Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1093: I order you to eject

() The 011-level lined up in neat formations, firing while advancing, and the lasers flew across the void in an instant, destroying the incoming insect bombs one by one.

Human missiles are easily recognizable, and after a while, alien missiles are easily recognizable.

The ones that go straight and fast are the bumping bugs; the ones that are slow but have a strange route are the acid bugs; the ones that fly and sway at the same time are the light bugs.

After figuring out the differences between several kinds of bug bombs, and then looking at the main screen, the situation between the enemy and the enemy seems to be a lot clearer at once.

Although he got the images of the battlefield, Qi Haifeng didn't give up the soundtrack, his fingertips still danced and jumped on the screen, making different sounds echo in the bridge one by one.

Ye Han suddenly pointed to a corner of the battlefield: "Lao Qi, can you find out the sounds of these planes?"

The place he was referring to was located in a corner of the battlefield. It looked very remote, and for some reason, the planes were sometimes clear and sometimes blurred, like candles flickering in the wind.

"I'll give it a try." Qi Haifeng said ambiguous.

"What happened to these planes?" Bian Ge asked curiously.

Ye Han said softly: "They are the fastest and closest to the enemy ship."

Bian Ge suddenly suddenly said, "Huh? Why don't alien planes fly far?" There are many more alien fighter planes than human fighter planes on the screen, but behind each group of alien fighter planes is an alien fighter jet that follows the same pace. star warship,

Looking at the human side, regardless of whether it is Beiyuezhou or the International Fleet, all the spaceships are far behind, with a posture of letting the aircraft group do whatever they want, and there is no point in going up.

Qi Haifeng said while picking up the soundtrack: "The alien machine just can't fly far as it is tied to a rope. If it weren't for this problem, it is not certain that the interceptor fleet can kill so many enemy ships."

Bian Ge's eyes lit up: "Is this a good thing?"

"Not necessarily, from which angle..." Qi Haifeng's finger suddenly a little, and an urgent voice suddenly penetrated the bridge: "The interception is successful, the interception is successful..."

"Go up, go up!"

Qi Haifeng clicked his fingers, and the corner quickly enlarged. A total of seven planes were entangled with several enemy planes, and there was an enemy ship not far ahead.

"Is this a sneak attack?" Bian Ge guessed in astonishment.

"It should be." Ye Han said, "It's just that the enemy plane was entangled."

"No one is not entangled." Qi Haifeng said, "No covering or blocking, and the aliens are not blind."

"Can they do it?" Long Jianguo asked worriedly.

"It's hard to say." Qi Haifeng shook his head and suddenly pointed to the nearby battlefield, "Look at—"

He was referring to the main battlefield not far away, where a dazzling light had just exploded, a human fighter plane was torn apart, the fragments of the fighter plane had just exploded, and several enemy planes suddenly broke through the flames that had not yet dissipated. To seven fighters.

"Dangerous..." Bian Ge called out subconsciously, but his shout was immediately covered up by the voice in the communication: "All attention, intercept the missiles, let me put as many as you want, the third squadron and the fifth squadron come with me, 525, look yours!"

The seven planes immediately split up, and six of them launched their missiles like crazy. The short-range combat missiles were launched one after another. The intertwined trails were irregular, but each missile stared at its own target.

There are dozens of short and flexible interceptor missiles in a dozen, and six fighter jets are thrown out in waves. In the blink of an eye, a dense and continuous wall of light bursts between the enemy and us.

The wall of light represents a successful interception. This wall of light composed of continuous explosions rises and falls on the battlefield, pushing the already fierce battle to a fever pitch.

But there were no cheers or reports, the communication was quiet and fearful, and only the smart silhouettes of fighter planes on the screen proved that they were still fighting.

"I'm leaving!" Fighter No. 525, who was left alone, suddenly accelerated away and rushed straight towards the enemy ship. Fighter No. 525 was different. It was very bloated. Big fat man.

The hearts of everyone suddenly raised their throats.

The bridge is full of veterans. Even if Bian Ge is a pure army background, he knows how dangerous alien warships are. There is only one fighter jet riding alone... The possibility of success is really too small.

As soon as 525 flew away, a large number of insect bombs flew out one after another in the main battlefield, followed by more than 20 alien fighters.

"Intercept—" There was another roar, and the interceptor missile continued to launch, but after only two waves, another calm voice said: "Captain, the missiles are out."

"Then use the cannon, if the cannon is gone, hit me-"

"And me!" The rapidly advancing 525 fired while accelerating, hitting seven waves of interceptor missiles in a row, clearing all the inventory on the fighter.

A wall of light formed again between the enemy and ourselves.

Six fighter planes passed through the extinguished wall of light successively: "512, 519, the enemy on the left is handed over to you; 522, 528 are at two o'clock; 531 come with me-"

The six fighter planes were immediately divided into three double-plane formations, and greeted the incoming enemy troops.

A voice suddenly exclaimed: "Captain, something is wrong, why is the joystick so heavy?"

Another voice was full of panic: "531, your plane is corroding, your plane is corroding—"

"Am I in an acid fog?" 531 suddenly woke up.

The captain's voice immediately appeared: "531, leave the battlefield immediately, fly away and then eject."

"What do you do when I leave?"

"Stop talking nonsense, follow the order, your plane is dead, it's useless to stay, leave early and return early, hurry up!"

"Yes!" 531 finally agreed, but quickly said, "531 reported that the fighter is out of control, I can only fly straight now!"

"Then eject, eject immediately, we will cover you, and you will enter the enemy group when you fly forward!"

"Yes!" 531 Suddenly, missiles shot out one after another from the belly of the aircraft. It seemed that they wanted to shoot out all the remaining missiles before they were ejected.

The captain's voice was annoyed: "531, I ordered you to eject, eject now..."

The cockpit of 531 exploded silently, and an invisible figure popped out of the cockpit, and then a light appeared on the man's back, turned a corner in the air and flew out of the battlefield: "Captain, you wait. Follow me, I'll be right back..."

An alien fighter seemed to notice the ejected 531, and the nose turned towards the 531, and two bug bombs flew out.

"My day, your grandmother—" The captain's voice exploded suddenly, and the fighter plane behind 531 suddenly rose, using its huge fuselage to block the small figure of 531, and came face-to-face with the enemy plane, without hesitation Shoot all the remaining missiles out.

The 510 had already fired up its interceptor missiles, and all the missiles were aimed at the enemy plane. The moment the enemy plane exploded, the 510 was also hit by an impactor, and the cavitation turned into a splendid flame.

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