Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1055: Allies from Italy

The troops set off again and plunged into the labyrinth-like chaotic fork in the road, but a mechanical spider has formed an invisible information network, escorting this lone army anytime and anywhere, so the action of the troops was very smooth, and it didn't take long for the troops to move. Exit the maze and enter the cave.

Ye Han immediately ordered the troops to prepare for battle.

There are already enemy troops here, even if there is a mechanical spider warning, it should not be careless.

The troops passed through the cave and entered the passage opposite. Only at this time did Ouyang Ping lead the troops to catch up.

The mechanical spider that happened to follow the enemy also stopped, and Luo Qi immediately reported to Ye Han: "Master, the enemy has arrived!"

"How is the situation?" Ye Han opened the picture sent by the spider, and immediately saw a large number of enemy troops.

At this time, the group of aliens had arrived at the end of the passage and merged with the enemy troops guarding there. The total number of enemy troops was probably no less than a few hundred. They were densely packed in the narrow hole, not knowing what they were waiting for.

Passing over the enemy army crowded into sardines, you can see that there should be a large cave outside the passage, but the spider's viewing angle is limited, and it is impossible to see what is going on outside the passage.

Ye Han said: "How many fork roads are there?"

"Not many, only a few."

Ye Han nodded, looked at Ouyang Ping and then at Luo Qi: "Luo Qi, arrange a class to watch the retreat, and also arrange for someone to watch the fork in the road for me." The reason why the task was handed over to Luo Qi, It was because most of the troops led by Luo Qi were from the Third Regiment. They had fought with aliens for so long in the passage, and their experience in blocking the enemy with small units was much richer than that of the teaching battalion.


"Others move forward quickly and slow down when approaching the enemy. They must be fast, accurate and ruthless, to improve the memory of the aliens of the dog."


Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping discussed a few words and settled on a specific plan for the action. The troops quickly moved into action, and arrived at the scheduled attack location a few minutes later.

The distance from the enemy here is less than 200 meters. You can see the assembled enemy after turning a corner. Even Ye Han is very surprised that he can reach the attack position so smoothly.

Could it be that the aliens are so confident in their own defense that they are not worried about being copied?

The situation seems to be a little wrong, Ye Han feels a little uneasy in his heart, but the arrow has to be sent on the string, and at this point, he can no longer turn back.

He tuned the radio to the multinational force's communication frequency and whispered, "Did anyone hear me? Is anyone on this channel?"

As soon as he finished speaking, suppressed cheers could be heard from the radio station, followed by a series of messes. He could not help but interrupt, "Someone who can speak human language!" He could hear it. This is a certain language of the Latin family, but there is nothing that can be done about which language it is.

The other party obviously realized that Ye Han couldn't understand his own words, and immediately changed to English to say a paragraph, but Ye Han didn't understand one more word except "Thank you very much".

Ye Han immediately said, "Call someone who can speak English here!"

Luo Qi immediately looked at Ouyang Ping.

His subordinates are all from the three regiments, and he is not familiar with the situation of the soldiers at all.

Ouyang Ping immediately called a soldier: "Master, his name is Qi Yue, and his foreign language is good."

Ye Han told the soldier the communication frequency: "Ask what he said just now."

Qi Yue chatted a bit in the communication and then translated: "Commander, the Italian troops are on the opposite side. They said that they are under great pressure. I hope we can rescue them."

Ye Han suddenly realized: "I said why the tricolor flag is so familiar." He is not a fan and has not watched a few games. In retrospect, the reason why the tricolor flag looks familiar is because there are always people watching it. painted on the face.

Luo Qi had an expression of being struck by lightning: "Italian? How is it? Teacher, how many people are they here?"

"It should be a brigade." Ye Han called out the information of the multinational force, "Don't look at people with old eyes, they think so badly... They said they didn't give details?"

"I said, and a map was sent over." Qi Yue said, "They also said that they captured a group of alien bugs. These bugs seem to be some kind of equipment from aliens."

"Equipment?" Ye Han thought of the prisoner's diary.

He opened the map and immediately saw an irregular cave hall with a passage on the top, bottom, left and right. The Italian army established defense lines on the front of each passage and on both sides of him.

The Italian army did not arrange troops in the center of the cave, only a few giant insects with skull symbols and some giant insects without any symbols were placed on the edges of the two cave halls.

Ye Han knew that the edge of the cave hall was in a dead angle for aliens to shoot, and it was much safer than the center of the cave hall, but what the **** were those giant insects with signs?

"Yes, it's the equipment." Qi Yue affirmed, "They also said that the first purpose of the aliens is not to destroy them, but to kill the giant insects."

Ye Han immediately understood the meaning of the picture, and said ironically, "They are quite humorous!"

Luo Qi asked, "Master, what should we do?"

"Hit." Ye Han spit out a word, "It's ten thirty-five minutes and twenty-four seconds, start preparing now, act on time at thirty-six minutes, rush in to pick up the friendly troops, and then withdraw as quickly as possible. Walk."

"Yes!" Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping said in unison, and immediately began to organize troops.

Ye Han said to Qi Yue again: "Contact inside and tell them to pay attention to cooperation, don't think of us as aliens."

"Yes!" Qi Yue agreed, and after talking about it on the radio, he said, "Master, they agreed."

"Follow me first." Ye Han ordered, but couldn't help but complain, "His grandma's, don't do anything wrong."

Half a minute later, the battle started on time. Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping gathered twelve machine guns and more than 30 grenade launchers in front of While the machine guns were firing, all the grenade launchers fired at the same time. Combining the surface firepower, the enemy was stunned as soon as he opened fire.

In addition, there were some soldiers who couldn't get up to fight Taiping, and kept throwing grenades forward.

Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but they didn't want to discourage the soldiers.

Ganymede's gravity is too low, and it can throw hundreds of meters without wearing power armor. As long as you exert enough strength and throw the grenade over your own team, you will definitely be able to throw it to the enemy.

The two of them were right at all. Not only did the grenades hit the enemy, but a few were thrown too far and passed over the heads of a large group of aliens. They flew into the cave and landed, almost ignoring the meaning inside. The army was bombed, provoking a series of indignant protests from the Italian army.

There are a lot of posts that hack me for being careless on the Internet. I have reposted it myself. Later, I saw the whitewashing post. I thought about it carefully. No matter how bad the combat effectiveness of the stupid, it shouldn’t be so funny. The possibility of smearing is very high. Of course, I'm not trying to rectify anyone's name, I'm just chatting with the brothers casually. If you are interested, you can take a look at Du Niang. The black is very powerful and the explanation is very incisive. As for who is right and wrong, does it have anything to do with us? (laugh……)

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