Thousands of lines!

Super quality chip!


Listening to the sound of the detector and looking at the data projected on the blackboard, everyone was stunned!

Today's most powerful photolithography machines in the world can only produce chips with millions of lines and 3nm chips!

The quantum engraving machine created by Wang Wudao actually shrank by more than three times!

And the performance has been improved several times!

At this moment, time and space seemed to have frozen, and everyone stayed in place, motionless.

Even the eyeballs were fixed!

"OK, successful?"

After a long time, a weak voice sounded from the crowd.


One stone stirred up a thousand-foot wave, and people suddenly woke up. The next second there was an uproar!


"Wang Guoshi once again created a miracle!"

"0.9nm level chip! Just ask who else?"

For a moment, everyone who came back to their senses shouted crazily.

They successfully created a quantum engraving machine that was better than the photolithography machine, and reached a level beyond the times!

And this will also announce the conspiracy of the most powerful country. Bankruptcy!

Thinking of being able to crush the conspiracy of the most powerful country and crush them, tens of millions of people in the Dragon Country cheered and cheered at this moment.

At this moment, some people rushed to tell them!


On the side, Taylor was trembling even more, and his eyes were actually red!

"Thanks! thank you so much!"

Immediately he looked at Wang Wudao and kept murmuring.

Thank you Wang Wudao for allowing him to participate in the process of changing the times!


On the other side, the chief's clenched fists slowly relaxed, and he took a big breath!

Then a smile appeared on the chief's face.

They won the bet!

From this moment on, the history of the Dragon Kingdom It will be rewritten!

The history of the world will also be rewritten because of this moment!

"The warriors of the Kingdom are mighty!"

Thinking of this, the chief looked at Wang Wudao and shouted from the bottom of his heart.


After hearing this, everyone looked at the leader.

I was stunned for two seconds!

"The warriors of the Kingdom are mighty!"

Immediately, thousands of people shouted in unison!

At this moment, Wang Wudao changed history!

Changed the fate of the Dragon Kingdom

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Looking at the excited crowd and the enthusiastic leader, Wang Wudao smiled casually.

…… boom!

The atmosphere in the Dragon Kingdom was completely different. At this moment, in the office of the president of the most powerful country, accompanied by a dull slap, the blond president stood up in confusion.

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

How is it possible for the most powerful country to create a 0.9nm level chip?

In today's world, I have never heard of anyone who can create such a small chip!

"Walter, didn’t you say that they can’t make it?"

After a roar, the angry president poured his anger on Walter.


Walter wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and opened his mouth.

He also didn't expect that Longguo could really make chips!

And it’s still 0.9nm, a super high-quality chip with tens of millions of lines!

"Do you think the data is false?"

Suddenly, Walter asked


The blond president was stunned, and Abel's expression changed slightly.

"That's right, fake."

Walter suddenly became energetic and analyzed:

"You think, with current science and technology, it is impossible to achieve a chip with a size of 0.9nm! That Wang Wudao of the Dragon Kingdom, even if he is a genius, cannot create a engraved machine that is beyond the level of the times!"

"Makes sense."When the blond president heard this, he nodded with deep approval.

He just said, how could the Dragon Kingdom, which he had never paid attention to, break through the shackles of the times!

Thinking about it this way, the current live broadcast is probably Wang Wudao He and the Dragon Kingdom government put on a show together to appease the domestic companies and the people of Dragon Kingdom!

"That must be it!"The more the blond president thought about it, the more it made sense, and he almost laughed out loud in the end.

"Mr. President, do you want to investigate and make a conclusion?"

Besides, Abel was still not at ease. After taking a deep look at the live broadcast screen, he asked cautiously.

For some reason, he always felt that the scene in the live broadcast did not seem to be staged.

"Of course you have to find out."

The blond president responded immediately.

However, after finishing speaking, the blond president sneered disdainfully:"However, the final result must be the same. Long Guo is cheating!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blond president looked at Walter:"Go and tell the countries like the sun never sets that it's time for them to make a choice."

At this moment, the blond president was very confident.

If it were said that Long Guo had produced a chip of about 5nm, it might be convincing.

However, Long Guo's fraud was so serious this time that it directly produced a 0.9nm chip!

The blond president believed that, The heads of other countries, as long as they have any brains, will not believe in Long Guo

"In addition, if we continue to cut off supplies to the Dragon Kingdom, I want to see how long they can last!"

The next second, the blond president gave an order

"Everyone, please be quiet. I want to announce something.……"

As soon as the president finished speaking, a voice came from the live broadcast room——


At this moment, the leader pulled Wang Wudao onto the podium.

Everyone below immediately looked over

"What does the chief want to do?"

"Announce something? What's up?"

"I have a hunch that this is a big deal!"

For a while, everyone started talking quietly.

They were all curious, what exactly was the leader going to announce?

Looking at the people talking about it below, the leader smiled slightly and turned to look at Wang Wudao.

The next second, he said loudly:"Start immediately. , our country will invest 100 billion to build a quantum engraving machine production base. Wang Guoshi holds 70% of the shares and has absolute say!"

"What! Hundreds of billions?"

"70% of the equity is given to Wang Guoshi!"

"Quantum engraving machine production base? Is this going to be mass produced?"

After listening to the chief's words, there was an uproar below.

No one could calm down!

Hundreds of billions of investments were made to build a production base. This is obviously the pace of mass production!

And it can start from now!

Obviously, the country wants to concentrate its efforts , develop this matter.

Once the state machinery is used, it will not be long before batches of quantum machines are available! By that time , the world structure will inevitably change dramatically!

When it comes to electronic products, the smaller the chip, the better! What’s more , how about a chip that is both small and performs well?

"70%, chief, I can't afford it!"

At the same time, Wang Wudao was also surprised.

He was not surprised that the chief wanted to build a production base, but 70% of the equity!

This is equivalent to building a quantum engraving machine production base for him!

It is indeed an exaggeration.

"Sir Wang, please don’t refuse, you deserve these."

The chief shook his head very firmly.

"Moreover, this decision was not made by me alone, but was negotiated by everyone."

"Yes, Sir Wang Guo, the chief has just held a video conference. This is the decision of all of us and the decision of Dragon Kingdom!"At this time, Xian Min came over and said very definitely.

As soon as he finished speaking, the leader said again:"Master Wang, just accept it!"

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