Chapter 135 Qiao’s helper recognizes the counsel, Samsung has a plan! Touch porcelain marketing! It’s Hongmeng who touches it! [Please customize!]

Gang Master Qiao’s face is so ugly and ugly now.

Starting from iphone4.

He released iphone4, Hongmeng released M1!

Until now, he was about to release iphone6, and as a result, Hongmeng made a new phone!

How does he feel that, in the dark, this Hongmeng is here to engage their apples!

Also asked him what to do.

How does he know what to do!

Leader Qiao, with such a group of Apple executives, was stunned that there was no stalemate there anymore.

How to do?

So what should we do?

The executives looked at each other in distress.

It was so stalemate for a long time.

In the end, the leader of Qiao couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

And the strength of his whole body seemed to disappear with this sigh, and he leaned back on the chair.


He just looked at the executives and said: “Forget it, the release of iphone6 ​​is temporarily cancelled.”

Although the gang leader Qiao wanted to compete with Hongmeng very much.

But he knew very well that Apple couldn’t afford to lose.

Three times

If Apple were tortured by Hongmeng three times, then Apple’s reputation would really plummet.

He didn’t know if the iPhone 6 could compete with Hongmeng’s new machine this time.

He only knows that he can’t risk this battle


His last choice is

He admitted

Helpless, but he can only do so.

However, all the executives in the conference room were relieved when they heard the leader Qiao say this.

Speaking of which, they are more afraid of competing with Hongmeng than Joe’s gang leader.

After all, they are the ones who will do things to face Hongmeng and the customers.

Advertising marketing, after-sales processing, if it is really against Hongmeng’s new machine, this one thing is enough to make them suffer.


Qiao’s leader chose to retreat.

This is good news for them.

Because, facing Hongmeng, they are really scared…

at the same time.

Stick country, Samsung headquarters.

The Samsung mobile phone part held an ad hoc meeting.

The theme of the conference is for the new machine released by Hongmeng this time!

“Everyone, what do you think about the news released by Hongmeng this time.”

Samsung’s vice president and head of the mobile phone department, Jin Shizhong, was standing on the conference table at the moment, looking at all the department heads below.

If someone looks carefully, they can see it.

In fact, there was a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as he said this, someone immediately responded: “I think the main selling point of the new machine launched by Hongmeng this time is their chip!

Launching mobile phones, focusing on chips, this is what he meant.

In the eyes of this triumphant supervisor, his sentence has already exposed Hongmeng.


They don’t even know where this Hongmeng has come up with such a self-developed chip production line.

But for Samsung, which can also produce chips independently and whose cutting-edge technology has reached 7nm or even 5nm, this technology is nothing at all.

What if the Chinese have broken through the chip blockade.

Their chip, how many years ahead of Chinese people, do you really want to break through the monopoly?

Totally impossible!

“I agree with this concept. The Chinese people finally have such a 14nm chip production line, and they will definitely brag about it.

“And Hongmeng’s mobile phone is their best bragging direction!”

A fat supervisor on the side also nodded in agreement.

Relying on the mobile phone to push the chip out, take the opportunity to promote the chip!

This is the purpose of Hongmeng!

Other supervisors all agreed, and they all felt that what they said made sense.

And this time.

Jin Shizhong nodded with satisfaction after listening to everyone’s speech.

“Um ”

“You are right. For a chip country like China, a 14nm chip is enough to make them celebrate the whole country!”

“According to my current observations on the China network, this is indeed the case.

“What breaks the monopoly of foreign technology, epoch-making technology?”

“Huh, it’s ridiculous!”

A supervisor hurriedly followed up: “Mr. Jin is right. How can the stupid head of the Chinese people compare with the Chinese people.”

“14nm is so excited, Chinese people are really buns!” Another supervisor also shouted.

“The brains of Chinese people don’t even have half of our Bangzi Country. It’s really ridiculous.”

A group of supervisors burst into laughter at the end

But at this time, Jin Shizhong waved his hand to calm everyone down.

Everyone looked at him in unison.

Jin Shizhong smiled and said, “Chinese people are stupid, but this time, they did a good thing.”

Did a good thing?

The heads of various departments obviously didn’t understand what Jin Shizhong meant, and they all showed doubts.

Jin Shizhong knew they would be like this, but was even more proud.

With a mysterious face, he said, “What do you guys tell us about Hongmeng’s new machine?”

What is the main focus of Hongmeng’s new machine?

“It’s the lens!”

Someone immediately responded and shouted.

Having said that, they still didn’t understand what the good thing Jin Shizhong said was.

Now, Jin Shizhong was a little dissatisfied again.

I didn’t hear it.

He could only ask again: “Then what are we good at?”

What are we good at?

Several supervisors look at me, I see you are lost in thought.


Someone shouted: “I got it!”

“Hongmeng mainly pushes the lens, and we Samsung, isn’t it the one who made the lens!”

“How can Hongmeng match us in the lens!”

When he said this, everyone suddenly realized.

Indeed, that’s the truth!

“So, Hongmeng launched this phone, focusing on the lens.”

“Then Samsung’s new phone can also be launched, and the lens is better than Hongmeng’s!”

“They use 14nm chips, we can use 10n3.4m chips!”

The other supervisor jumped up excitedly, and took the conversation.

“That’s right, that’s right, by then our Samsung’s new machine has completely defeated Hongmeng, and Hongmeng is too late to cry!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

After thinking about it, these department heads burst into laughter again.

Hongmeng’s hand operation really did a good thing for them.

President Jin is really right.

And after listening to what the supervisors said.

At this time, Jin Shizhong was finally satisfied.

That’s right.

That’s what he meant.

With the release of Hongmeng’s new machine, a wave of touch porcelain marketing!

Isn’t Hongmeng’s new phone hot, then Samsung will give you a wave of heat, and the phone made is better than you!

Isn’t it clear at a glance how buyers will choose?

This porcelain, they have reached a deal!

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