Arcane Lord

Chapter 886: Awakening again, mysterious voice

   This feels like a dream, and it is indeed a dream!

   From the initial awakening to the fall of the mist, perhaps only a moment, Xia Duo penetrated the mist and became awake again, and at this time, he was already in a dream.

   Like the previous blood awakenings, when he first realized his existence, it was a drop of water in a mountain stream. As the stream continued to flow, his body continued to grow.

   Until crossing the mountains and jungles, crossing the valleys and plains, Xia Duo felt the growth of everything in his body, nurturing the continuous multiplication of civilizations on both sides of the strait.

   finally merged into the East China Sea, and then as the water vapor on the water rose, his ideology and form began to rise from the water to the sky!

   His breath turned into a storm, and his trembling turned into a thunder. He felt that he had become the master of the weather. The storm and thunder were always accompanied by each other, thinking about the clouds and the rain.

   After the thunder and rain, Xia Duo's consciousness has flooded between the heaven and the earth, part of it will fall into the river with the raindrops, and the part will turn into a strong wind or a small wind, blowing across the land of China.

After   , everything went back to the beginning of the dream, starting with a drop of water and repeating the cycle.


   Even though I have experienced this kind of dream of incarnation of the blood source many times before, Xia Duo still felt very strange when I experienced it again.

   Every time he recycles, he will also have a new experience, or the order of all things, or the laws of geography and hydrology.

   After so many times, there is no end in sight. Perhaps this is the gap between man and nature.

   In the dream, I don’t know how long it has passed, or how many times it recycles. Just when Xia Duo seemed to forget about herself, the dream suddenly became clouded.

   Then, Xia Duo woke up!



   Xia Duo let out a long sigh of relief. It feels good that his consciousness has returned to his body. After that, he subconsciously touched his body, "Luckily it's not wet!"

   was relieved in his heart, Xia Duo also began to check the harvest of this bloodline awakening. This was the first time he consciously knew that the bloodline awakening might be necessary, and he didn't know if it would bring some extra gains. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   Of course, having said that, Bloodline Awakening is like a lottery, even if you know the prize in advance, who can guarantee the specific reward!

   What Xia Duo looks forward to most is the ability of thunder. From the dream of awakening, he knows that he can control thunder and call the wind and rain.

   Just whether you can get it depends on the luck of this one.

   Xia Duo relaxes the body and carefully appreciates the instinctive power of blood in the body. There is wind, water, and some characteristics derived from wind and water, but there is no thunder!


After   , Xia Duo checked the induction of the bloodline and the magic net, which can affect the seventh layer of the magic net, and some of the strings of the magic net will automatically respond with his bloodline ability.

   This is the advantage and limitation of the bloodline ability.

   This awakening brought Xia Duo's bloodline ability to level 7 as well, which was the same as the active cast level. If it could affect the eighth layer of the magic net, Xia Duo would barely be called a senior arcanist.

   After checking the bloodline ability, Xia Duo opened his eyes, the cloud vision given by the new soul form once again let him see those mysterious existences that are like light and fog.

   may be the power of faith, or maybe something else.

   is still the same as he saw yesterday, the flocculent cloud gas is misty and lingering around the body, although the blood is awakened, the cloud gas does not seem to be consumed.

   Or is it a real-time response?

   Xia Duo guessed at will without any psychological burden, and then he collected distracting thoughts, concentrated, and entered a state of extreme concentration.

   For an instant, he felt his own soul again, similar to what he saw yesterday, still the body-like soul exuding a thin glow, reflecting a small space around the soul.

   It's just that compared to yesterday, he doesn't feel any strange pain in his soul today.

   This discovery made Xia Duo very happy, and at the same time, the stone that had been hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

After   , he further observed and perceived, he found that this small space around the soul seemed to have some mysterious sound faintly present.

   But when he wanted to hear clearly, he was surprised to find that there was nothing.

   This situation is a bit similar to cloud qi. At first, when the soul state is not transformed, cloud qi cannot look directly at it. Once it is actively observed, it will disappear without a trace.

   Only inadvertently, can you find a little trace.

   And now, this mysterious sound in the space reflected by the soul's glow also seems to have the characteristics of cloudiness.

   Listen carefully, but I can’t hear it, but I can hear it inadvertently.

   Maybe only when the soul or something goes further, can you hear the mysterious voice in this soul space normally!

   For a while, Chateau looked forward to the next blood awakening!

   There are seven towers to help propagate, maybe this day is coming soon too!


   Continue to observe and perceive for a while, Xia Duo can not maintain the state of extreme concentration, and soon quit the state of soul perception.

   Consciousness returned to the outside world, he felt a deep exhaustion hit from the bottom of his heart, unstoppable, which was a bit similar to overcasting and overdrawing energy.

   But Xia Duo has had experience early, this kind of mental fatigue caused in a short period of time is different from overcasting, which must be relieved by deep sleep.

   This exhaustion can be relieved in other ways, such as Bonu tea, some special elven incense, and the special spices of the Bellera family territory. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

   Of course, no matter what kind, it is not as complete as the recovery from sleep.

   Xia Duo just woke up from a deep sleep and really didn't want to sleep again. This made him feel very awkward, so he decisively took out the hollow Mithril tea pot, took three original Bonu leaves, and started to make tea.

   "There are only less than 30 pieces, I don't know if I can stick to the next batch!"

   sighed casually that life is not easy, and Xia Duo took out the spell book that Great Master Greta exchanged with him yesterday-"Greta's Psychic Protection".

   Before waiting for the tea leaves to soak, use this book to divert your attention so as not to accidentally fall asleep. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/


   "Greta's Psychic Protection" introduced the principle of psychic spells at the beginning. Seeing this, Xia Duo couldn't help but feel refreshed.

   This is something he didn't even touch in [Projection Plane·Arcane Empire]!

  Although he learned the psychic spell called Judgment Spell on the projection plane, it was only a spell, and the spell itself had many restrictions, and it was only used by the personnel of the trial court.

   And there is very little research data on the underlying principles of mental spells, at least Xia Duo didn't find it.

   The principles of psychic spells he understands are only based on his research based on the only set of judgment spells.

   At this time, Xia Duo was really overjoyed when he saw Great Master Greta, the native master of the main plane, introduced the principles of spiritual spells.

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