At this time, no matter how many emperors or the old man in the house, they had no leisure time to be polite to Fengzhi and Longyan.

Mo Zhen pointed to the old man standing at this time: "this is tianshuzi, the patriarch of Tianji sect, and that is the supreme elder of Tianji sect. This is the elder Taishang who wants to see you..."

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

Then they bowed slightly to the elder.

They are younger generation. Anyway, it is necessary to give a courtesy.

After the ceremony, the elder, who had been tightly closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

What kind of eyes are these?

Feng to a time between some can not describe.

It seems to be all inclusive, and it seems that there is nothing, giving people a very contradictory feeling.

Because the supreme elder can be said to have run out of oil and the lamp is dry, his eyes do not have any divine light, but at the moment of seeing Fengzhi and Longyan, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"You..." After only saying these two words, his voice suddenly stopped. It seemed that these two words had exhausted his energy. After a long time, the elder Taishang said again, "very good..."

With these two words, the elder closed his eyes as if he were accumulating spirit.

Seeing this scene, some worries appeared on the surface of tianshuzi.

For Tianji sect, each of the supreme elders undoubtedly has the same effect as the sea god needle. Naturally, the present one is also the same. If he is lost, there will be some turbulence in Tianji sect. Until the next supreme elder appears, the turbulence can be calmed down.

But now the fairyland

It is still a big question mark whether the transition time can be given to the next supreme elder.

In the worry of tianshuzi, the supreme elder finally opened his eyes again.

He looked at Fengzhi and Longyan. They were all fine, but he didn't know why. His whole body suddenly began to shake violently. He looked like a withered leaf shaking in the wind. He felt that he could be blown away from the branch at any time.

After a long time, the Taishang elder trembled and stretched out his hand to Fengzhi and Longyan.

The hand looked extremely thin, and it seemed that there was nothing but a layer of skin on the bone. After he spread out the palm, Fengzhi and Longyan saw that there was a small light ball in the palm.

Then, the little light group seemed to be pulled by something and flew towards Feng Zhi.

This is a teleportation.

Think of it, the supreme elder had left it when his body was not so bad. Otherwise, he could not have left the divine sense to transmit the sound according to his moving state.


What on earth is it that can let this supreme elder leave his divine sense message?

Feng to think, while reaching out to grasp the small light group.

Almost at the same time, a piece of information appeared in Feng Zhi's mind.

With the absorption of these messages, Feng Zhi's face became more and more ugly.

"Fengzhi, what's the matter with you?" Long Yan held Feng Zhi's hand tightly.

Hearing Long Yan's voice, Feng Zhi, who is in a state of shock and anger, tightly holds his hand, and his mood calms down a little.

The divinity message left by the supreme elder is about three little guys.

At the beginning, the three little guys were cheated, absorbed the vitality of the added material, and then fell into silence. After Hu Yan replaced those vitality, this situation was improved, but it still did not reach the initial state.

After the trip to the Chatian gorge, the three little guys suddenly regained their vitality and helped Fengzhi clean up the foreign evil spirit.

Since then, the three little guys have been getting better.

Before Fengzhi and Longyan went to tianjizong, the three little guys also gave Fengzhi and Longyan Zhun Xin'er, saying that as long as Fengzhi's strength is enhanced to the peak of Tianjun, and some treasures that can enhance the strength of immortal bodies are supplemented during this period, they will be able to come to the world safely in the future, and Fengzhi will not be damaged by their birth.

For Fengzhi and Longyan, this is no doubt overjoyed.

Fengzhi and Longyan have even collected a large number of treasures that can enhance the strength of immortal bodies, and Fengzhi has begun to use these treasures to enhance their immortal body strength.

They are so looking forward to the day when the three little guys are born, waiting to welcome them.

But now

The supreme elder told them that it was not so easy.

In the divinity message left by the supreme elder, the three little guys are the children of Fengzhi and Longyan, the two chosen by the celestial world. It can be said that they were born with Qi.Because of this, they are coveted.

For those foreign demons, the body of the three little guys is simply the most perfect. They are the most delicious three pieces of fat in their eyes.

It's not these things that make Feng angry.

For Fengzhi, the three little guys are her and Longyan's children. So, before they grow up, she and Longyan will naturally protect their children.

However, the reason why the three little guys suddenly became active after they went to the cleft sky gorge was that they were influenced by the evil Qi from foreign demons in the rift valley.

Absorbing these evil spirits, the three little guys are destined to become the last carrier of foreign evil spirits once they are born.


As long as there are foreign demons around the three little guys, because of the evil spirit of the three little guys, they have no resistance, only the possibility of being taken away by foreign demons.

In this way, how can we not let Feng Zhi be surprised and angry?

She and Long Yan are both looking forward to the arrival of the three little guys. But now, they are told that once their three children are born, they will certainly become fat meat in the mouth of foreign demons, and they will not have any resistance. How can she not be angry?

Feng to this time can be said to be angry flame taotian.

Before that, Feng Zhi did not have such anger when he knew that the evil spirits from abroad intended to invade the fairyland.

For Fengzhi, foreign demons want to invade the fairyland. To some extent, whether the fairyland can survive the disaster is another kind of survival of the fittest.

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