Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1080: is the point interest

The nuclear explosion under the ice did not show the spectacle of the pillar of fire at all, except for the initial ray of light, neither the initial light radiation nor the high-temperature flame behind it could penetrate the ice.

However, no matter how thick the ice layer is, it cannot stop the power of the nuclear explosion. After the nuclear explosion started, the ice surface above the explosion area suddenly collapsed, and countless pieces of ice flew into the sky.

A little further away, the ice surface cracked in a large area, a large amount of white steam was ejected from the ice crevice, and the left and right ice edges melted significantly.

The cracks have been extending outward, and the cracks have spread for more than 400 kilometers. However, only steam can escape from the ice crevices near the explosion point, and the farther places are simply cracks.

After a while, the ice surface near the explosion center turned into a lake surface. The melted ice water was like a boiling pot of boiling water, bubbling with bubbling, but there were still large pieces of broken ice floating on the water surface. It looked like It's like a huge pot of boiling water is boiling ice cubes, the scene is as weird as it gets.

It is said that the melting water boils and absorbs a lot of heat, and the water surface should start to freeze, but the observation found that the ice lake does not mean to freeze at all, but the ice cubes soaked in the water are slowly melting.

Ye Han thought for a moment, and probably figured out the reason.

The lake water is all ice melted by nuclear explosions. Although the temperature of the lake surface is low, the core of the explosion is located deep underwater, where the water absorbs the most heat. It is impossible to imagine how high the water temperature is. The water molecules are directly decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by high temperature. Not surprising.

Moreover, it is more than 20 kilometers deep, and the water pressure must not be low. Under the high pressure, the boiling temperature of the water will also increase, and it may not be able to stop it by three or five hundred degrees.

That is to say, a large amount of heat is stored in the depths of the current glacial lake, and this heat is gradually spreading with the convection of the water. The melting of the ice cubes on the water surface is only a silhouette of the heat diffusion. no deeper impact.

What is even more surprising is that the water surface actually dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a short while, the water surface dropped by hundreds of meters, and there was no sign of slowing down.

No matter evaporation or boiling, the speed can't be so fast, right?

Ye Han explained the reason in one sentence: "There is a hole under the ice."

Everyone suddenly realized, and many people couldn't help thinking of the experience of filling the mouse hole with boiling water when they were young.

Imagine that the sky-rushing flood rushed into the hole with a high temperature of four or five hundred degrees, not only destroying everything along the way, but all the aliens that fell into the water boiled and boiled like they fell into a pressure cooker... That sour taste Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps all over my body.

But Ye Han was thinking of Morobida, and of those comrades-in-arms who were trapped in the hole and never had a chance to get out.

The aliens who feed the dog days!

Duan Zhiyang immediately gave Ye Han a thumbs up: "Brother, you are my brother, you can think of this way!"

Ye Han shook his head: "I really didn't think about it that way just now. I only remembered when I saw the water going down."

Duan Zhiyang also stretched out his other hand without hesitation: "Then you are even more powerful. You don't have to think about it to have such a strong effect. If you think about it, wouldn't you just kill him?"

"Get out of the way, don't take Lao Tzu for fun!" Ye Han stared angrily.

Duan Zhiyang laughed and waved his hand vigorously: "Next, the alien who kills the dog!" He thought of it together with Ye Han.

Ye Han said coldly, "Does the dog provoke you? Do you dare not insult the dog?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and those who knew this stalk immediately laughed, and those who didn't know turned their heads around to understand the meaning. The laughter was endless, and there was someone who was so happy and sad that he was choked on saliva and kept coughing. .

Duan Zhiyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while: "You are really my brother, thank you for being able to say it with a straight face!"

Ye Han didn't smile at all, and continued with a straight face: "I'm not making trouble with you, I really think you shouldn't insult the dog..."

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, isn't it? Stop laughing, hurry up and do something serious!" Duan Zhiyang shouted.

The fleet immediately turned around and dug a second ice well.

At this time, a continuous shock wave came from the front of Ganymede again, and Duan Zhiyang soon received a communication from the multinational fleet.

It was still Jason who appeared on the screen: "Mr. Captain, we have destroyed Airport No. 1."

"Congratulations." Duan Zhiyang said.

Jason added: "We noticed three shock waves on the back of Ganymede, Mr. Captain, haven't you already blown up the Tiankeng?"

Duan Zhiyang asked coolly: "Is it enough to blow up the Tiankeng?"

"Otherwise?" Jason squeezed his brows together, looking incomprehensible, "We all know that aliens are concentrated near the airport, and bombing the surface doesn't make any sense."

"Aliens are concentrated near the airport, but their tunnels are dug all over Ganymede!"

"Yes, we are well aware of this, but as I said, there is no point in bombing the surface..."

"Who said we bombed the surface?" Duan Zhiyang looked like "you're an idiot" Jason was stunned: "Is there another airport on the back?"

Duan Zhiyang looked at Ye Han, Ye Han nodded: "Let's be honest, now is not the time for conflicts."

The entire process of fleet operations is all video archived, including all data received by the bridge and various orders issued. The method of digging ice wells has been recorded. Even if the multinational fleet replicates the past, it will repeat the Chinese tactics. It can't be taken away, and it must fall on the head of the assault fleet in the future.

Duan Zhiyang also meant the same, so he pointed at the screen and said, "We opened an ice cave." After that, he cut a clip from the recorded video and sent it to the multinational fleet.

Jason opened the video suspiciously, his eyes widened in shock as soon as he watched the beginning, and then William's old face squeezed into the screen.

The two looked at each other, William turned back to look at the screen and said a few words, Jason said solemnly: "Mr. Captain, we will also use this tactic."

Duan Zhiyang nodded: "We are going to leave three nuclear bombs to deal with Callisto, and smash the rest."

Jason nodded knowingly: "Leave Europa to us, and Io."

"Pleasant cooperation." Duan Zhiyang said.

"It's a pleasure working together," Jason said.

At the end of the communication, Duan Zhiyang smiled slightly: "This person is quite good."

"You don't want the credit given to you?" Ye Han inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief, "That's it."

"What?" Duan Zhiyang was puzzled.

"Of course it's Ganymede." Ye Han said, "The thirty-two super nuclear bombs have to hit more than twenty, right? After so many years, I can finally get some interest back."

Duan Zhiyang's eyes showed a ray of cold light: "You're right, it's the interest that should have come back."

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