Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1037: Everyone is ready

Ye Han looked solemn: "Mr. Jason, I understand your mood. At present, only the first batch of troops has been airborne, and the crater is so small. I can't squeeze all the troops into the crater. Also, I have to wait. After the mud cloud has landed, send the second wave of troops out."

"Why?" Jason was puzzled.

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "In order to test the alien's reaction."

"Okay, I see, please be as fast as possible."

"I will." Ye Han said.

At the end of the communication, the acting chief of staff Ma Hui asked curiously, "Master, are you really waiting for the mud cloud to fall?"

Ye Han snorted coldly: "Wait until the first battalion catches fire with the enemy."

Ma Hui suddenly realized: "Master, we have such a big momentum here, the enemy must have been prepared long ago, is a battalion too thin?" You don't need to ask, you know, Ye Han wants to explore the enemy's reality before making plans.

Ye Han said in a deep voice: "Wait, I don't know if the mud cloud doesn't fall, and I have to see how the enemy reacts... In this case, you first notify the second battalion to board the boat and let them start at a distance of 300 kilometers. Waiting at a high altitude, no unauthorized action is absolutely not allowed without an order!"

"Which second battalion?" Ma Hui asked uncertainly.

"Is that even a question? Of course it's one regiment and two battalions!" Ye Han glared at Ma Hui angrily.

Xiao Yuan, the deputy head of the regiment, was already at the bottom. If the first regiment and the second battalion were dispatched, they could have unified command. If the second regiment and the second battalion were put down, Bian Ge would have to follow along. There were only three regiments in total, and they were all a waste of resources. What?

The order was issued quickly, and the second battalion of a regiment was separated from the Liangshan by nine Swifts.

At this time, Xiao Yuan and his battalion had found the entrance to the underground. It was a square shaft with a length and width of nearly four meters. The well was so deep that night vision devices could not be used to see the bottom. It was estimated that it should be one of the giant ships. aisle.

Xiao Yuan did not enter the shaft hastily, and after observing carefully for a while, he ordered: "One company, release the unmanned spider!"

"One company understands!" The first company commander agreed and quickly conveyed the order, and the soldiers carrying drones in each squad immediately took out the mechanical spiders from their bags.

Nine mechanical spiders stretched their spider legs and climbed into the shaft under the control of the warriors. Their sharp toes fastened on the bulkhead and advanced to the bottom of the well with extremely flexible movements.

The situation in the shaft is transmitted to the soldiers through the electronic eyes of the mechanical spiders, and then relayed to the commanders at all levels and the battleships in the sky through the soldiers' armor.

The first spider only climbed more than ten meters in the well, and then encountered a lateral passage. The soldier who manipulated the spider immediately reported: "Company commander, there is a fork!"

The company commander immediately asked, "What's in the fork?"

The soldier hurriedly manipulated the spider to crawl into the fork: "There is nothing, do you need to go in and see?"

The company commander couldn't make up his mind, so he hurriedly kicked the ball to Xiao Yuan.

Xiao Yuan didn't dare to make his own decisions, and immediately asked the flagship: "Liangshan, I want to know the details of the operations of the multinational force. Have they checked the giant ship?"

Ye Han immediately asked, "Is there any in the data?"

"I'll go check it right away!" Ma Hui gestured to several combat staff officers. They immediately called up the information provided by the multinational fleet. A few seconds later, the staff officer shouted, "Report, the information shows that it has been checked."

Ye Han got the answer, but there was no fluke in his heart: "Then check it again, Xiao Yuan, send the spiders in to take a good look, and I will add another batch of spiders for you, and I will do the same when encountering a fork in the road."

It's not that he doesn't trust the multinational army, but the soldiers of the multinational army have been trapped underground for a long time, and the noble army has long been outflanked in the future. Even if there is no noble army hiding in the giant ship, it is unknown whether there is any.

It is a matter of life and death for the landing troops. Ye Han would rather spend a little more effort than be blocked by the enemy in the back. If possible, he even wants to turn the wreckage of the giant ship into a bridgehead for attacking the underground!

The wreck of the giant ship is only one-third of the entire ship, but one-third is large enough to be transformed into a temporary fortress.

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately contacted the ground: "Xiao Yuan, the troops are not in a hurry, first find out the situation in the giant ship, and must ensure a smooth retreat, understand?"

"Understood, I'll arrange it right away!" Xiao Yuan said.

At the end of the communication, Ye Han said, "Has the spider arranged it?"

"It's arranged, the Beihai has dropped four airborne capsules." Ma Hui said.

Ye Han shook his head: "Four is not enough, six more... It's almost the next time, order the ships to prepare for cover, the second battalion airborne, and the third battalion boarding and leaving the ship!"


All the units involved in the order acted immediately, and other aspects were inconspicuous little actions. Only the actions of the nine Swifts attracted the most attention. For a time, the eyes of both the enemy and the enemy were all focused on the descending landing craft.

The second battalion copied the successful experience of the first battalion. The soldiers jumped out of the boat when the Swift flew to a height of 100 kilometers and used the flight bag to head east to the crater, but this time the aliens did not send light insects to block it, from beginning to end The ground was so calm that there was no change at It was a good thing for the soldiers to land safely, but Ye Han sensed some hidden danger from it.

It is impossible for aliens to give up blocking. The reason why they no longer send troops to the ground is because the cost is high and the effect is poor. In this case, it is only reasonable for the enemy to give up blocking on the ground and transfer their troops to the ground. The journey is bound to be difficult.

So how should you deal with it?

Ye Han thought for a while, and then connected to the ground communication: "Xiao Yuan, how is the situation?"

"Twelve forks have been found and are being examined in detail."

"Concentrate on checking the top first, and check all the edges and corners for me. After confirming that it is safe, you and your troops will immediately hide in and block all passages. Do you understand what I mean?"


Ye Han switched the channel: "The third group leader!"

"Arrived!" Long Jianguo appeared on the screen with a serious look on his face.

Ye Han lowered his voice: "Immediately organize troops to board the boat, and use the battalion as a unit to airborne in waves and stages. Be careful, don't get together!"

"Yes, don't worry." Long Jianguo agreed and cut off the communication.

Today's Long Jianguo is no longer the high-spirited company commander he used to be. Not only did he add a lot of vicissitudes to his face, but his temperament was much calmer than in those days.

"Second Head!"


"You and your troops are ready for airborne, and board the boat as soon as the landing craft returns."

"Yes... why is it my last?"

"As far as your troops have suffered the most losses, who do not you rank last?" Ye Han stabbed Bian Ge, "You are so nonsense, what should I do?"

"Understood." Bian Ge agreed in frustration.

"Luo Qi!"


"Notify the division's direct troops to prepare for landing!"


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