Arcane Lord

Chapter 896: Tao follows nature, and the difference in extended doctrine

However, on the bright side, Xia Duo is looking forward to success, but deep in her heart and subconsciously, Xia Duo hopes to fail.

Because once the natural druid appeared, it meant that the nature of this world was not what he had thought before, but had undergone an almost earth-shaking change.

Of course, at this stage, no matter what the nature of the world is, it has no effect on him, but as a quasi longevity, Xia Duo must have long-term considerations.

For a while, he didn't know how to respond to Atwood. He said he was happy, he should be happy, which means that he is very likely to get a group of experts in agriculture. Of course, it will cover all things, but it may also be in other fields. .

At the same time, the emergence of natural druids will also cause the elves to lose their fulcrum for the penetration of Netheril's beliefs, and those human druids who obtain the holy power from the elven main **** will eventually usher in their end.

But behind the joy, the fear of faintly breaking the inherent cognition and sliding the world into the unknown enveloped him deeply, giving him a feeling of thorns on his back.

"Archon Leiden, notify the others that the meeting is postponed! Elder Atwood, come with me to the study!"

"Yes, Lord Lord!"


Study room on the second floor.

When Xia Duo was in the territory, the study was the place where he stayed the most. It was usually arranged by Leiden, while the rest of the villa was maintained by the logistics department of the territory.

Of course, there are not too many books in this study. Most of them are just some documents and files related to the territory. Except for some of them are kept in Leiden, he also keeps a batch of copies here.

After returning to this study after a month, Xia Duo didn't feel the slightest sense of strangeness. His excellent memory could even restore every feeling he had when he was here last time.

After letting Atwood sit down, Chateau meditated for a moment, and then began to ask:

"Elder Atwood, can you talk about the process of your perception of nature?"

"My lord, there is nothing to say about this. The new concept of nature came from the hands of adults. I only got a natural response so quickly with the convenience of the previous druids. However, the process of perceiving nature is very complicated. May I ask Where does the lord want to start?"

"Just talk about the natural response!"

In fact, this is what Xia Duo wants to know most. The so-called perception process is nothing more than artificially creating a certain atmosphere to actively perceive a certain existence.

This may seem mysterious and complicated, but in fact, as long as you follow certain rituals and persist for a long time, you can easily reach the state.

This is similar to the concentration training of the wizard, except that the concentration training requires concentration, while the priest's perception training requires relaxation.

Not to mention that the two are completely contradictory, at least after forming a habit, it is difficult to get into the state after doing another training.

This is also an important reason why there are so few priests who are part-time mages.

What Atwood said about the convenience of being a druid before, refers to the results of similar perception training, and if Chateau wants to perceive nature, it must go through such an experience.

Of course, people are different from each other. Some people are extremely sensitive and good at perception. Naturally, they have to work too hard to reach the state of perception. If there is another perceptive subject with the same ideals, it will be almost effortless to become a priest.

Similarly, mages also have super talents, just as some people can naturally perform tricks such as [lighting] or [magic tricks] as soon as they are adults.

They are naturally able to come into contact with the magic net, and with a little training, they can become a wizard. They do not need to undergo a longer-term focused training like a general mage in order to really come into contact with the magic net and become a mage (apprentice).

Bloodline warlocks are similar, except that there are more complex and powerful bloodline spells. Perhaps those who can cast spells as adults may be some of the more invisible and weak special bloodlines.

Xia Duo is both a person of special bloodline and has become an arcanist. Naturally, he is not willing to spend any more time to perceive the holy power. This kind of thankless thing is only a fool that is willing to do.

Of course, if the sacred power can be obtained without any effort, and the source of the sacred power is not the gods, then the fool will refuse.

He still understands the principle of Yiduo not pressing down.


Soon, Atwood talked about the process of his perception of nature and natural response. Of course, the former was relatively simple under the sign of Xia Duo, and the focus was on natural response.

"My lord, I thought at the time that nature exists in all things and all things, and manifested as all things and all things, so that the spirit is freed in the evolution of all things and all things.

"Because of the past experience, I am most familiar with forests. During this period of time in Daxia, I saw the whole process of trees growing and dying alone and humans participating in the growth and dying process, which gave me a deeper understanding of nature.

"Just a while ago, I perceived the will of nature in my dreams. After waking up, I re-perceived nature, and when I was awake, I got a natural response again.

"That kind of feeling is hard to describe in words. It's like an incomparable and supreme being who is showing me the mysteries of nature. Everything from the birth of the plane to the sun, moon and stars, heaven and earth, everything is natural. evolution!

"It wasn't until that moment that I really realized my ignorance and shallowness in the past, the profound thinking of the lord, the magnificence of nature, how can the narrow and narrow forest of elves represent real nature!"

While talking, Atwood actually showed an extremely enthusiastic appearance, which made Xia Duo frown, but then quickly relaxed.

The new natural idea is destined to not have too fanatical believers, because this so-called new natural idea is originally from the "Tao" of his hometown. U U Reading

Among them are mainly theories, and the doctrines actually used to guide the behavior of believers hardly exist. There may be in the future, but there is indeed no doctrine now.

The theory is naturally attributed to the root of everything and all manifestations. In other words, this theory does not have many conditions that can guide the behavior of believers.

Because whatever you do can be considered natural.

From the theory, it is entirely possible to make completely different extended doctrines. For example, all things in nature can be extended to respect life or all things are equal.

Doctrine and theory are completely different things.

For example, the doctrine of the Lord of Radiance is the existence that was formulated by the priest based on the will of the Lord of Radiance and used to guide faith.

Different priests have different understandings, and the doctrines are naturally different, which also separates different schools.

Netheril’s main beliefs in the Lord of Radiance are the law school, order school, and holy light school. There are also many non-mainstream schools, such as the extreme worship school, which is actually the doctrine of goodness derived from the sun and the glory.

It's just that the doctrine of this genre is too extreme. There are not many people in Netheril, and only a very small number of low-level paladins belong to this genre, and they are still very popular.

In fact, the Lord of Radiance does not have human concepts of good and evil, and his will is also full of order and machinery.

This alone is doomed to the fact that the genre of extreme worship cannot be supported by the source of faith. In layman's terms, it is the priests and paladins of this genre that the upper limit of sacred power is locked and cannot be upgraded at all.

There is no development and growth.

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