As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 97: Aibo is bankrupt! Dong Cheng was sentenced!

Chapter 97 Aibo goes bankrupt! Dong Cheng was sentenced!

As for the review and supervision of Guo Xiaojun’s first-instance judgment, relevant departments are still investigating.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen back to Nandu temporarily.


 In Bai Jun Law Firm.

In the past few days when Su Bai took Li Xuezhen away, Bai Jun Law Firm.

 Xu Xiang and Duan Liang greeted them, and the law firm was still operating normally.


As for the soft cases that Baijun Law Firm has received recently.

 The two of us were very tired.

 It's not that two people can't take over the case, the main reason is that there are only two of them.

 But there are too many other miscellaneous materials and certificates that need to be processed or things that require running errands.

 It’s too busy for two people.

Xu Xiang is young and strong and can carry it, but it will be difficult for Duan Liang.

 Duan Liang: I originally wanted to make more money, but now I suddenly don’t want to.



The big head that was originally bright is now even brighter!

 It’s so bright!

Duan Liang frowned and touched his head:

“Lawyer Su, you gave me a lot of money, but there are too many cases.”

“Xu Xiang and I can’t handle it at all.”

“Recently, I’ve been out running cases, and I often don’t come home in the middle of the night. My guy thought I was out stealing someone!”

“If this continues, my forehead will become even more bald!”


 But you are completely bald now, how much bald can you get?

Facing Duan Liang’s complaint, Su Bai said, “Lawyer Duan, don’t worry, the law firm will definitely solve this problem.”

“Assign a trainee lawyer to each of you and lawyer Xu.”

"Is this okay?"

Duan Liang touched his head and nodded: "Okay, it will be much easier to handle cases after having a trainee lawyer."

 The workload will be reduced a lot, and at least they won’t have to do some things themselves.


Su Bai also knew that at present, the law firm had a lot of cases, and Xu Xiang and Duan Liang were really busy.

 Recruit two trainee lawyers and assign one to each of them.

 In this way, the workload of the two people will be greatly reduced, and the cases will be busy.

Su Bai handed this matter over to Li Xuezhen.



at the same time.

 It has been seven or eight days since the trial of Guo Xiaojun’s case ended.

 After the trial is over.

Luo Daxiang posted on his own self-media account the exciting court proceedings of Guo Xiaojun’s second instance and his explanation.

As a law commentator with tens of millions of fans on the Internet, once the video was released, the number of views reached millions, and it continues to rise.


About the second trial of Guo Xiaojun’s case, it was not just Luo Daxiang who made the announcement. When the second trial of Guo Xiaojun’s case was held, more than one million people watched the live broadcast!

 The number of visitors is different from the number of people watching at the same time.

 But this kind of number of people is quite terrifying.

 Among the fans, there are also many fans who spontaneously send videos.

 Some people even sent videos to 108 media outlets they followed.

have to say

Nowadays, some media are very good at focusing on the key points and smell the opportunities inside.

 Some small media even know that this is a good opportunity to increase traffic and write copy overnight.

Soon, a large number of media followed suit and released videos to attract traffic.

 The traffic-attracting copywriting of major self-media:

  【I was sued by the company for claiming 5 million yuan and sentenced to five years in prison. The second trial finally ushered in the belated justice! 】

[He fought against the entire company by one person, but was betrayed by his wife. Unexpectedly, when he returned, he not only fought against the company and pushed it down, but also directly sent his wife to legal sanctions: Stay tuned for the next episode of Return Messenger of justice! 】

 Good guy, are you expecting this Dragon King to come back?

 Single deduction of six characters.…

 Just one thing to say.

The copywriting of some small media is indeed the password that can capture traffic.

Such an exaggerated title attracted the interest of many people, and allowed more people to understand the origin and process of the entire case.

 On the Internet, the denunciation of the Aibo milk powder company has been almost one-sided, with many netizens commenting angrily.

"Fuck! What kind of company is this Aibo milk powder company? The milk powder products produced by your family have eaten bad people, and they are suing for compensation. You can just discuss the amount of compensation with them, and you are also suing them for extortion?!"

"What does this mean? It's a completely malicious accusation! If every company is like this, how can people claim compensation?!"

