Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1066: water under ice

Only after Ye Han entered the vine forest did he realize that the water was really not right.

He first saw a few dead bugs. They died very strangely. They looked like they had exploded from the inside. The reason seems to be that the water in the stomach is too much and it bursts open.

Ye Han knew very well that this was impossible, but he immediately thought of the water worms mentioned in the captive's diary. He had seen water worms on Io a few times. Although the exploding worms had changed beyond recognition, the stumps of the worms were not visible. On the top, you can see a little shadow of water bugs.

In this way, the situation is very obvious. Water insects are very fragile giant insects. They have a skin with amazing tension, but no solid carapace. When breaking the chrysanthemum gate, these water insects are 80% absorbing the water contained in the giant vines. As a result, the ice cave lost pressure after the gate was broken, and the water in the water bug's stomach boiled because of the loss of pressure, eventually bursting the water bug's belly.

No matter how tough their skins are, they can't withstand the constant vaporization of a full stomach, and they will freeze to death if they don't swell to death.

But what kind of water is wrong with a few dead water worms?

Ye Han put his lips aside and continued to move forward. He didn't feel anything at first, but the further he went into the vine forest, the clearer the root system of the giant vines deeply embedded in the ice, although the roots of the vines were white like the giant vines, but The color of giant vines is closer to milky white, rather than condensed ice white.

And the ice layer deep in the vine forest seems to be more transparent than the edge.

His eyes involuntarily looked down along the vine root, wanting to see how long the vine root was, but the vine root penetrated deep into the ice layer, and after no waiting, the vine root and the ice layer were mixed together and could no longer be distinguished from each other.

Until it was about to meet with Luo Qi, Ye Han was stunned to find that the ice layer was as transparent as a layer of glass. Through the ice layer, the main root of the giant vine could be seen slowly swaying underwater... Swaying?

"It's impossible!" Ye Han exclaimed in surprise.

Ganymede is not the earth. The average surface temperature of this ghost place is more than minus 170. According to the calculations of the heavens, the thickness of Ganymede's ice layer should be between 100 and 150 kilometers, but this ice The depth of the hole is only a dozen kilometers. Even if the biochip calculates incorrectly, it is not more than fifteen kilometers at most. How can there be flowing liquid water?

Moreover, the water under the ice is exceptionally clear. If you look closely, you can still see some unnamed alien creatures in the water.

A thought suddenly popped into Ye Han's mind, are these weird underwater creatures stocked by aliens, or are they native species of Ganymede?

At this time, Commodore came out from behind a giant vine and said a sentence in a very emotional tone, interrupting Ye Han's wild thoughts.

Qi Yue translated in time: "He said... um, please look up, and also said that everything is possible, water is the source of life, and aliens can't live without water."

Ye Han looked up and saw in amazement that the dome of the ice cave was as transparent as the layer of ice beneath his feet, and there were swaying giant vines and swimming alien creatures on top of the dome!

Is there water on it too?

Ye Han almost bit his tongue, this is so incredible, this ice cave is actually sandwiched between two layers of ice lake... No, the liquid water layer in this kind of ice can't be called an ice lake, it can only be called an ice layer of blisters.

If only this ice hole is a sandwich biscuit between the ice bubbles, it doesn't matter, if there are ice holes on top of the ice bubbles, and ice bubbles on top of the ice holes...

He stared blankly for a while before calming down. He exhaled and said, "Tell him that I understand what he means, and then tell him that I think this place is probably an alien water factory."

After listening to Qi Yue's translation, the brigadier-general immediately nodded and spoke.

Qi Yue translated: "He said that he agrees with your opinion very much, and also said that the ambient temperature of Ganymede is so low that it is not easy for aliens to obtain water, and the water plant must be an important strategic facility for aliens. Without the second water plant, we will soon usher in a strong counterattack from the enemy... The brigadier general said that this place is too conspicuous, it is not a good idea to occupy this place, and it is best to leave here as soon as possible."

At this time, Luo Qi also rushed over with a few people: "Master, do you think we have entered an alien industrial zone?"

Ye Han's eyes lit up: "Tell me what you think."

"I think so." Luo

Qi organized the language, "Didn't the Italians find a group of giant insects in the negative eighth hole? Then they found a water plant here, maybe this area is a heavy industrial area for aliens, I think we should Continue to go inside, maybe there are other discoveries."

Ye Han nodded thoughtfully: "Qi Yue, you told him that the road you came here can't go at all, and you have to keep walking if you want to leave here, but the further you go, the deeper you go into the alien's lair, and the one who goes out will go further. The less likely it is, ask him what he thinks."

Qi Yue and the brigadier general exchanged a few words and said: "Master, he said that all roads lead to Rome, and he said that he was also very worried that he might encounter unforeseen dangers when he left here, but going out is better than being trapped here. He also said that if you He is also very much in favor of blasting the ice with confidence."

Ye Han looked at the transparent ice layer above his head and smiled bitterly: "If there is no water it will explode." Because of the refraction of the ice layer, he can't calculate how thick the ice layer above his head is. , but it is certain that the ice layer above and below cannot withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of nuclear bombs. If the nuclear bomb is detonated in the ice cave, the consequences are really unpredictable.

The brigadier general raised his head and said a few words, and Qi Yue translated: "Master, he said it's okay to explode, we can swim up, maybe we can find a way out... He also said that if we continue to move forward, it must be caused by aliens. To be expected, but the aliens would never have imagined that we would risk blasting the ice."

Ye Han frowned and said: "That's what I said, but the consequences of blasting the ice layer are really unpredictable. It is possible to find a way out, but it is more likely to find no way. You tell him that I mean to keep walking, when there is really no way out. Fold it back again to blast the ice."

The brigadier general said a few more words, and Qi Yue translated: "He said that when he wants to come back, it is uncertain whether he can come back."

Ye Han snorted coldly: "Tell him, if he had drilled a hole in Africa, he would definitely not have the guts to say that."

Qi Yue was taken aback: "Direct translation?"

"Let's be honest." Ye Han said.

The Battle of Morrobida is still one of the most cost-effective ground battles for the coalition forces. Both the base group and the Chinese troops suffered heavy losses. Those experiences are still a lingering nightmare in Ye Han's heart to this day.

Ye Han didn't know whether the Italian army was involved in that battle, but it is impossible for an Italian brigadier general not to know about this battle.

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