exchange meeting not long ago, Xia Duo decided to step into the high-level vision and gain real influence in this country, not just a little fame.

  Who doesn't want to be a waver of the times?

   Although Chateau knows very well that once the [Misser Energy Nuclear] comes out, Iolum will become the absolute focus and protagonist of this era, but who said that the trend of the era must become the focus and protagonist?

   As long as it has sufficient influence, it can still play with history and lead the times, especially for a traveler who knows the so-called "historical trend" and has seen another highly developed civilization.

   Thinking of this, Xia Duo couldn't help sighing that it took him nearly ten years (personal perception time) to make him come this far, and it really dragged the majority of fellow traversers back!

   Of course, Xia Duo wasn't sure whether there were any traversers who would slaughter the gods and extinguish demons after traversing for a year or two, or if there were other traversers.

   This is just a ridicule of his past experience. In reality, he still needs to calm his mind and focus on stability, so that he can be strong and live up to a journey through.


   In the interrogation with other high-level mages, Xia Duo did not mention that he was mainly killing elf mages. Although Archmage Foster had mentioned it several times before, this was not the main content of the mission.

   He still took the task as the starting point, and proposed to unite with other teams outside the support agreement to form several high-level mage mobile teams to deal with the raids of the elves at any time.

   Of course, the most important thing for UU reading is to establish a relatively close communication system, agree to attack at the same time, and put enough pressure on the locked node to force the wizard to abandon the gathering or reduce the number of gatherings.

   Only in this way can the role of the high-level mage team be brought into full play.

   Unified scheduling, in the words of the earth, this is already the way to win at the strategic level.

   As for tactics, it is not difficult to form a partial victory with more battles and less, and the strong dominating the weak through unified scheduling. In the end, small wins will become big wins, and the big strategic goal will be achieved.


   After a while, Higgs heard a bad news, "Mage Xia Duo, I asked a few people over there, they don't seem to want to unite with us."

   Although it had been anticipated before, Xia Duo was still a little unhappy in this situation.

   In addition to their more than 20 teams, there are more than 20 teams, but most of the veteran high-level mages in those teams are a group of arcanists who are very close to senior arcanists.

   Xia Duo is no stranger to those arcanists. In this year's snow melting competition, they played on behalf of the Seven Towers and Netheril.

   Even he even trained the arcanists on the non-magic version of [Arcane Puzzle Game], which is chess, and they can be regarded as a little friendship.

   But when it comes to battles and your own safety, those arcanists are still relatively cautious, as well as those veteran high-level mages.

   may not be as good as Xia Duo in terms of potential, but in terms of specific combat abilities and combat experience, those people are much better than here.

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