As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 522: A heavy blow, a joint investigation by the three departments!

Chapter 522 A heavy blow, a joint investigation by the three departments!

 The public opinion on the Internet is very loud, and everyone is focused on where the more than 4 billion yuan has gone.

 With so many families’ hard-earned money, why did the capital-guaranteed financial management they purchased suddenly become non-capital-guaranteed?

These more than 4 billion yuan suddenly disappeared, causing a thunderstorm. What kind of process was there, what kind of specific transactions were there, where is the money now, and what kind of specific flow is there.

 Whether there are insider relationships and insider transactions are issues of concern on the Internet.

 This is also consistent with the three questions asked by Su Bai.

 Suddenly, the Internet was all about the case of Laihai Bank, in which more than 4 billion yuan disappeared.

Laihai Bank fell into a loophole in the law again, causing so many families who invested to lose all their money without discussing compensation.

 And this discussion is getting louder and louder.

after all.…

 Financial management in banks is a very safe thing according to everyone's perception.

 To improve investor confidence and prevent this situation from happening!



the other side.

“If we don’t care and banks continue to do this in the future, will our money still be safe in the bank?”

 How should the matters discussed be explained to the public, and the next step is to reassure bank customers.

“As for the deposit business and lending business, this incident has indeed seriously affected the current business situation of our bank, but we have no way to curb this situation.”

“But if we can take it out, will so many things happen next?”

"Who the **** would dare to put all their money in the bank after this? You won't be able to get it back if you want it? How can you do it? It can be seen from this case that it is very difficult to get it. People have plenty of means to deal with us ordinary people reasonably."

 Many people even withdraw money offline, and banks are starting to have run problems!

Yu Wandong looked at Meng Zijian and asked.

“The money may be completely wasted. Years of hard work are just used to make wedding clothes for others!”

"what to do?"

“We can only wait until this public opinion is over, and then think of ways to attract a few big customers, or improve the confidence of ordinary customers in us to solve this matter.”

“Banks belong to the vulnerable group, right? Now banks are so irresponsible. They don’t give people money and yet they classify themselves as vulnerable groups? That’s other people’s money, why don’t they return it to them!”

 Especially capital-guaranteed financial management, also known as deposit term.

"Yes! This matter was handled completely unreasonably, and the CBRC did not take any effective measures in response. No one came to explain where the more than 4 billion yuan went. If there is no trace of these 4 billion yuan, Where are the investors?”

  However, after this incident, the bank's creditworthiness was greatly reduced for a while, causing many people to lack confidence in regular financial management by banks.

There was a lot of commotion on the Internet because of the Laihai Bank incident, which affected many people's panic about banks.

“I think we can just withdraw all our bank deposits!”

 “This situation is so nonsense!”

 Everyone who has savings will put it in the bank for capital-guaranteed financial management and deposit it for a fixed period.

 They are a private enterprise and they cannot print money.

 How can you get a loan without deposits?

There are many voices on the Internet, hoping that the local banking regulatory commission and banks can respond.

 Meng Zijian spread his hands with helplessness on his face:

“Now that things have happened, there are overwhelming attacks on Laihai Bank on the Internet. We want to have a positive feedback unless we can use the more than 4 billion.”

 From a short-term perspective, the impact on lending and deposit businesses is not that great.

“We originally thought that buying financial products from the bank would help us manage our finances, but who knew, we are interested in the bank’s interest, and the bank is interested in our principal!”

 After attaching great importance to it and requesting Bank of China and Shangdu Bank to give corresponding responses.

 But in the long run, if there is no deposit business, then their bank will not be far from bankruptcy.

As the chairman of the board, Yu Wandong and the second director Meng Zijian discussed how to deal with the impact of this incident.

 The authorities attach great importance to this situation and phenomenon, and require Bank of China and the Shangdu Banking Regulatory Commission to give corresponding responses!

“This situation is really serious. I have learned about the detailed process of this case online, and I can see that even the capital-guaranteed financing you purchased can result in a loss of all your money. The bank is not responsible and does not need to be held responsible.”

