Arcane Lord

Chapter 882: Mind barrier, return

As soon as Xia Duo finished speaking, Greta showed a strange expression on her face. She looked straight at Xia Duo for two seconds before speaking slowly:

"Don't underestimate the seven towers! Even if there is no absolute fairness between the casters, they will at least follow a certain principle of equivalent exchange. In addition, the spiritual spells you use on the plane of the green field, the seven towers also have a similar existence, but Not everyone has a strong consciousness like you, enough to integrate huge and messy spiritual information."


Xia Duo sighed secretly in his heart that the Seven Pagodas had indeed investigated [Mind Link], perhaps when they were going to repair the magic net, and the Seven Pagodas also knew the limitations of this spell.

If there is no center that can interpret subconscious information, the so-called mind link is nothing more than an instant messaging spell similar to group chat.

In addition, the privacy of the linker must also be considered.

From this point of view, this spell may not be as important as he thought, and when Chateau thought Greta was going to reject him, Greta gave him a rather unexpected answer:

"Although the Seven Pagodas don't care, I think your spell has great potential for development. If you want, I want to make a deal with you in my personal capacity!"

"What deal?" Xia Duo asked.

"I noticed that you always carry the [Pathfinder Scepter] on all occasions, and what I want to trade with you is related to the [Pathfinder Scepter]!"

Is it related to [Pathfinder Scepter]?

Xia Duo's heart was hot. The reason why he wanted to bring [Pathfinder's Scepter] was because it was immune to psychic spells! Is it true that Greta is trading the spells in the scepter?


"Your Excellency Greta, please tell me more!" Chateau was already a little impatient.

And Greta did not disappoint him, "[Pathfinder's Scepter] In addition to leaving the mark of the lord, the most important ability is immunity to psychic spells, and the realization of this ability relies on a [Mind Barrier] Spells, this time I want to exchange with you!"

"Your Excellency Greta, are you saying you want to exchange [Mind Barrier] for my [Mind Link]?"


"I agree!"

Almost without hesitation, Xia Duo immediately gave his own answer. To be honest, in the long run, he will be able to resolve the [Mind Barrier] from [Pathfinder Scepter] sooner or later.

But sooner or later, the time will be difficult to grasp, and if it can be obtained in advance, it is not a good thing.

After all, a scepter is a thing, and there is always a risk of loss or damage, but a spell is knowledge, and you won’t lose it if you get it.

In addition, [Mind Barrier] may be related to the mind amulet. If you can master this spell, you may be able to blend in with the mind amulet business.

You know, although mental spells are not really taboo in Netheril, they still have some dark colors compared to those with intuitive effects.

It is reasonable to be guarded by others. The spiritual talisman is a must-have item for almost any merchant. In addition, the territory officials are also loyal consumers of the spiritual talisman.

Even if it is a spellcaster, it is not necessarily stronger than ordinary people in terms of soul. If there is the opportunity and financial resources to buy a spiritual talisman, how can it not be bought!

From this perspective, Greta is not using a spell to exchange with him, but with an opportunity to make a fortune.

While Xia Duo was happy in her heart, she couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. The persecutory delusion of the traverser had begun to show signs of conspiracy.

However, perceptual judgments are often easy to deviate from reality. Xia Duo does not reject sensibility, and even values ​​it. This is the essence of human beings.

However, if the sensibility is allowed to overflow, people will be driven by various emotions, which will eventually lead to irreparable disasters.

Of course, Xia Duo is not only emotional, but also rational. Of course, he can't be absolutely rational. In that case, can people be called human? It is more reasonable to call it a rock and a robot!

Human nature is the product of the intertwining of sensibility and rationality. Without one side, it won't work well. In other words, without any one side, it is considered to have lost oneself, that is, dead!

However, with the development of cognition, the ratio of sensibility to rationality will also be adjusted. There may be a day of absolute rationality or absolute sensibility, but that is also gradually developed and not achieved in an instant.

Even if there is such a possibility in the future, that is not what Xia Duo hopes for now, but he is also trying to avoid it.

At this moment, although Xia Duo was panicked, the existence of reason made him quickly realize that Greta might not care about the extensional development brought about by [Mind Barrier].

Or, this is an investment called a transaction.

After all, Greta, who is a follower of the princess, has any reason to harm Niya's husband and Chateau who is also a member of the Seven Towers camp and is valued by the princess!

In the light of the fire, Xia Duo traced the source of the panic, and further guided it with reason. After this whole process, he felt as if he had experienced a meditation, and he had more control over his consciousness.


Soon, the two parties began to exchange spells. Chateau provided a pre-prepared learning scroll, while Greta directly provided a spell book called "Greta's Psychic Protection"~www.mtlnovel. com~ The author is Greta himself as the name suggests!

Chateau was pretty sure that he hadn't seen this book in the library of Giles Tower, which made him sure that Giles Tower had other libraries.

There may be a chance to go in and search in the future!

After the exchange was over, Greta didn't even check, so she put the learning scroll away, she did it all, and Xia Duo couldn't check the spell book anymore.

But then again, neither Chateau nor Greta has any reason to do anything on this. After all, there are still many opportunities to deal with in the future!

"Go back, go back to the territory to prepare. When the inspection is over, I will come to Seventon with Niya to attend the award ceremony! Ambassador Comanso will also attend this ceremony, don't miss it!"

At the end, Greta couldn't help laughing out loud.

Xia Duo was also very surprised when he heard the news. He didn't know whether Ambassador Comanso took the initiative to participate or was invited to participate. His heart was very big!

But this also made him smell a hint of danger. When he was on the plane of the green field before, he felt that this joint operation was more like ideological mobilization before the war, and there would be real war later.

Now this hunch is even stronger.


After leaving Greta, Xia Duo originally wanted to stay in Sevinton for a few more days, and hold several exchange meetings, recommending his "Principles" book and the communication tools of the Tower of Time.

But now that he knows that the Sevinton Parliament is about to send an investigator, even if Xia Duo is confident in his territory, he has to return to the territory in advance to prepare.

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