However, because of the children’s version of the network released by the DWS platform, it has led to several shooting cases in the United States.

So countless people from ugly countries took to the streets, especially on the east and west coasts.

New York, San Francisco, etc.

Countless people took to the streets with slogans such as”Kill the DWS platform and die to DWS”.

In fact, the DWS platform is not the only one that sells these weapons.

Children’s firearms can also be purchased in many gun stores in the country.

The reason why the people of the Ugly Country hate the DWS platform so much is because the DWS platform has caused chaos in the Ugly Country and the bombing of the embassy last time.

This directly made the people of the ugly country extremely angry. It was hard for them to imagine that the embassy of the ugly country would be bombed one day.

After all, what they had heard more often before was that the Ugly State bombed and killed wherever it went.

As a result, these ugly Chinese people began to sell their cheap sympathy.

He expressed condolences to the victims and condemned the government.

But what use is this mourning to those who died.

In turn, when the DWS platform bombed the ugly country’s embassy.

These ugly Chinese people gave up, thinking that the DWS was too cruel, and why did they want to bomb their innocent ugly Chinese embassy for”797″.

More than 30 of them died.

Those people are innocent.

For this reason, these people also brought flowers and candles to these innocent people.

Many people would hold photos of these innocent people and stay outside the Dragon Kingdom embassy, protesting loudly.

In their view, all this was done by the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Regardless of whether the DWS platform is supported by the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom government should be responsible.

Many people shouted,”Hand over the murderer” and”We want an explanation!”

Facing these protesters, the Ambassador of Long Guo could only say that these had nothing to do with Long Guo.

As for an explanation, it is even less likely.

Because Long Guo didn’t do anything, how could it explain it?

As a result, these ugly Chinese people began to tear off their hypocritical masks.

After getting no explanation from Long Guo and being unable to punish the murderer.

Including the thirty family members of the embassy, they slandered the people of Longguo in major media.

They described everything on the DWS platform as the sinister intentions of Longguo.

The Dragon Kingdom is using the DWS platform to destroy Western civilization and universal values.

These family members burst into tears, no matter for political purposes or for propaganda, they all pointed the finger at Longguo.

Therefore, under the propaganda of these people, many Asians have been unlucky.

Because these ugly people can’t tell the difference, people from the dragon country are still a stick in their childhood.

Therefore, during this period, Asians throughout the country were beaten or shot from time to time.

For a time, Asians in ugly countries could be said to be on tenterhooks.

Coupled with the fact that Chou Country is in such chaos, many people are planning to return home.

Of course, some people still say how good Chou Country is and how free its people are.

I would rather stay in Chou Country and enjoy guns every day than go back to China.

But generally speaking, it started a few months ago.

Many more people from the Ugly Kingdom came to the Dragon Kingdom than in previous years.

The number of people traveling abroad from the Dragon Kingdom, including tourism, has dropped by almost half.

In fact, because of the existence of the DWS platform, there is actually no security abroad.

Guns are widely available in many countries. Even countries that ban guns cannot completely prohibit them from purchasing firearms from the DWS platform.

Take Little Days as an example. Although this country has banned guns, there have been more shootings in the past few months than in the past ten years combined.

Gangsters used to use knives and sticks, but now that guns are so easy to use, rival gangs are afraid of each other using guns.

Then in the end everyone just prepares firearms.

So, you will find that once the underworld starts a war, it is all about the fancy use of various firearms to grab territory.

In childhood, some people who were world-weary and depressed would use guns to retaliate against society, and then commit suicide by swallowing them.

Many tourists from the Dragon Kingdom often hear gunshots when they go to Xiaoli.

In this case, no matter how the pro-Japanese elements in the country promote it, saying that they are high-quality, polite, and have a good environment, etc., the public security alone is enough to make the people of Longguo refuse to go.

Of course, the people of Longguo are very critical of the DWS platform in this regard.

The whole world is no longer safe.

I used to often go to Paris to check in, take selfies, and talk about the beautiful fairy doors in Paris, but now I don’t dare to go there.

Because those black people in Gaul really dare to do anything.

RPG rocket launchers often appear on the streets of Paris. I wonder if I thought they were filming a movie, but in fact they are not at all.

Many little fairies blame the DWS platform for this, thinking that it is this platform that makes them afraid to go anywhere now.