 In the office of the chairman of Laihai Bank.

 “What should investors do? Is there anyone to take care of it?”

 Laihai Bank, the current situation is not to cover up Lin Feng's accident, because they can completely remove the relationship with Lin Feng.

“To put it bluntly, we currently have no way to avoid these problems.”

“Our bank cannot offend anyone in this matter. We can only cooperate well. Let’s not talk about anything else. This matter must be postponed for the time being.”

 Although it has been mitigated by controlling the amount of cash withdrawals, if this matter is delayed for a long time, the impact will still be very huge.

ˆBoth the deposit business and the lending business have been greatly affected.

 “Let’s put it off as long as we can.”


 Because after this incident broke out, the risk of a run on Laihai Bank immediately broke out.

 This incident has seriously affected the business of Laihai Bank.

 “Other than that, to be honest, there is no other good way.”

Facing Meng Zijian’s statement, although Yu Wandong was very reluctant to admit that this was the current situation, there was currently no good solution.

So he nodded: "There is really no other good solution to this matter, so just do what you said."

“Issuing an announcement stating that this matter is currently being actively investigated.”


 Laihai Bank chose to remain silent in the face of online public opinion. It only issued an announcement stating that it was actively investigating the matter without providing an in-depth explanation.

 At the Banking Regulatory Commission, the leadership level is also facing tremendous pressure, because the three questions Su Bai asked go straight to the crux of the problem.

They couldn't answer the whereabouts of the more than 4 billion yuan, and although the punishment was in compliance with regulations and procedures at the beginning, it was obviously biased to a certain extent.

 If the higher authorities want to conduct an investigation, they will definitely be held responsible.

  Putting aside everything else, first of all there is a very obvious act of inaction.

 Because there was no relevant investigation into the whereabouts of more than 4 billion yuan, and no excessive punishment was imposed on Bank of China, it was obvious that there was inaction.

 However, in the face of public opinion, the China Banking Regulatory Commission cannot directly admit that it has problems at work.

 Direct admission is equivalent to admitting the loopholes in the system, which will have greater influence. Therefore, the China Banking Regulatory Commission can only temporarily issue an announcement saying that it will investigate the hot spots of public opinion on the Internet.

As soon as there are any results, they will be publicly announced to the outside world. The main focus is to delay the decision. I believe that delaying the matter and waiting until the public opinion is over to resolve it temporarily will reduce the possible responsibilities. .

after all.…

 For certain matters, superior leaders and superior departments will only look at public opinion.

Under the pressure of this kind of public opinion, any small mistakes and tendencies they have will be infinitely magnified, so staying silent as much as possible at this time is the best choice.

 In Bai Jun Law Firm.

  After Su Bai released a short video to question Shangdu about Laihai Bank, and asked why the Shangdu Banking Regulatory Commission did not disclose the whereabouts of more than 4 billion yuan, and whether there was any insider information hidden in the middle.

 The discussion on this issue is getting more and more popular online.


 Some people also dug up internal employees’ opinions on this matter and posted them online.

  【The senior management of Laihai Bank knew about this incident at the beginning, but allowed this behavior】

After this incident spread on the Internet, it pushed public opinion to a higher level.

 In the office, Li Xuezhen was sorting out the hot topics of public opinion on the Internet about the case of Laihai Bank in the past few days.

After finishing sorting it out, Li Xuezhen turned her head: "Lawyer Su..."

“The current case of Laihai Bank has a very large influence on the Internet.”

“There are even many lawyers from law firms who have publicly published about Laihai Bank’s illegal behavior.”

“At the same time, this case not only affects Laihai Bank, but also has a huge impact on other banks.”

“This has put huge pressure on the deposit management and withdrawal businesses of several major state banks, as well as some private banks and city banks.”

“I heard that some city banks had bank runs directly caused by Laihai Bank’s incident.”

"Banks cannot withstand large-scale withdrawals. Now if a run occurs, the bank is likely to go bankrupt."

