Awakening of the Masses: Enlightening Across the Multiverse in My Dreams

Chapter 556 The brain-filling monster Xiao Yuwei!

Feng Xi finally decided to solve a serious problem for Jing Huang.

Without the evil god's seal in Jinglian Mountain, the pressure on Jinghuang Base City can be reduced by at least half.

And he also wanted to try whether he now had the ability to create a more powerful mask of the Witch God.

The Lord of Desolation at the foot of Jinglian Mountain is a very suitable choice.

After making the decision, Feng Xi immediately changed into the big phone and dialed Xiao Yuwei's number as the Gui Xu Emperor.

The call was quickly connected, and Xiao Yuwei's somewhat surprised look appeared on the virtual screen.

Yuwei meets the senior Guixu Emperor!

Senior, why are you suddenly looking for me?

Feng Xi entered the role very naturally, assumed the posture of a proud and powerful senior, and said in a deep voice:

Well, it's like this. I have recently rushed to prepare a God-Slaying quota. I can help Daxia deal with another evil god projection, so I will inform you.

Hearing this, Xiao Yuwei suddenly beamed with joy: So that's it! That's a great thing! Senior, you care so much about Daxia, it's really a blessing to the people of the country! On behalf of the hundreds of millions of people in Xia Kingdom, Yuwei thanks senior for your great righteousness !”

Alas! I have already told you that you don't have to be so polite.

Feng Xi pretended for a moment, and then said again: Have you all dealt with the evil god seals you said you needed to deal with last time?

Back to senior, the preliminary construction has been completed, but if senior is willing, you can choose another seal to clean it thoroughly, which can also save a lot of money.

There was expectation in Xiao Yuwei's tone. She just felt that the call from Emperor Guixu came at the right time. If she can save a fortune, it's worth it!

However, Feng Xi put forward a different view:

As long as the preliminary construction is completed, I have different ideas about this opportunity to kill the gods.

Oh? Senior, please tell me!

Although these evil god projections in the border areas of Daxia are troublesome to deal with, they actually do not pose a great threat to Daxia. It is the seals within Daxia, especially those left in the early years, that are actually the containment A huge hidden danger for the development of Daxia.”

Feng Xi talked eloquently and secretly guided: In fact, the threat between the two is the obvious gap. These newly emerged evil god projections were immediately sealed with only three-star strength. However, several places in the country were controlled by the first generation of Venerables. There are many more powerful beings in the seals they left behind, including many five-star, six-star, and seven-star level evil god projections.

By the way, I remember that in the Black Moon City you guard, there is an evil god of eight-star strength, the Lord of Reincarnation, sealed inside, right?

If such an evil god's seal is accidentally destroyed, the damage caused and the threat to Daxia will be much more serious than the recently sealed evil god's projection. Even I am not sure that I can seal the evil god's projection of seven stars or above.

So, taking advantage of the opportunity now, why not prioritize the quota to deal with these evil god seals that have greater hidden dangers?

After Feng Xi finished speaking, Xiao Yuwei couldn't help but fall into thinking.

Xiao Yuwei: If you think about it carefully, what the senior said seems to make sense?

yes! Since the quota is limited, why not deal with the projections of the high-star evil gods that are obviously more threatening?

The reason they didn't expect at first, or didn't want to think about it, was that cities had been established in these sealed places with a long history, and many people and troops lived nearby. It would be troublesome to break the seal rashly, so it would be better to leave it there. move.

But now that I think about it carefully, it seems that if we really want to do it, it won’t be that troublesome. The worst we can do is send a few demigods to use the divine soul realm to collect the people and important equipment in the sealed land first, clear the surrounding area, and then let Emperor Guixu take action. , if you are careful, you should be able to minimize the loss.


Thinking of this, Xiao Yuwei asked with burning eyes:

I understand what you mean, senior, so which seal in the mainland do you think is more appropriate?

Very good, she is following my wishes completely!

Feng felt secretly happy in his heart and directly stated his purpose: I have really considered this carefully. I feel that among the several places sealed by evil gods in the mainland, only the seal in the Bahuang area is the most restrictive to the development of Daxia, and the Bahuang area is the most restrictive to the development of Daxia. Among the several seals in the Wasteland, the Lord of Desolation under the seal of Jinglian Mountain in the base city of Jinghuang is the most threatening, a projection of the evil god with a full six-star strength.

It just so happens that this is the maximum strength that I can kill with confidence. After thinking about it, only by dealing with this seal can we maximize the benefits of this opportunity. What do you think?

Jing Huang?

After hearing this, Xiao Yuwei couldn't help but fall into thinking.

There is indeed nothing wrong with what the senior said, and Jinghuang is indeed the most dangerous sealed place in the country.

Not only did it seal the projection of a high-star evil god, it also faced the constant threat of two low-star beast kings. A huge disaster could break out if they were not careful.

If the evil god's seal in this city can be dealt with, the benefits will indeed be much greater than dealing with those new sealed places.

But she couldn't help but think deeper at this time.

This senior Guixu Emperor had never had such an idea before. The ones he had killed so far were all three-star evil gods. But why did he suddenly change his mind and focus on Jinghuang's old seal?

Is he really just trying to deal with the more threatening seal?

Or, is there a deeper purpose in this?

Thinking of this, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thought of a possibility, and immediately narrowed her eyes.

etc! Could it be that senior wants to...

Then Feng Xi, who was waiting for her reply, saw her suddenly say:

What the senior said is indeed reasonable, and the junior also feels that there is much to be done, but please forgive Yuwei for asking. What the junior wants to know is that the senior's choice of Jinghuang is not only for the purpose of solving the evil god's seal, right?

Feng Xi was stunned: What do you mean? What other purpose could I have?

Seeing Feng Xi's silence, Xiao Yuwei's tone became more determined: Senior, you want to take action in the Eight Wastelands, eliminate all hidden dangers here, eliminate the Eight Wastelands Beast King Alliance, regain the Eight Wastelands in one fell swoop, and solve this inland problem for Daxia. The biggest disease, right?”

Feng Xi's eyes widened under the mask.

I do have this idea, but how did you deduce this result from what I said before?

Did I reveal any relevant intention in what I just said?

No! I obviously just want to convince you to cooperate with me in dealing with the Jinghuang seal?

Did you misunderstand something?

Do you have a sixth sense or are you overthinking it?

Could this mean that the answer is right and the process is all wrong?

I can't tell you, you are still a crazy person!

For a time, Feng Xi had a new understanding of her beautiful leader.

Then he was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Okay! Very good! I have long thought that this girl like you is very smart, but I didn't expect that you could guess my thoughts with just a few words! You are very good! Very good!

Feng Xi: Since you said so, I can only show my hand with you! Yes, that’s what I thought. You’re absolutely right!

In this way, wouldn't it be logical for him to propose some combat plans for the Eight Wastelands?

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