 “That’s funny! If others sue and all are sentenced according to this kind of judgment, then what nonsense is there to talk about legal justice?”

“I think everyone should boycott this Aibo milk powder and ask relevant law enforcement agencies to investigate. At the same time, the first-instance judgment must also be reviewed, monitored and made public!”


“It’s simply too outrageous. If someone buys milk powder and has a health problem, they will be sent to the hospital to claim compensation. If they hadn’t appealed again and found a good lawyer, then their life would have been completely over!”

“Only half of the people on the Internet are criticizing this Aibo milk powder. Why do the other half have no mouths?! Or no hands to type?!”


At the same time, many organizations that test milk powder have appeared on the Internet.

 The relevant composition of Aibo milk powder has been announced.

It indicates that there is an excessive amount of a certain element in Aibo milk powder, which will have adverse effects on infants and young children.

As soon as the video is released.

 The Internet spread rapidly.

  After all, this is about children's health issues, which has attracted the attention of the entire Internet. At the same time, Aibo milk powder has also been boycotted by the entire Internet.

 Soon, relevant law enforcement units ordered Aibao milk powder to suspend production!

  The original plan to launch Aibo milk powder was directly interrupted, and all milk powder on the market was returned, and orders from the factory were cancelled.

 At present, the entire enterprise is paralyzed and on the verge of bankruptcy!

 In the general manager’s office.

 Dong Cheng roared crazily: "What's going on? What's going on!"

“Didn’t we agree to reduce the cost of hot searches on the short video platform?”

 “Why did such a big problem suddenly appear!”

Someone under my command reported: "Mr. Dong, our competitors give more."


 Dong Cheng is so angry that he just wants to scold his mother. What does this mean?

Isn’t this just taking advantage of the situation?

 Their Aibao milk powder was originally going to be launched, so he wanted to suppress the matter of Guo Xiaojun.

But now that the commotion is so big, competitors have stepped in again. They want to see him go bankrupt, right?


Someone is insisting on messing with him!

 Isn’t it just that the single element exceeds the standard? What’s the problem with this?

 If you have a physical problem, just go to the hospital for treatment!

Now that this incident has come out, it has put their Aibo milk powder on the verge of bankruptcy, and their plans to go public have been cancelled!

 Dong Cheng is going to be so angry!

 “Okay, I get it!”

Dong Cheng frowned deeply and hesitated for a while, then dialed Guo Xiaojun's phone number again, wanting to tentatively reconcile with Guo Xiaojun.

 Previously he arranged for someone to find Guo Xiaojun to reconcile.

 But it was rejected.

Now he wants to reconcile in person. After all, as the general manager of Aibo Milk Powder, he has already lowered his head to reconcile in person. The other party can't refuse anymore.

 I have bowed my head, what else do you want from me?

 But before the call was made, Dong Cheng’s mobile phone started to broadcast:

 Sorry, the number you dialed is unavailable.…


Dong Cheng took a deep breath and was about to find someone to continue talking to Guo Xiaojun for reconciliation.

 But several law enforcement officers suddenly appeared outside the office:

 The law enforcement officers looked stern:

 “Are you Dong Cheng?”


Dong Cheng frowned slightly, not yet figuring out what the situation was now.

 Only a few law enforcement officers have produced relevant documentation.

“Hello, we are law enforcement officers from the prosecution. Now you are suspected of a criminal case. Please come with us and accept our cooperation in the investigation.”

 Dong Cheng:? ? ?

  Today’s events were full of twists and turns, making Dong Cheng feel a little confused.

 Looking at the evidence presented by the prosecutor's law enforcement officers, Dong Cheng's heart suddenly sank after repeated confirmations.

Didn't he ask a lawyer to tell Ma Li that he would give her a large sum of money as long as she was not pocketed by Ma Li?

 What's going on now? !


 He clearly ignored the issue of prosecutors’ review capabilities.…

“Mr. Dong, please cooperate with us now.”

 The prosecution law enforcement officers reiterated their words with seriousness and irresistibility in their voices.

