Chapter 145 Hongmeng? Friends? Snapdragon 820 chip! The front is comparable to the rear! [Please customize!]

“Everyone can see.”

“This Hongmeng M, oh no, is used in a friend’s mobile phone.”

Jin Shizhong talked and covered his mouth, pretending to be mistaken.

But in fact, the smile on his face says it all.

Yes, he said it on purpose.

It is…

A provocation to Hongmeng.

If it is said that the audience below can only be regarded as a kind of guess about the configuration of the mobile phone.

So now.

Saying this from Jin Shizhong’s mouth is a real stone hammer.

And at the moment.

Jin Shizhong did not hide it either.

“This mobile phone from a friend vendor can indeed be regarded as excellent in terms of configuration, and it has defeated quite a few opponents year-on-year.”

“First of all, we can look at the chip of the “440” mobile phone, the candle dragon series chip.

“Indeed, this multi-core and multi-threaded chip design model is considered the top technology in the chip industry.”

“But everybody knows it.

“Our Samsung chip industry, even if you look at the whole world, it is at the forefront.”

“Then, let me introduce to you the chip independently developed by Samsung.”

“Snapdragon 820!”

Immediately afterwards, Jin Shizhong introduced the Snapdragon chip to everyone in detail.

“The Snapdragon chip also uses hyper-threading technology, four cores and eight threads!

“But in terms of chip technology, the same, the Snapdragon chip uses 10nm chip technology.”

“We at Samsung have done research and comparison.”

“For the same candle dragon chip, the performance of the Snapdragon chip is 50% higher than it!”

“Yes, you heard it right, it’s 50%!”

Fifty percent!

Hyper-threading technology!

To be honest, the concept of hyper-threading technology was mentioned by Hongmeng to fans at the last press conference.

But now.

Samsung has even mastered such technology.

And according to Samsung’s meaning, it seems that Samsung has already made achievements in this area, but it is only now available.

So when this one is taken out, the performance is directly ahead by 50%!

For a time, the audience was amazed by countless people.

“Fuck, Samsung’s old-fashioned chip technology is still awesome, and it is 50% ahead.”

“Multi-threading means a breakthrough is a breakthrough. After all, it is an old chip manufacturer!”

“On this point, it feels like Hongmeng will never catch up. You think you are awesome, but in fact, it’s just hidden by others.”

“Samsung’s background is still sufficient, and companies like Hongmeng will have to work hard to catch up with Samsung.

“The performance of the M2 has to be increased by 50%. What kind of phone is this, a monster?”

“It’s more than 50%. I haven’t said anything about memory yet.

“The King of Machines! Absolute King of Machines! The King of Machines is undoubtedly!”

Of course this is not over yet.

“Next, let’s look at other aspects.”

Jin Shizhong quickly attracted the audience’s attention.

Then, accompanied by the signal pen in his hand.

Bars of brand-new data appear on the right side of the M2 configuration.

Screen, memory, body, etc.

In almost every item, Samsung’s configuration will be higher than Hongmingmeng’s M2.

Of course, there is not much difference between some, but even so, it can be seen in the accumulation.

The configuration of the entire Samsung nota7 is definitely a level higher than Hongmeng’s M2!

There are even several levels!

Speaking of this, the audience has basically identified a concept.

Hongmeng was over this time and was completely hanged by Samsung

Although Samsung compares Hongmeng’s previous generation machine.

But think about it and know.

Hongmeng’s next-generation new machine will not be much higher than M2.

Because the configuration of the M2 is already a relatively high configuration that can be achieved in the current technology field.

No matter how high it is, only companies like Samsung can design it.

Hongmeng is a new type of company, and it is already very good to be able to come up with 14nm chip lithography technology.

The world’s top-notch level?

That can’t be achieved by hard work alone.

In this regard, even some Hongmeng fans couldn’t help but shook their heads and sighed.

The light of domestic products is not an opponent of an old company like Samsung

And this time.

Jin Shizhong switched the configuration comparison on the screen.

“finally ”

“Talk to everyone about the camera.

Here comes the point.

Everyone’s eyes widened.

Camera, mobile phone lens, these are the characteristics of Hongmeng’s new machine that Mr. Shen himself said

Just think about it, Samsung will never let it go.

Sure enough, Samsung, which has always had some achievements in the lens, is taking the camera as an example.

“Normally, the chips on general cameras will be below 14nm in terms of craftsmanship.”

“On the one hand, it is to control costs. On the other hand, the current camera pixels do not need such a high chip as support.”


“This time we Samsung used 10nm technology in the camera chip process. Do you want to know why?”

“I still want to say here, don’t want to be crooked, Samsung did not deliberately want to compete with a friend’s 14nm chip to do so.”

After Jin Shizhong’s remarks.

A sentence came to mind involuntarily in the audience below.

There is no silver three hundred taels

That’s right, it seems that Jin Shizhong said that they didn’t deliberately want to compete with friends to change to 10nm.

But in fact, Jin Shizhong’s words are just to remind them.

Friends of the business only have 14n, but they have 10nm!

And the chip of a friend company is more than enough to deal with the pixels of the lens.

And theirs.

Thinking of this, the people in the audience couldn’t help but stare.

Could it be that Samsung’s lens has to break the current pixel limit again?

“First of all, I will introduce you to the front camera.

A set of data appears on the screen.

Front camera, 10 million pixels, double optical lossless zoom, double 3.4 shots, and 4-axis optical image stabilization

The audience was dumbfounded by the series of data.

In the live broadcast room, there were even more question marks on the screen.

“? ??? ”

“? ???? ”

“The front camera is 10 million? You are poisonous!”

“Damn, how come these things look so familiar?”

“I see, these things seem to be imitated Hongmeng mobile phone cameras, but Hongmeng only has these technologies in the rear. Of course, the pixels are still a little lower than the rear.”

“Samsung is crazy when you use the rear device and the current device?”

“You don’t think Samsung’s rear pixels will be lower in the future?”

“Samsung has 10 million for the front, but doesn’t it have 20 million for the rear?”

Not waiting for everyone to marvel.

The rear data also appears on the screen

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