Sniffing the fragrance of the tip of his nose, kneading the tenderness of his fingertips, and recalling the past.

Although the purpose of approaching Rinko at that time was not simple, after getting along, he, who already had a good impression of Yenko, gradually fell in love with this gentle and pretended mature little girl, and gradually forgot about her bloody past.

Looking back now, this is the only reason why Tsumiko is so scared, although I don't know why Tsuneko broke the corpses of four people before, but with the current situation of the ability awakening, it's hard not to wonder if the two will have any effect.

Maybe personality and environment are also factors that affect the awakening of the ability? Maybe not necessarily, but Jing Haoyong feels that it has something to do with it.

Hirano's love for guns and awakening about firearms.

How many people can be affected by Saya Takashiro's words as the eldest lady

of a wealthy family? Although it is not obvious now, if the world is normal, then Saya Takashiro, who will replace his father and become the head of the Takashiro family in the future, will definitely have this ability, so the fire is also in line with Takashiro's character of not allowing others to disobey him.

And their own situation...... Thinking of the boundless darkness that he had sunk into before he died in his previous life, Jing Haoyong felt that it must have something to do with it......

Although I feel that I have guessed the reason, Jing Hao, who still doesn't know how to solve it, has a headache.

"Did she mean that she wouldn't hurt herself no matter what happened?" "That is, does she think she's going to hurt herself when she awakens an ability?' Uncontrollable ability?" But how does Tsumiko know what

ability she's going to awaken?' Or did that incident happen a few years ago when she couldn't

control herself?'' "

And now because of the awakening ability, is that inability to control herself going to happen again?"

Jing Haoyong, who finally found the thread in the mess, exhaled lightly, although he didn't know how to solve it, but it was easier to know the reason.

"This Nizi still wants to hide from herself, is she afraid that she will be afraid of her?"

Although I understand this approach of Yanzi very well, understanding does not mean agreeing, and the lesson should still be taught.


The palm that slid back and forth on the snow-white ridge of the human child slowly went down, and in the slight tremor of the body, he patted the round and thick hills lightly.

A crisp and pleasant sound sounded in the silent living room.

Before she could look up at herself in disgust, Jing Haoyong had already lowered her head and gently pressed her forehead, and his tone was soft and serious.

"It's okay~ It's okay~ No matter what the son becomes, and no matter what the son has been, I'll always like

the girl!" suddenly felt the body of the girl in his arms shake suddenly, and Jing Haoyong, who knew that he had guessed correctly, didn't say anything more, but stroked the back of the child wordlessly.

'Did Naga know about that?But how could he know?Did he mean that he understood crookedly?'

Lying in Jing Haoyong's arms, he unconsciously clutched the shirt on his back, subconsciously not wanting him to know the truth, and trying to think about the better.

But Jing Haoyong's next sentence shattered her illusion.

"I know everything, don't worry, it doesn't matter what

becomes of the son!" Repeating what he had just said, he decided to cut through the mess quickly, and he didn't intend to give him a chance to think nonsense.

"You don't know, I used to ...... Ahh

Then he lowered his head and kissed her slightly open pink mouth with lightning speed.

And the man who didn't expect to be so skinny at all, his eyes widened a little dumbly, and when he came back to his senses, the defense line under his lips had already been breached, and he could only be forced to take whatever he wanted.

But it was this arrogant attitude that gradually dispelled the uneasiness and panic in the heart of the child.

The astonishment in his eyes turned into a soft watery meaning, and he responded slightly jerkily with his little head tilted.

And Jing Haoyong, who was encouraged, began to intensify, and the palm that was originally placed behind the son began to be dishonest.

The uneasy man in his heart also needs this kind of weird care, so he didn't stop Jing Hao Yongyue's unbridled actions, but cooperated with his actions as if they were nothing.

Jing Haoyong, who has been patient all day long, no longer has any scruples after getting the tacit approval of the son.

When the touch in his hand could no longer be satisfied, Jing Haoyong, whose eyes were full of red, didn't bother to wait any longer, and directly picked up the crook of his legs and strode towards the nearest empty room.

Tsumiko, who had already anticipated what might happen next, quietly leaned on Jing Haoyong's chest, quietly listening to the sound of a strong and powerful heart beating in his ears, and waited for that moment to come.

Jing Haoyong, who was about to turn into a beast, pushed open the door and gently put the son on the bed with the only remaining gentleness.

The slightly red eyes looked directly into the blue eyes of the man, and his tone was soft and inquiring.

"You still have one last chance to regret it, although I want to give you a perfect first time, but ......

" exhaled a scorching breath, Jing Haoyong, who was already about to explode, stood up to the top, hoping to let her know what she was going to face

!" The women of the Poison Island family are never afraid!".

In the face of the repeated warnings of her beloved, Poison Island's long dark purple hair was scattered on the snow-white sheets, like a blooming flower, and there was no retreat on her blushing face.

There was no tension or trepidation in the blue moist eyes, but full of encouragement.

Knowing that he cherished his poisonous island, in order to let him let go of the tenderness in his heart, he gradually relaxed the tight soft and delicate body.

The round jade pillar in casual shorts slowly hugged Jing Haoyong's waist pole on top of him.

So that there is no longer a gap between the two.

The snow lotus-like arm was also wrapped around his neck, not caring about the heart that seemed to be jumping out of the chest, Poison Island Tsuneko opened her ruddy and lovely little mouth enthusiastically and boldly, and gently rubbed Jing Haoyong's earlobe with her white teeth.

Silent encouragement.

Jing Haoyong, who was almost completely dominated by the desires in his mind, faced a set of combos in his heart, and he no longer had any thoughts of pity in his heart.

He has only one thought, and that is to do his best to tear this guy who dares to despise himself to shreds.

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