He Liuyun, Fengju elder and others, together with the little protective power of the restoration of the holy land, can't do anything to the powerful enemy, but that person can't carry out the big plan of killing the thousand magic cloud and crane.

It is precisely because of knowing that things can not be done, the man simply withdrew.

Since the war, the people of the thousand magic cloud crane family began to have a kind of understanding. If they still want to get the protection from their ancestors, there is only one way, that is, to restore the balance of yin and Yang.

Solitary Yang does not grow, solitary Yin does not grow.

If the imbalance between yin and Yang reaches a certain degree, there will be great disasters.

If you want to get the protection of ancestors, even if you can't make the Yin and Yang of Qianhuan Yunhe clan completely balanced, at least it can't be too unbalanced.

Therefore, since this period of time, the atmosphere of the thousand magic cloud crane clan is actually somewhat strange.

From generation to generation, the women of the Qianhuan Yunhe clan have long been accustomed to the life of completely trampling men under their feet and making their own decisions. Now they are told that they must learn how to respect the men in the clan. Of course, they will not be used to it.

Even, there are many women of the cloud crane clan who are extremely resistant to this point.

Don't say it's those women. Even the men of the thousand magic cloud crane clan are not used to it.

There's no way. After being trampled on for so many years, it's not easy to make them stand up again.

Not to mention, some people, once kneeling down, it is difficult to stand up.

In short, it is still a long way to go to restore the balance of yin and Yang for the Qianhuan Yunhe clan.

After listening to crane Liuyun's words, Feng zhislightly pondered for a moment and asked, "the man who came to the island alone is a Women? "

Although I don't know why Feng Zhi would ask like this, he Liuyun, after a little Leng, still quickly said, "no, it's a man."

Feng Zhiwen was disappointed.

She thought that this time it was the "adult" who came to Xianyun island in person, but it was not.

Just when Feng Zhi was disappointed, he Liuyun thought about it and added, "if you don't ask this question, you can't find it. If you think about it carefully, although the man is a man, he always gives people a sense of disobedience in his eyes and gestures. Now I think, if this person is a woman, it will not violate at all..."

Feng Zhi's spirit was greatly improved.

She certainly believed in the judgment of crane Liuyun.


The man who came here seems to be a man, but actually it should be a woman.


It's a snatch!

There was a flash of light in Feng Zhi's brain.

Before that, the identity of the "adult" had always seemed to be covered with a layer of fog in Feng Zhi's eyes, which made her unable to see clearly. What was missing was an opportunity to get rid of that layer of fog.

Now, she seems to have found that opportunity.

In fact, she was also a woman, but in fact she could not be a woman.

It is no wonder that several emperors failed to find a woman who met all the requirements after searching for such a long time. It turns out that when they tried their best to find a woman who might become an emperor, the "emperor" had already turned into another person.

In this way, of course, the identity of that person can be better hidden.

Then the Phoenix asked, "then Master Liuyun, do you remember that man's face? "

Although asked this question, but Feng Zhi's heart actually did not hold any expectation to this question.

Obviously, since the person can appear in this way on Xianyun Island, he will not be afraid of her appearance spreading, so it is very likely that no clues can be found from her appearance.

And it is.

Hearing Feng Zhi's question, he Liuyun gently shook his head: "that man's strength is higher than me. Even if he didn't hide his face, but in retrospect, his face is fuzzy, and he can't remember what he looks like."

Well, that's how it's broken.

After thinking about it, he Liuyun said again: "although I can't remember his appearance, I can see from his actions that he must have come out of a certain major gate, with a unique rarity of disciples who come out of the big gate."


Feng Zhi read these two words in my heart silently twice.

After knowing that the "adult" had taken the house, Fengzhi felt that she had only a thin layer of window paper to see the truth of the whole thing. But now, when it comes to the problem, she has not found an opportunity to pierce this layer of window paper.

Knowing that this is not urgent, Feng to also did not hurry to continue to think deeply.


Maybe when will the opportunity come?With such an idea, Feng Zhi put it down temporarily.

She looked at the crane Liuyun and said, "master Liuyun, in any case, the thousand illusory cloud crane clan is also a disaster, there must be a blessing."

Crane Liuyun gently nodded: "I hope so."

At this point, Fengzhi thought of another thing: "master Liuyun, what you said was that in the original books of the thousand magic cloud crane clan, if you want to protect the holy land, the thousand magic cloud crane family can't be too unbalanced between yin and Yang, but the record about this event in the later classics has been erased artificially?"

Crane Liuyun nodded: "it is indeed so."

As for why he Liuyun knows that the records about this matter have been erased artificially, there are also reasons.

In the Qianhuan Yunhe clan, women have a high status, while men are extremely humble. Because of this, women are the masters of the family, while men are mostly responsible for some unimportant things.

For example, the ancient books of the watchmen.

Although it's very important for men to be guarded by the people of the Golden Island, it's very important for them to be guarded by the people of the Golden Island.

He Liuyun is naturally impossible to see the description of this matter in the classics, but one of his elders once did the work of ancient books in the watchmen, and also saw the records about this section in the classics.

When the elder saw such records, he was still glad that, in this way, no matter how respected the status of the women of the Qianhuan Yunhe clan, the status of the men would be maintained at least above the same level.

For this reason, the elder also recorded it in his notes and passed it on to later generations.


The imbalance of yin and Yang of the thousand magic cloud crane clan reached the extreme, until the generation of crane Liuyun.

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