Arcane Lord

Chapter 860: All links, absolute hub

  The situation is better than people. As long as everyone doesn't want to give up the task, they can only consider Xia Duo's plan. As for other plans, there may or may not be, but people are always inert.

   Xia Duo has put forward a more feasible plan, and they will naturally think about the feasibility of this scheme first, instead of trying to think about other plans that must be better than Xia Duo's plan.

  If the time is relatively loose, some people might really think about it, but when this kind of elves may come again at any time and cause serious consequences, personal independent thinking has become a luxury.

   "Master Xia Duo, we can agree, but you must ensure that you will not pry into our privacy!"

   The last mouth is hard? Xia Duo smiled slightly and said solemnly: "I promise!"

   To be honest, he is not interested in the privacy of everyone, especially in this case, he will not take the initiative to snoop, but the mind link will inevitably receive some passive subconscious information, which is not Xia Duo's intentional snooping.

   With Xia Duo's assurance, those who were hard-mouthed at the end have also stepped down. It seems that this way they can convince themselves and allow themselves to accept the spiritual link!


   Then, Xia Duo once again cast a spell to link everyone's hearts. This time, the enemy's current situation is oppressed, and there are many previous psychological constructions, and the benefits of mind linking to complete the task are seduce in front.

   For the first time, more than 20 people joined the link at the same time, and the effect is not a little bit better than before.

   "Everyone who has joined the link, go back and replace the one in the team to join the link!"

   At this time, Xia Duo had already kicked out the middle-level mages who had joined the link in his team before, but after adding so many people in at once, too much consciousness information poured in.

  The information that can be traced back continuously impacted his mind like a surge, and even made his thinking a little slow.

He can indeed get rid of the cluttered subconscious information other than the active consciousness information, but it is similar to a spiritual spell version of no...Chapter 860 All Links, Absolute Center ( Page 1/4),. Wired communication channel.

   is just a communication problem, and it cannot solve the elves well, and it does not reflect the role of Chateau as the leader of the mind link.

   Only by first obtaining more extensive battlefield information and then analyzing it, can we form a more effective strategy for responding to the enemy and better achieve a more effective coordinated combat effect.

   Xia Duo positions himself as the absolute center of this battle, and everyone else is an extension of his center, responsible for specific information collection, on-the-spot battles, or other.


   Soon, people kept leaving and coming. When the number of people stabilized, Xia Duo cast a spell again to link the people.

   Just like this, after three spells, except for a handful of diehards who were unable to join the link, the vast majority, nearly a hundred high-level mages joined the link.

   "Everyone, there are only six of you. If you can't join the Heart Link, I won't be able to follow you in time. If you are attacked by the elves, we may not have time to support!"

   These words were partly persuasive and partly coercive, causing these people's faces to change drastically. At this moment, only a few of them were unable to join the spiritual link.

   Other people have already hug each other, and they don’t even have to talk anymore, and they can communicate freely only in the heart link.

   This made it even more so that the six of them were isolated and helpless. One of them changed a little and finally said:

   "Mage Chateau, please try again, I promise this time!"

   Xia Duo nodded. At this time, he was already in great momentum. Although there was no shortage of the last few people, as the de facto leader, he gave them one last chance.

   He cast the spell calmly, this time, the last six diehards finally joined the link smoothly.

   Actually, if you could, all of this should have been done before leaving the camp, but at that time, others said nothing and said nothing before seeing the elf.

In most cases, the optimal choice is often not the first choice, or even the final choice, such as...Chapter 860 All Links, Absolute Center (Chapter 860) 2/4 pages),. It's already pretty good today.


  ——Cohen, I just said you might give up the task, but I didn’t expect you to accept it!

   Cohen didn't convey any active consciousness information, but watched all this with a very indifferent attitude. Xia Duo was funny when he saw it. He had already joined the link, and what else would he do with this posture.

  ——Mage Cohen, as long as he concentrates a little bit on his mind, he can communicate with other people.

--is it?

   just suddenly, there is no sound.

   However, Xia Duo didn't pay much attention to Cohen as an individual. Time was running out, so he immediately began issuing instructions.

   In the formal command, he did not use the subconscious influence as before forcing joint spells to give instructions in the form of inspiration and intuition, but in the form of active consciousness information——

   "Everyone, go back to the team and wait for further instructions."

After   , Xia Duo took the lead to leave, but the target of his teleportation was not the location where Niya was, but the camp.


   At this time, Chateau’s consciousness was already full of all kinds of information, either active or passive, and so on.

   He desperately needs a safe place to put down himself so that he can devote himself to the role of the heart link center.

   At this time, the Green Field plane, if there is another place that is safer, maybe it is the camp, Xia Duo didn't worry that returning to the camp would be regarded as giving up the mission.

   The above must be concerned about the situation of each team, as long as you pay attention, you will know that he and Joyce are different.

In fact, Chateau was discovered during the process of returning to the Not only the four great arcane masters of the Seven Towers, but even the high mages of Jerenis in Comanso were also aware of it. .

   I saw several people returning to the camp. Except for Frost who returned because of triggering the spell and left immediately, Joyce really gave up the mission.

   And now Chateau is back again, still looking like he doesn't want to leave,...Chapter 860 all links, absolute center (page 3/4),. Badigar, who has always been fighting the main battle, was obviously a little unhappy:

   "His Royal Highness, the one who just came back is Chateau, the creator of [Arcane Riddle], right? What do you think he wants to do?"

"I don't know. There are a few amazing little guys among those people. Even if I am, it is difficult for me to hear what they are saying without disturbing them, but it seems that they have already made it. Joint consensus."

   Princess Xia actually had some speculations in her heart, but considering many factors, she didn't say anything in the end, she just vaguely said about the joint situation of the people.

   On the other side, Great Arcanist Horn also spoke. Although he was on Badigar's side in the war on the Green Field, he still didn't deal with it very much:

"Badigar, I have said that you should send someone to command the whole process. You don't listen. Tarancentus is expected to be an advanced arcanist, but now he died in an avoidable raid. It depends on how you and Lan Del confessed!"

   "As long as it is a war, people will die. Didn't they know that it was a war before they came? What can I explain!"

   Badigar said coldly.

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