Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1052: do not forget me


It was the fifth squad that suffered more than half of the casualties. It was not until the troops entered the branch hole and found that there were few remaining enemies in the hole. Only then did they realize that the fight just now had killed the main force of the enemy.

The next battle is divided into groups, sweeping the branch holes one by one, killing the remaining enemies, and rescuing the trapped troops, but there should be more than 50 people in six groups in the six branch holes, but only 20 were rescued in the end. There are many people, none of them are officers, and there are only two squad leaders.

What made Luo Qi even more mad was that all six holes were blocked, and he couldn't find a way back to the shaft.

He really wanted to go through the six holes and see the situation of these holes with his own eyes, but time did not allow him to do so, so he could only report the results to Ye Han in dejection.

Ye Han said without hesitation: "Put me in! There are still so many holes, there is always one who can go out... Don't be dawdling, hurry up!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi did not dare to delay, and quickly organized the troops to continue to the depths of the main cave.

The first hard bone to continue the attack was 508, but after rescuing more than 20 people, the embarrassment of insufficient troops was greatly eased, and the troops rushed to 508 under the leadership of Luo Qi.

The soldiers guarding here moved to the front of 508 under Luo Qi's order, and 60 to 70 meters ahead was 509. There was a turn behind 509, and the situation of 510 could not be seen.

Luo Qi gave an order, and the soldiers who had been prepared immediately threw grenades into the cave, and then two machine guns rushed into the cave under the cover of the explosion, and there was a lot of gunfire in the cave.

The others followed, and a team of more than 30 people rushed in after a while, leaving only a few defensive linemen outside the cave.

At such a juncture, a group of enemies suddenly rushed out from behind the curve. At the same time, another group of enemies rushed out of 509. The two waves of enemies joined forces. The dense aliens, regardless of life and death, launched an attack on the thin line of defense. Deadly Charge.

Cao Lipeng, who was guarding the line of defense, straightened his eyes and shouted subconsciously, "Fire—"

In an instant, the sound of gunfire was loud, and everyone fired violently regardless of the loss, and the dense bullets flew towards the enemy like a rain, sweeping down the frontmost enemy layer by layer.

But the enemy horses from behind came in again, and the enemy was as turbulent as a rolling tide. If it weren't for the limited capacity of the main cave, the enemy troops could only squeeze together and couldn't spread out. The dense mercerized light alone was enough for Cao Libin to drink a pot.

Seeing that the enemy was getting closer, Cao Libin immediately realized that the situation was not good, and shouted while firing: "The enemy is attacking the enemy, Commander Luo, please ask for support..."

The line of defense, including Cao Libin, had only five people and only one machine gun, which could not stop the enemy's attack at all.

"Hold on, come soon!"

"Quick, quick, I can't last long..."

At this time, a figure swooped behind the line of defense. He picked up the rifle as a shuttle. After firing the bullets, he changed the magazine with one hand with an extremely skilled movement. He pulled the bolt to continue firing. The firepower of the machine gun.

The people present are all veterans, and there are quite a few who know this skill, but none of them can play so smoothly in actual combat.

Cao Libin glanced back while he was changing the magazine, his eyes widened in amazement: "Master..."

"Stop talking nonsense, shoot Lao Tzu quickly!" Ye Han's movements were not affected by his words at all.

"Yes!" Cao Libin quickly gathered his heart and continued to fire on the enemy.

Although he joined Ye Han as a new force, the enemy army was large, and the aliens charged against the corpses of their companions and quickly approached the defense line.

Soldiers on the front lines have three options:

1. Continue to hold the line of defense until it is overwhelmed by enemy forces.

Second, retreat into 508, and merge with the main force.

3. Take the initiative to step back and exchange space for time.

The result of the first two choices must be that the troops are blocked by the enemy into 508, and the entire passage must be cleaned up again if they are to fight again; the third choice is relatively better, but it is only a little taller than the dwarf. .

There are so many people in the defense line, one less will affect the firepower density, and the process of retreating will inevitably leave the bunker, and it is very likely to be hit by silk light.

Time did not allow Ye Han to hesitate, he really ordered the troops to retreat, then turned and ran back... The first retreat does not mean safety, but leaves the cover of the bunker, which may become the enemy's key target .

After Ye Han crossed the opening of 408, the horse stopped, turned around and continued to shoot at the enemy: "Next!"

Cao Libin kicked the soldier beside him: "Withdraw!"

The soldier raised his legs and ran without hesitation.

In this way, the soldiers of the defense line retreated one by one, and finally only Cao Libin and the blaster who came to count the guard battalion were left.

At this time, the enemy army was only more than 30 meters away from the defense line. Cao Libin took out a grenade and shouted: "Withdraw!"

The blaster emptied the last grenade in the launcher, grabbed the submachine gun behind him and slammed the trigger; "You first..."

"I'm the class leader..."

The tall and majestic blaster kicked Cao Libin: "I don't care what you look like!"

Cao Libin gritted his teeth, threw out the grenade, and fired back at the did his best to delay the enemy's advance.

However, the firepower on the human side was too weak. As soon as Cao Libin retreated, the enemy had already rushed to the front of the defense line, less than ten meters away from the defense line!

Ye Han shouted sharply: "Come back..."

The enemy was too close, and the Demoman knew that he couldn't withdraw, so he quickly took out the magazine to replace it, but before he could change the magazine, several aliens suddenly rushed over and held him down like a arhat.

The Demoman struggled, but he couldn't stand the crowd, and he tried his best to break free from the enemy's shackles.

In despair, he gave up his struggle, and shouted with all his strength: "Master, don't forget me..." A thought flashed through his mind, and the explosive pack on his back was instantly fired.


The ground shook, and a mass of flames instantly covered the main cave more than ten meters long, completely submerging everything. Even Ye Han and others, who were dozens of meters away, were also blown to the ground by the strong shock wave.

The flames of the vacuum came and went quickly. When Ye Han stood up again, the flames had dissipated, and the enemy forwards were wiped out. There would have been no shock wave, but the explosion of the explosives produced a large amount of gas, which was bound by the walls of the cave, creating a strong shock wave in the tunnel.

It seemed that a string in Ye Han's brain suddenly broke. He wanted to shout, but something seemed to be stuck in his throat. He grabbed the rifle and put his arms around the fire, and spit out a few words from between his teeth: "Hit me!"

There were too many enemies, he didn't aim at all, just shot the bullets at the enemy, and swept down seven or eight enemies who had just recovered a little in one go.

At this time, the enemies from the rear rushed in, and immediately counterattacked after seeing Ye Han and others. Cao Libin's pupils shrank suddenly, and he kicked Ye Han suddenly, and was killed by more than a dozen silk lights.

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