The celebration was held in a palace built by Wutong wood, and the main character of the celebration was only five, that is, the new members of the two clan of dragon and Phoenix over the years.

In fact, five eggs have not yet been hatched.

This celebration is held for the hatching of these five eggs.

Of the five eggs, three are dragon eggs and two are chicken eggs, which means that after hatching, there will be three more little dragons and two chicks.

Seeing the five eggs with the size of a washbasin in the middle, Feng Zhi held his face and said, "Long Yan, you say Are our three little guys people, dragons or phoenixes? "

According to the law, the three little guys were born in the womb. It should not be the dragon or the Phoenix. The egg laying is the correct way of birth for the dragon and the Phoenix. However, the situation of Fengzhi and Longyan is different. Longyan is a real dragon family, and there is a certain probability that his and Fengzhi's children will be dragon people.

As for the Phoenix people

Fengzhi does not have a considerable part of the Fengzu blood, who can say exactly?

After listening to Feng Zhi's question, Long Yan got stuck for a while.

He didn't see three babies born, and he couldn't answer this question.


Think about the future there will be three cute little guys around their feet, Long Yan's look has become soft.

After a long time, he said in a soft voice: "whether it's dragon or Phoenix or people, as long as it's our children."

Feng to think about it, is this reason, then no longer tangled with this issue.

As a matter of fact, Fengzhi has asked three little guys about this question for a long time, but they don't know this question by themselves. Of course, there is no way to tell Fengzhi the answer. So up to now, this question is still an unsolved mystery.

Probably, only after the birth of the three little guys, Fengzhi and Longyan could possibly know the answer.

At the moment when Fengzhi and Longyan are talking, Longfeng and Longyan have finished the final preparations for the celebration.

In fact, it is only one of the reasons why the dragon and Phoenix have held this celebration to celebrate the birth of new members of the two nationalities for tens of thousands of years. The most important thing is to pray for the five members who are about to be born.

It is similar to the sacrificial dance completed by Fengzhi and Longyan.

However, the dance of sacrifice performed by Fengzhi and Longyan is extremely difficult, and the difficulty of praying is much lower. Of course, the effect is much worse.

Of course, for a newly born dragon or Phoenix, such a blessing effect is completely enough.

At this time, after the preparatory work has been completed, Feng Ju stood in the middle and raised his voice: "start!"

After the speech, we can see that there are 20 people coming out of the dragon and Phoenix families. These 20 people are solemn and solemn. They first nod to everyone, and then they dance the blessing dance with a very solemn attitude.


Feng to gently "Yi" a sound.

Since the beginning of the blessing dance, Fengzhi and Longyan can clearly see that there is a stream of Qi constantly converging towards the five eggs in the middle from these people.

This does not surprise Feng Zhi.

When she and Long Yan finished the sacrificial dance, they had seen more exaggerated scenes. Now it is nothing.


To Feng's surprise, with the blessing dance going on, a considerable part of the "Qi", which symbolizes the most sincere blessing of the dragon and Phoenix families to their offspring, actually converged to her.

In fact, the "Qi" gathered in those five eggs is not as much as that of Phoenix.

And those "Qi" gathered around Fengzhi and didn't stop, but recognized the belly of Fengzhi, so they went into Fengzhi's abdomen.


Therefore, the "Qi" created by Longfeng and Longfeng's praying for new members is to include her three little guys?

Looking at the surprised look on his face, Feng Zhi is actually a little embarrassed.

She really only came to watch the ceremony at the invitation of the dragon and Phoenix. How could she have thought that such a thing would happen? Now it's good. The three little guys even want to rob the five eggs of others.

How naughty!

Feng Zhi couldn't help but say to the three little guys in the abdomen.

Three kids are wronged!

Although they are greedy, as long as it is useful to them, they will eat it first. But this time, it's not their fault. It's the "Qi" who gathered together with them, OK?

Mother, you believe us, we don't, it's not soy sauce!

Three little guys said in their hearts.

At this time, Feng took a look at Feng Ju apologetically and said, "elder Fengju, I'm really sorry..."Words have not finished, was interrupted by Feng Ju.

Feng Ju's two eyes seemed to be shining, so straight to the belly of Fengzhi, looked for a long time, he looked up again at Fengzhi: "Fengzhi, are you pregnant, and still three?"

Feng Zhi heard her mouth pumping.

What do you mean or three? Just like what animal she is.

However, in the Phoenix torch that seems to be at any time there will be a divine light will shoot out of the eyes, Phoenix to still nodded.

"No wonder, no wonder..." Feng Ju murmured.

Both of them look at each other with one eye.

Feng Ju is fighting with them what riddle, what "no wonder", "no wonder"?

After a long time, Feng Ju recovered from that state.

The dance of praying for blessings continues, and the "Qi" generated by praying is also constantly produced from 40 people of the two ethnic groups of dragon and Phoenix, and then absorbed by five eggs and three little guys.

Fengju looked at Fengzhi and Longyan's puzzled faces, then looked at Fengzhi's abdomen, and then said with a smile: "you have never thought that in the fairyland, if the immortal wants to have an offspring, it can be said that it depends on whether God gives face or not. Even if an immortal is pregnant, there has never been a precedent for a female immortal to have twins, let alone a third child like Fengzhi ”

Fengzhi and Longyan really thought about this problem.

After all, there were three little guys in Feng's abdomen, which was unprecedented in the whole fairyland. It was hard for them not to think much.

However, they didn't come up with anything, so they came here. In addition, the three little guys were so cute. Over time, Fengzhi and Longyan simply stopped thinking about it.

As long Yan said, as long as it's their children, that's enough.

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