Dong Changcheng took a breath, his expression looked a little gloomy. He knew that he would definitely shed a layer of skin this time, but as the law enforcement officers came to the door, he had no choice.

He could only nod helplessly and said:

 “Okay, I will cooperate with your work.”

 After saying that, the law enforcement officers following the prosecution left.

At this critical moment when Aibo milk powder is facing public opinion, the general manager was taken for questioning by the prosecutor. This incident caused another uproar on the Internet.


“Fuck! Go in, go in, send them all in!”

"This guy really deserves it. I think he must have bribed that Ma Li. Can anyone explain what crime this is? How many years will he be sentenced? Let me be very happy!"

“Whoever commits the crime of obstructing perjury, uses violence, threats, bribes, etc. to prevent witnesses from testifying, or instructs others to commit perjury, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years!”

“Generally speaking, the prosecutor has already mastered certain factual evidence when he brings it in for questioning!”

“If nothing else happens, then it’s not an accident that Dong Cheng goes in. Ordinary prosecutors’ lawyers are very fierce. If you are not a top-notch criminal lawyer, you can’t do it!”

“And the prosecutor has already obtained the evidence. I think this Dong Cheng is likely to be punished for malicious accusation and obstruction of testimony. He can be sentenced to a minimum of three years in prison!”

“Hahaha, he was only sentenced to three years in prison? It’s really an advantage for him!”

 “Attention! It’s the lowest!”




 On the Internet, the condemnation of Aibo milk powder has further escalated, and Dong Cheng has also been made into an emoticon package.

  【Can you sue me and I'll send you in? 】

change into.

  【Oh, mom, I don't dare anymore】

 Emojis appeared in various comment areas.

Aibo milk powder's original launch plan has long been shattered, and it has attracted resistance from major manufacturers and consumer groups. It is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

Now that Dong Cheng is in custody by the prosecutor, this has poured more fire on the situation.

 The relevant shareholders of the company can be described as hating Dong Cheng!

Relevant shareholders also know that there is no chance of a comeback for Aibao milk powder.

 Everyone has their own calculations in mind, preparing to make their losses less severe.



at the same time.

 Due to the great influence of the Internet, voices regarding the fairness of legal justice have emerged.

  Relevant law enforcement agencies conducted a comprehensive investigation into the judge’s ruling in the first instance.


 There were no violations of any rules or disciplines during the sentencing process. To put it bluntly, there is something wrong with the presiding judge’s verdict.

 However, there were no problems in the judgment process and there were no violations.

 But with this result, it is obvious that the public is not satisfied.

 Challenged the trial standards of the first-instance judges.

 Facing the doubts of the masses.

Relevant departments also imposed corresponding penalties on the judges in the first instance:

 Be transferred from the current position and may no longer engage in trial work!

 This is indeed a relatively severe punishment for the judges.

 In Bai Jun Law Firm.

After learning about this incident, Li Xuezhen's face dropped, with a trace of regret in her expression.

 “Almost. Just a little bit...”

"What a pity.…"

“It’s just a little bit close to sending the judge in, but why is it so little...”

Li Xuezhen recited silently in her heart. This thought was all in her mind, and her face was full of listlessness.

 “Lawyer Su...”

"This... the punishment for the judges is too light..."

 “I thought I could give him a harsher sentence than I thought I could.”

Li Xuezhen almost spilled the beans and hurriedly answered.

Su Bai sighed deeply, what else do you think?

 Do you still think you can send all the judges in?

 What are you thinking about...

 The first-instance judgment clearly stated the legal basis and judgment facts cited.

ˆ And.

 Investigations that have been reviewed and monitored, and the results published.

 Aiba Enterprise has no connection with the relevant judges.

How could it be possible to send them all in...

 Xiao Li’s head is full of random thoughts all day long…


Su Bai coughed twice and then said: "The first instance of the first instance judge being able to make such a verdict is the prosecution's accusation."

“During the first trial, lawyer Guo Xiaojun failed to provide a strong defense or evidence in response to the prosecution’s accusations.”

“The second point is perjury: when faced with Ma Li’s perjury in the first trial, Guo Xiaojun’s lawyer did not have a clear defense idea.”

“That’s why the judges sentenced Guo Xiaojun to five years in prison.”

