At the beginning, the Tianshi Sword was stolen, and the poor man used the backhand grenade method

Chapter 286 Why not turn into bones (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

As soon as Tianshi said his words, the entire conference room fell silent.

What does this mean?

Isn't it just a zombie wave?

And haven't those zombies been eliminated by the Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain and Maoshan Mountain?

Why does the Heavenly Master still say that the problem is huge?

Or even affect the fate of the blue star beneath our feet?

what happened?

All the Taoist priests and officials present in the conference room did not understand.

I can't understand what the Master is saying.

Is this matter so big?

In the conference room, an official official smiled stiffly and said, Oh my God, Master Tian, ​​this is not a joke. You must not be joking.

Qin Yang shook his head: I'm not kidding, I can say it responsibly. The magnitude of this matter has exceeded my imagination, and it is even out of our control. If this crisis breaks out, I'm afraid it will be global. disaster.

Some people couldn't help but ask: Master Tian, ​​what is there under this cave?

They were all curious about what kind of terrifying thing was under the cave, which made the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master change his color.

This was the first time they saw the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master, who was usually extremely powerful and seemingly unlimited, showing such an ugly expression at this moment.

The most important thing now is to find out what is under the crypt.

Is there anything that can endanger the entire Blue Star?

Everyone looked at the Celestial Master.

Qin Yang said: That cave leads directly to 50,000 meters underground. In the deepest part of the underground, there is a cave. Deep in the cave, there are a group of zombies wrapped in corpse cocoons.


Everyone present was stunned when they heard what the Heavenly Master said.

Just zombies?

They thought there was some ancient giant.

I thought it was some ancient giant sleeping underground, and if it revived it would cause a planet-level disaster.

But... from what the Heavenly Master said, it seems that there are only zombies down there?

In the opinion of some high-level officials, although zombies are scary, they are not as scary as destroying the planet.


There are so many Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain and Maoshan, but they can’t deal with them?

The official high-level representative asked: Master Tian, ​​are the zombies in the cave very powerful? Even you can't deal with them?

Since the Heavenly Master said this, there is only one possibility, that is, the zombies under the cave are too terrifying, to the point where even the Heavenly Master is extremely troublesome to see them.

Qin Yang sighed and said, The zombies in the cave are indeed powerful, and Pindao is not his opponent for the time being.

Upon hearing these words spoken by the Heavenly Master himself, everyone in the conference room suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Isn't even the Celestial Master an opponent's zombie?


How powerful should this be?

Patriarch Sanmao asked at this time: Master Tian, ​​I wonder what state the zombies in the cave are in? Flying zombies? Or...

It can make this Dragon and Tiger Heavenly Master feel powerless.

Then there is only flying above.

After all, Patriarch Sanmao has not forgotten the image of the Heavenly Master squeezing his hands and flying stiff.

If it were just a group of flying zombies, the Heavenly Master probably wouldn't have said this.

And with Fei Zheng's combat power, he still couldn't reach the point of destroying Blue Star.

Flying above the zombies?

Qin Yang glanced at the Patriarch of Sanmao and nodded slightly: Above Fei Zheng, there is a group of drought demons, and four non-bones. In addition, there is also a non-bone level corpse cocoon spider, which is extremely powerful, far away from me. Wait until the strength of everyone here is exceeded!

His !!!

When Qin Yang said these words, everyone present took a deep breath.

When a Taoist priest heard the word Hanbao, his face turned ugly.

Until I heard that there were still no bones in the back, and there were four of them!

I couldn't hold it back and even crushed the copper coins I was playing with!


No bones? Four?!

Several Taoist priests immediately stood up.

It's not that they are not calm, because only experts know what the three words not turning into bones mean.

It is almost the end of the zombies in the historical records of various major sects!

Compared with Bu Hua Gu, the zombie kings in Lin Zhengying's movies are probably not able to withstand Bu Hua Gu's breath.

In one breath, those so-called zombie kings will explode and melt on the spot!

The moods and expressions of the Taoist priests present fluctuated so much.

The officials who were also present could not understand.

They are not members of the Taoist sect. What are they if they are not transformed into bones?

They didn't know what level the zombies were.

A senior executive asked directly: Tianshi, everyone, what level of zombie is this non-bone zombie? Is it very powerful? Is it more powerful than Feizheng?

The expressions of all the Taoist priests present changed greatly.

They also realized something.

I'm just afraid that the Intransigent Bone is still above Fei Zheng.

Dragon Kingdom officials have also experienced many zombie incidents!

Now we also have some data about zombies.

The characteristics and basic strengths of zombies such as walking zombies, white zombies, green zombies, black zombies, hairy zombies, and flying zombies.

Now there are corresponding data records in the official database of Dragon Kingdom.

The strongest zombie currently known to the authorities is the flying zombie level.

The official internal record is: thermal weapons are ineffective against it. High-power missiles may be able to kill it, but the success rate is extremely low. Modern scientific and technological military power cannot be defeated! Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master or other Taoist high-level officials need to take action to solve it!

But now these Taoist priests are talking about things that will not turn into bones.

No bones!

This is a new term for the official.

What is non-bone?

What is the strength?

The authorities don't know anything yet.

Therefore, they must first understand this so-called non-transformation of bones.

Qin Yang looked at the officials who still didn't understand the concept of not turning into bones.

Then he glanced at the red-robed Xuanyin Taoist of Longhu Mountain who was sitting next to him.

He said: Taoist Master Xuanyin, please come and do some popular science.

Taoist Master Xuanyin nodded, and then said: Fusheng Boundless Heavenly Lord, in our Taoist sect, the known records of zombies by our ancestors generally divide zombies into six levels, namely walking zombies, white zombies, and green zombies. Zombie, black zombie, hairy zombie, flying zombie!

Among these six types of zombies, flying zombies are the strongest. They can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, suck blood from the air, are invulnerable, murderous, and extremely cruel!

But in fact, our more complete records of zombies actually include eight levels. After the flying zombies, there are even more powerful and terrifying drought zombies and immortal bones!

Taoist Master Xuanyin said, paused, and continued: Generally, it takes at least a thousand years for a zombie to become a flying zombie. After cultivating a flying zombie, it is basically equivalent to a land god among humans, and is also known as a flying zombie. The zombie king in general.

But Hanba's strength is far superior to that of Feizheng. Known as the Zombie King among the zombie kings, he can kill Feizheng in an instant!

As the saying goes, a zombie that flies after a thousand years becomes a demon that lasts ten thousand years. It is basically impossible for a zombie to become a drought demon unless there is a great opportunity, and even if there is a great opportunity, it will take at least ten thousand years!

As for not turning into bones...

Theoretically speaking, in the history of dragons, they appear very rarely, only a few times. The four most famous zombie kings in ancient times: Hanbao (name, not realm), Houqing, Yinggou, and Jiangchen !

These four are the ones who cannot turn into bones! (End of chapter)

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