Afraid of being accidentally hit by a stray bullet on the street.

But on the contrary, a large number of companies, funds, and technical talents from around the world are pouring into Dragon Country because it is the safest place in the world.

The DWS platform will not sell a single bullet in the country.

It is simply too difficult for the people of the Dragon Kingdom to get a real gun.

Coupled with the fact that domestic people cannot make money at home and spend it abroad, the domestic sales economy can be said to have taken off this year.

It is precisely because of this that Longguo’s economy has exploded this year.

According to estimates from the Longguo Bureau of Statistics this year, Longguo’s economy is expected to achieve an annual growth rate of 19% in 2016. You must know that in 2015, Longguo’s economic growth was only 6.9%.

The GDP is 67,670.8 billion yuan. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The annual growth rate should be at this level in 2016. However, due to the harsh foreign environment,

Long Country has become a safe haven for foreign funds. The influx of large amounts of funds has made the first Quarterly, the growth rate was as high as 22%.

As long as the situation abroad remains so chaotic in the next three quarters.

Dragon Kingdom’s economic growth will not drop at all.

In addition to Lao Sha,

Kings from countries including Qatar and Kuwait have spent large sums of money in the Dragon Kingdom during their recent visits to China.

They even targeted some potential companies in Dragon Country for investment.

In the past, most of these funds were given to the ugly country.

It can be said that the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Kingdom would laugh out of his sleep.

In fact, now, the economy of Dragon Kingdom is doing great.

He never thought that after the DWS platform killed the John Bull Navy and bombed the Ugly Country’s embassy in World War I, instead of being isolated, the entire Dragon Country became a refuge for capital from all over the world, and countless hot money poured in. enter[]

Of course, with so much hot money pouring in, the state has not relaxed control.

In terms of the stock market and finance, the Longguo Securities Regulatory Department dares not slack off for a moment.

After all, the scale is trillions of dollars. If it is not monitored, it is enough to destroy a country’s financial market.

Of course, there are some normal investments for foreign capital.

The Dragon Kingdom will never interfere.

It can be said that under this situation, it is impossible for the Dragon Kingdom’s economy not to take off.

In fact, this was something Ji Yi did not expect.

It belongs to unintentional planting of willows and willows.

However, during this period, a country in South America was secretly expanding its armaments.

With the arrival of large quantities of arms from the DWS platform.

This South American country-Agentin began to hatch a plan.

That’s when they prepare to challenge John Bull again.

Retake the occupied Malvinas Islands.

In fact, after DWS killed John Bull’s navy,

Aguiting had already begun to brew a new Falklands War.

That’s right! The last Falklands War ended in a disastrous defeat for Aheiting. John

Bull regained control of the Falklands, but Aheiting still did not give up its claim to sovereignty over the Falklands. It was then and still is.

When I saw the DWS platform sweeping away, it killed all the John Bull Navy.

Including the proud aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

The current President Aguitin burst out laughing in his office at that time.

He laughed at John Bull for overestimating his capabilities and saying that he would send an aircraft carrier to the Red Sea.

The aircraft carrier was bombed and sank in the base before it even set sail.

Then his next reaction was that he felt that the opportunity had come.

Yes! Would the sun never set on a John Bull without a navy?

Even the Iron Lady who won the Falklands 3.1 War passed away in 2013.

Isn’t this telling the government that a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is just around the corner? The current John Bull can be said to be the weakest it has been in hundreds of years. Even during World War II, it was not so weak.

At least John Bull’s massive navy still existed at that time.

But now, he doesn’t even have a navy anymore, only some old ships that can be used as grandma’s.

Under such circumstances, do you think Ah He is not moved to support the government?

To this end, the Argentinian government quickly purchased US$800 million in weapons from the DWS platform.

In early June, the John Bull Navy was reduced to ashes.

The entire John Bull was in turmoil. People across the country were busy commemorating those naval officers, and protests broke out everywhere.

The Argentinian government issued a stern statement to the world.

The statement pointed out that the Afghan government reaffirmed the sovereignty of the Falklands.

Naturally, this reputation caused an uproar around the world.

At this time, if the Aguiting government does this, isn’t it just adding insult to injury?

(PS:I beg for flowers, rewards, and evaluation votes for my new book. Your support is the author’s motivation! ).

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