“It can only be said that the judges may have problems with their decision-making tendency...”

“However, there is no problem with the facts. The punishment imposed by the relevant law enforcement agencies on the judges during the first instance and who are prohibited from engaging in trial work is no longer too light.”

 “Oh, okay...”

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously, but she still couldn't hide the disappointment in her heart.

Su Bai didn't say much when he saw this. He just asked Li Xuezhen to pay more attention to the recruitment of interns.

 At present, there are only four lawyers in the law firm, which is too few and it is indeed too busy.

 Just recruit two interns and you can become a capitalist yourself!

At this time, Li Xuezhen asked: "Lawyer Su, when we recruit trainee lawyers, do we still pay them?"

Su Bai: "?"

  I want to be a capitalist, not an exploiter!

 This question asks

Do you think that everyone is just like you, a little rich woman with a million yuan in pocket money, and no internship salary, so she rushes to apply for it?

 There is no internship salary and no one comes.

“As for the internship salary, let’s say 4,000. The recruitment notice says it’s 4,000 to 10,000. We’ll tell you the specifics at that time.”


 “Good lawyer Su.”

Li Xuezhen nodded slightly.

Soon, the verdict on Guo Xiaojun’s case came down.

 When he was in Beidu, Su Bai had already told Guo Xiaojun that he would pay the lawyer's fees after the verdict was issued.

 As soon as the judgment is issued.

 Guo Xiaojun and his parents rushed to Bai Jun Law Firm in person, ready to express their gratitude to Su Bai.

 Chia Tai Building.

Guo Xiaojun supported his parents and walked into the building and reached the fifth floor.

 The floor of Bai Jun Law Firm.

As soon as I walked in, I saw two banners placed at the information desk:

 Left: 100% winning rate, ace lawyer Su!

 Right: Litigation, Baijun Law Firm, middle!

There is also a banner sent by Nanyou Studio.

There is also a pennant here.

 There was a trace of surprise in Guo Xiaojun’s eyes, and he whispered:

“No wonder Lawyer Su can still win in a three-on-one fight. You can see Lawyer Su’s legal level and professional ability just by looking at the banner.”

“As expected of the criminal lawyer recommended by Mr. Luo Daxiang, he is amazing!”

Guo Wei slightly adjusted his reading glasses on the side and spoke slowly:

“Lawyer Su is really good. We found the right lawyer to fight Xiaojun’s case. If it were another lawyer, Xiaojun might not be able to do it.”

“This time we have to thank Lawyer Su properly.”

Liu Qing nodded at the side: "That's right, I must thank you very much."

The three of them sighed with emotion and walked into the law firm.

 In the office.

 Guo Xiaojun, Guo Wei and Liu Qing sat directly opposite Su Bai, and Li Xuezhen sat to the side of Su Bai.

Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to pour a cup of tea for one person.

This tea was collected by Su Bai from Luo Daxiang's wool. It weighed three kilograms!

 Subsequently, Su Bai handed the verdict into Guo Xiaojun's hands.

Guo Xiaojun looked at the verdict carefully, breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile:

“Thank you, Lawyer Su. We will pay the relevant legal fees to Lawyer Su’s account of your law firm soon.”

 “It will arrive tomorrow at the latest...”

Su Bai smiled and said, "Well, there's no rush. If you want to thank me, there's no need to say more."

 Then he changed the topic and asked:

 “Has the compensation for Aibo milk powder been received?”

  When mentioning Aibai milk powder, Guo Xiaojun nodded heavily:

“On the third day after the verdict, the other party requested to settle with me, saying that the compensation could be increased.”

 “I refused directly!”

“You **** person, you maliciously accused me, and now you want to reconcile with me! Why?!”

“If I refused to pay, I would apply to the court for enforcement. At that time, there was already some noise on the Internet. They were afraid of making the matter bigger, so they paid me the compensation in advance.”

“Now Aibao milk powder has such a big problem. The original launch plan was about to be cancelled. Now the supply chains are in chaos and the entire network is boycotting it. Many people have eaten this milk powder and something went wrong and they have applied for rights protection.”

“Aibao milk powder is already facing bankruptcy.”