“However, Laihai Bank seems to have anticipated this incident and has limited the amount of withdrawals.”

 “And there’s more…”

“Both Laihai Bank and the Shangdu Banking Regulatory Commission remained silent on this matter and did not make too many statements.”

“Lawyer Su, these two are obviously trying to delay you until public opinion passes?”

Su Bai smiled. He also paid a certain amount of attention to the public opinion on the Internet. According to the current public opinion situation, the higher-ups have obviously paid attention to this.

  He directly pointed out Laihai Bank and Shangdu Banking Regulatory Commission to explain the matter, but they both remained silent.

 Can you avoid it by remaining silent?

 Definitely not!

If Laihai Bank avoids this matter, then other banks will learn to follow suit in the future. What will happen to residents’ property safety and the country’s property credit protection?

 According to current public opinion, the relevant departments involved will definitely investigate the circumstances involved in this case.

 And very serious penalties will be imposed.

Su Bai said: "Although Laihai Bank and Xanadu Banking Regulatory Commission have remained silent, this matter must have a secret relationship with them."

“Leave aside the more than 4 billion yuan, converting capital-guaranteed financial management into non-capital-guaranteed financial management at the expense of the bank’s reputation is something that the central bank and higher authorities cannot agree to.”

“The public opinion on the Internet is so loud, there will definitely be an investigation into this matter.”

"Hold on."

 “Oh, good Lawyer Su.”

Li Xuezhen nodded.



As expected by Su Bai, as soon as this matter aroused public opinion, the central bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission paid great attention to this matter.

·Is the bank involved in illegal fund-raising that violates regulations?

 Once this kind of thing is opened, the influence involved will be huge!

 In the future, if local banks and some small private banks follow this example and run away with the money, it will cause huge losses to the country.

 So this situation must be dealt with seriously.

 In the past few days, the central bank, the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Law Enforcement have jointly discussed this illegal fund-raising incident.

  This case was finally determined to be an illegal bank fund-raising case!

  The persons involved need to be investigated and detained!

 The three departments jointly set up an investigation team to prepare for in-depth investigations into these incidents. They also notified the local law enforcement departments from the beginning to cooperate with the investigation and first control the people involved!

at the same time.

At Lin Sheng’s home, the Laihai Bank incident became one hot search topic after another on the Internet, and one internal revelation after another appeared online.

As the father of the person involved, Lin Sheng could not eat or sleep well every day.

 Because the public opinion on the Internet is now too loud, some people even dug it out. The person in charge of Laihai Bank's financial management project was Lin Feng.

There were even people who wanted to dig out Lin Feng's relationship, but fortunately he found someone to suppress these things so that his identity was not exposed.

 Thinking of what Lin Feng did, Lin Sheng felt a headache as a father.

 I wish I had not given birth to this child.

According to his understanding of this case, if there is such a big public outcry, the higher authorities will definitely conduct an investigation.

He didn’t know the specific investigation results, so he could only call his old friends in Beidu and ask if there was any gossip in Beidu.

 But this call made Lin Sheng froze on the spot. The person on the other side sighed and said:

 “It’s a little late for you to call me now.”

“At present, the tripartite investigation team of the Central Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission, and Law Enforcement Department is ready, and the Law Enforcement Department has notified Xanadu to cooperate with the trial and investigation of this case.”

“It is estimated that the relevant people involved will be under control soon.”

“I shouldn’t have disclosed this matter, because if I disclosed it, it would be suspected of disclosing risky information.”

"But if I don't tell you about our relationship, it won't be good. You should be mentally prepared in advance."

 After saying this, the other person hung up the phone.

Looking at the hung up phone, Lin Changsheng sighed.

If the central bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly set up an investigation team to investigate the case, there is still room for maneuver in this matter.

 But if it involves the Law Enforcement Department, it must be defined as a financial case with criminal liability.

this matter.…

Lin Feng, there is no way he can keep it!

  And it is very likely that he will be implicated.

Thinking of this, Lin Sheng felt a little headache.



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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