Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1128: 1 point gap

Ye Han's last glance before he lost consciousness was fixed on Professor Qin's face. He was like sinking into the deepest abyss, and everything was stagnant.

I don't know how long it took, he seemed to hear his own heartbeat, and the voice became clearer and clearer. After a while, he remembered everything, and then he felt the biochip, and then his consciousness returned to his brain like a flood, surging. The heartbeat gradually weakened.

Opening his eyes, he was still soaking in the cultivation tank. Professor Qin was standing outside, looking at him with a smile: "How do you feel?"

Ye Han felt his whole body and didn't feel any difference, so he shook his head gently.

Professor Qin looked like he had a plan in his chest, tilted his head and said, "Let him out."

The assistant didn't know what he was pressing, and the culture tank that was originally placed stood up slowly. Then Ye Han heard the faint sound of pumping water, and the base liquid filling the culture tank slowly dropped. When his nose and mouth came into contact with the air again, I was not used to choking on water, and coughed violently under the stimulation of the base fluid, until the base fluid in my lungs was coughed up, and it slowly calmed down.

Taking a breath of fresh air, Ye Han actually felt a little bit nostalgic about breathing the base fluid.

After all the base fluid was drawn off, a warm wind blew from head to toe, and the hatch was slowly opened until the whole body was dried.

With gentle movements, Ye Han carefully stepped down from the cultivation tank.

Professor Qin handed over a jumpsuit, dumbfounded, "are you so careful?"

Ye Han already noticed that his body was fine, took the clothes and explained, "I'm used to it, it feels like hibernation."

"It's totally two different things." Professor Qin said, "It's alright, you can move as you want, it's guaranteed to be fine."

Ye Han glanced at Professor Qin, but moved his arms carefully a few times. After it was all right, he put on the jumpsuit with confidence and boldness: "How long have I slept?"

"It's two days and a month." Professor Qin said.

Ye Han put on his clothes and looked back: "I'm the last one?" All the hatches of the ten cultivation tanks were opened, but no companions were seen.

Professor Qin said, "They were a little earlier than you."

"How are they?"

Professor Qin twitched the corners of his mouth: "Not bad."

Ye Han felt something was wrong: "Grandpa, are you hiding something from me?"

"No, I was just about to tell you." Professor Qin sighed, "The fusion is not over yet. You shouldn't have been woken up, but there are tasks on it, so let you out ahead of time."

Ye Han was stunned: "Is there a problem?" He couldn't feel anything abnormal, but is gene fusion something that he doesn't feel?

"Theoretically, there is no problem." Professor Qin said, "The fusion process is not as mysterious as you think. As long as the drug is in place, it does not need to enter the culture tank."

Ye Han scratched his head incomprehensibly: "Then why let us in?"

"One is to facilitate monitoring, and the other is to facilitate the collection of experimental data." Professor Qin said frankly.

Ye Han understood a little: "That is to say, I have left the cultivation tank now, and the fusion process is still going on?"

Professor Qin nodded: "the speed will be slower."

"That's fine, I wouldn't go in if I knew earlier." Ye Han was full of resentment after taking the bath water for a month.

"Let's go and test with me." Professor Qin said.

"Test what?"

"All, fully tested."

Professor Qin took Ye Han to the next door, which was a room full of various testing equipment. Everyone else was tested here, and there were two or three experimenters beside each of them to record data.

This is not the first time for Ye Han to come here. Before everyone entered the culture tank, a comprehensive test was conducted here. The laboratory recorded every person's physical data in detail.

Seeing Ye Han, everyone said hello.

Ye Han responded with a smile, always following behind Professor Qin.

Professor Qin invited an experimenter: "How is the situation?"

"Very good." The experimenter said, "Strength increased by an average of 0.54 times, endurance increased by an average of 0.78 times, speed increased by an average of 0.35 times, resistance to attack increased by 1.2 times, cellular oxygen consumption decreased by 27%, and recovery ability averaged It is increased by 1.34 times, and the visceral capacity cannot be tested."

Professor Qin nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad." The fusion is not over yet, and reaching this level has exceeded his expectations.

Ye Han was not very satisfied: "Why is this so?"

Professor Qin couldn't help laughing: "Do you think cell fusion can create superman?"

"It's almost as good as it is, isn't it?"

"That's good, let you practice by yourself, how long do you have to practice?" Professor Qin gave Ye Han a dissatisfied look, "I tell you, the most important function of cell fusion is not to increase physical fitness, but to reduce or even eliminate it. The negative effects of weightlessness, do you understand?"

Ye Han's eyes brightened: "Really or not?" Space sickness is the biggest problem... No wonder the old man has the confidence to convince Bai Xiaoting

Isn't it just afraid that the child's development will be affected when he arrives on the moon? With this technology, what are you afraid of?

"What do you think?" Professor Qin asked back, "Also, this technology can also solve the problem of hibernation. In the future, you will be able to hibernate independently, and you will no longer need to inject hibernin."

Ye Han feels that he is immune. No matter what Professor Qin says, he can accept it completely. Even if everyone can get pregnant and have children from today, he has no doubts... Although it is scary to think about it, as a human being The current biochemical technology should be able to do it, right? Can you? ah?

Having said everything that should be said, Professor Qin pointed at a treadmill and tilted his head towards Ye Han: "It's your turn!"

Ye Han also wanted to know how much he had changed, and immediately stood up obediently and turned on the treadmill. He suddenly felt his whole body sink, as if he had returned to the earth.

This is not because humans have mastered the mysterious artificial gravity, but the magnetic field under the treadmill acts to increase the load on the one-piece suit, simulating the gravity environment of the earth.

Ye Han moved his body and signaled to the experimenter that he was ready.

The experimenter gave a signal to start, and the treadmill started running immediately. Ye Han walked like a fly, sprinting on the treadmill at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

The experimenter reported the data aloud: "The speed increase by 0.44 is better than average!"

"1.1 times more stamina, my God!"

"Oxygen consumption decreased by 24 percent, which is below average."

"Almost there, next item!"

"Strength increased by 0.82 times, better than average!"

"An increase of 1.64 times the ability to resist, which is better than average!"

"1.6x increase in recovery capacity, better than average!"

Luo Qi couldn't help but said, "Boss, did the professor cook a small stove for you?"

The professor smiled and said, "I tell you, the better your physical fitness, the stronger the fusion effect. If you want to blame, you can blame yourself."

Thinking back to everyone, this is really the case. In the previous test, Ye Han's physical fitness was a little higher than that of the others, but just like that, the final result was a whole lot worse! reading net

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