“I’m glad that this group of people compensated me in advance. Otherwise, according to the current situation, it would be difficult for me to ask for the money.”

 “Yes!” Su Bai nodded slightly.

 This kind of behavior of enterprises was exposed on the Internet, and it was found that there were serious problems.

 The ability to spread information on the Internet is so is certain that the reputation will be damaged.

 But like Aibo milk powder, bankruptcy can only be said to be its own problem

Guo Xiaojun continued to say:

“Lawyer Su, this time you charged that woman Ma Li with perjury, and that woman wanted to ask for my forgiveness and a reduced sentence! I refused outright!”

“I feel sick looking at her now. Lawyer Su, I want to divorce her. What should I do?”

 “Do you need to hire a lawyer and file for divorce?”

Su Bai took a sip of tea and said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, the court’s decision states that the other party has committed perjury against you.

You can just go directly to the court to submit a divorce ruling, or if you think you can’t handle it well, hire a lawyer and let the other party get out of the house. "

 “In this case, legal fees will not cost much.”

 “Okay Lawyer Su, I understand! I will definitely not give that woman advantage in vain.”

 Guo Xiaojun’s tone was full of anger.

Su Bai can understand Guo Xiaojun's mood very well.

 After all, a good human rights activist was stabbed in the back by his wife. This is something that no one can accept.

Guo Wei and Liu Qinglao took a deep breath:

“Hey—no one thought that Ma Li would help others harm my child!”

 Hearing what his parents said, Guo Xiaojun's expression changed slightly.

Su Bai noticed the change in Guo Xiaojun's face.

 Recite silently in your heart.

It seems that Guo Xiaojun knew about Ma Li's backstabbing, but since the other party didn't tell him, he couldn't ask more questions.


 Through the previous bank statements of Ma Li, we can roughly understand that there is likely to be a money problem.

 Being scammed?

 Or a pig-killing plate?

 Let's have a rich and handsome man from the internet kill a pig?

Su Bai shook his head slightly and did not continue to guess. After all, this was a family matter.

 Following that, the two parties chatted with each other for about two hours.

 Guo Xiaojun said that there is no need to worry about his work. After his story was spread on the Internet, some companies saw his situation and took the initiative to recruit him.

 Furthermore, the relevant law enforcement units have issued him a certificate of innocence.

Now he is a person with no criminal record, and his annual salary is somewhat different from before. However, as he accumulates experience, his annual salary can be increased.

 For this point.

Su Bai held a congratulatory ceremony.

At the same time, Guo Xiaojun also said another thing, that is, the prosecutor accused Dong Cheng of malicious accusation and obstruction of testimony.

“Lawyer Su, how many years do you think Dong Cheng, as a person behind the scenes, can be sentenced to for malicious prosecution and obstruction of testimony?”

Su Bai thought for a few seconds, then smiled and said:

“Based on my experience, since the prosecutor has detained and prosecuted Dong Cheng, it may have been Ma Li who accused Dong Cheng in order to reduce his sentence and provided a complete chain of evidence and facts.”

 “A malicious accusation...”

“This depends on the prosecutor’s level of prosecution, but with the template provided by the second-instance defense in your case, it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

“If the two are combined, the sentence may be 5 to 6 years in prison.”

“The sentence is only 5 or 6 years, which is really an advantage for him!”

 There was a hint of anger in Guo Xiaojun's tone.

Su Bai nodded slightly and said nothing.

It has had such a huge impact on other people's lives. If he had not been acquitted in the second trial, then it can be said that Guo Xiaojun's entire life was ruined.

 For Guo Xiaojun, Dong Cheng was only sentenced to 5 or 6 years, which was indeed light.

 But since this is stipulated in the law, it is hard for him to express anything.

After Guo Xiaojun thanked him, chatted about the relevant situation, and left the law firm with Guo Wei and Liu Qing.

Su Bai took a long breath and heard Li Xuezhen ask again:

 “Lawyer Su”

“I have been a trainee lawyer for six consecutive years now. Can I become a partner of our law firm after becoming a regular lawyer?”

Su Bai: "?"

This Xiao Li, why do you suddenly ask this question?

 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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