As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 66: Not satisfied with the appeal? If you want to overturn the first instance judgment, do

Chapter 66 Appeal? What if you want to overturn the first-instance judgment?

 After the judgment is made.

Wu Qi was stunned on the spot, am I sentenced?

 Going in...?

 One year in prison!

 It’s not that I didn’t give any money!

I said I would give it to you, but why do you still sentence me so harshly?

“Presiding judge, I don’t obey the judgment. I already said that I want to reconcile. I will not default on wages and salaries, and I will be compensated. Why are you still giving me such a heavy sentence?”

 Wu Qi made a questioning voice.

On the trial stage, Yu Zhenyang frowned slightly.

 Wu Qi was sentenced to one year in prison, which is considered light!

 The evidence is conclusive and there are no objections or disputes.

 According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, those who refuse to pay labor remuneration shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. If serious consequences are caused, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

Wu Qi owed Wan Henghao two years of salary, which can be said to have had a huge impact and serious consequences on Wan Henghao's life and body.

A one-year sentence is considered a light blow with the gavel.

 Are you still not convinced?

On the trial stage, Yu Zhenyang, who was about to stand up, saw Wu Qi looking like a nouveau riche with a questioning look on his face, and said seriously:

“Judgment is the exercise of legal power based on the interpretation of legal provisions and conclusive evidence.”

“If the party being sued has any dissatisfaction or is dissatisfied with the trial procedures, the evidence submitted and the legal basis, it can file a retrial with the relevant law enforcement unit, or file a supervisory review!”

 “I will definitely file an appeal and review!”

Wu Qi was almost stunned. He was even planning to give money, but he was actually sentenced to one year in prison!

 Are you being reasonable or not?

 He is already planning to give money, what else do you want from him?

Seeing Wu Qi like this, Yu Zhenyang frowned slightly, appeal? Not convinced?

It seems that it is necessary to have a good chat with my senior brothers. Anyway, it is just a matter of chatting and discussing the case, and it does not constitute a violation.

Yu Zhenyang glanced at Wu Qi and said nothing. At the same time, he looked at the litigant's seat, nodded with a smile, and then left the court hearing.

 Wait until the chief judge leaves the meeting.

Li Xuezhen jumped slightly with excitement. Under the suit, Pikachu's eyes flickered.

“Lawyer Su, we won this lawsuit!”

 “The other party was sentenced to one year in prison!”

 “It’s just...I always feel that the judgment is a bit low...”

Li Xuezhen blinked, with regret in her tone.


Su Bai coughed twice in embarrassment, relieved his embarrassment, and explained:

“The domestic conviction and sentencing of the crime of refusal to pay remuneration in individual cases is somewhat vague.”

“Presiding judge Yu Zhenyang has always been known for his conservative judgments.”

 “The sentence of one year in prison is indeed a bit low”

“However, if this case is sentenced in this way, there will not be much controversy. Even if the other party appeals to the second instance, it is impossible to change the judgment. There is a high probability that the first instance judgment will be maintained.”


Li Xuezhen blinked.

Wan Henghao on the side breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the verdict: "Thank you, Lawyer Su."

 Subsequently, Wan Henghao changed the subject again and asked:

“Lawyer Su, I would like to ask. What should I do if the other party files a second trial or refuses to give me the money?”

 Although Wan Henghao heard the verdict, he was still a little worried.

 Afraid that Wu Qi would not give him the money.

Facing Wan Henghao’s concerns, Su Bai looked at the defendant’s seat and showed two white teeth:

“This is a court decision. If you refuse to implement it, you can directly file a lawsuit.

 Article 313 of the Criminal Law stipulates that anyone who refuses to execute a judgment and is found guilty shall be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years. In serious cases, a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than seven years. ” ˆ ˆ “Several crimes are punished together, which may lead to a fixed-term imprisonment of more than five years. "


“This time, regarding your compensation issue, we have also pursued a lawsuit against Xie Yu and Dong Qiang, two equity holders of Tianlan Construction Co., Ltd.”

“It’s okay if Wu Qi is stubborn, but with Wu Qi’s experience, Xie Yu and Dong Qiang cannot be so stubborn and continue to break the law.”

 “This money will definitely come into your hands.”

After listening to Su Bai's explanation, Wan Henghao took a long breath, and his whole expression relaxed a lot.

The money earned by workers like them is hard-earned money, and it has been owed for so long. If they cannot get it back, it will cause great harm to the family!

 Three hundred thousand

 He almost paid for it with his life

“Lawyer Su, thank you this time...”

Wan Henghao bowed deeply, and Su Bai quickly helped him up.

 “No need to do this, this is my responsibility as your entrusted lawyer.”

After Wan Henghao stood up, Su Bai continued to give instructions:

“As for the court judgment, the address you filled in at the time was the law firm. The judgment will be sent to the law firm. You can come to the law firm to pick it up at that time.

 As for the impact and compensation caused to you due to wage arrears, the court will coordinate. When you come to get the judgment, I will tell you how to coordinate and strive for the best interests.”

“Okay, Lawyer Su. You have worked **** this case...Thank you, Lawyer Su...”

Wan Henghao’s face was filled with gratitude.

Facing Wan Henghao’s gratitude, Su Bai responded with a smile.

 Then he spoke to Li Xuezhen again:

“Okay, this trial is over, let’s go.”

“Okay, Lawyer Su...”

Li Xuezhen simply packed up the materials and followed Su Bai's footsteps. Wan Henghao walked behind Li Xuezhen, and the three of them left the court hearing together.

 At the seat of the party being sued.

Watching Wan Henghao leave the court hearing, Wu Qi’s eyes were filled with anger:

“This Wan Henghao really took me to court. So what if he takes me to court? If he doesn’t reconcile, I will still appeal! I just want him not to get the money!”

“Not only am I not going to pay it back, Brother Xie, Brother Dong, you also don’t want to pay it back, let’s see what he can do!”

 Xie Yu: “?”

 Dong Qiang: "?"

 Are you taking us both for granted?

 You don’t want to return it. Now you go in and you ask us not to return it. Do you want us to go in and accompany you?



Xie Yu and Dong Qiang turned around and left without any hesitation.

 Wu Qi:.

After being silent for a few seconds, Wu Qi turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiao:

“Lawyer Zhang, what do you think is the chance of winning the second instance if I continue to appeal?”

 Zhang Xiao shook his head and told the truth frankly:

“In your case, the evidence is conclusive, and the judgment of the first instance was earlier. The probability of winning the second instance is very small.”

“Can’t I win the second trial?”

“This. I don’t know if I can win, but I can only say that it is very difficult to win, and the possibility of winning is very small.”

Hearing Zhang Xiao’s words, Wu Qi’s face turned pale.

 Zhang Xiao looked at Wu Qi without saying a word. He simply sorted out the litigation materials and watched Wu Qi being taken away from the court hearing by the bailiff.

Judging from this trial, the other party’s lawyer is indeed very powerful.

unambiguous evidence.

Wu Qi was sentenced to one year in prison for refusing to pay remuneration. If he continues to resist execution

 Zhang Xiao shook his head and did not continue thinking.

 It’s hard to persuade with good words.

 Just remind yourself. As for the follow-up, it is up to the parties involved to make their own decisions.

 (End of this chapter)

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