Battle Soldier Leon

Chapter 558: Holy city

"Go!" Leon issued an order.

Kunpeng sent Leon and the Golden Eagle to the main space, and Leon immediately felt the peeping again, this time because his position was so different from before, there was no sense of being positioned.

He also knew that being positioned under this sense of prying eyes would happen soon.

Golden Eagle led him to the front of the Temple of Earth in the new city.

With the same operation and the same procedure, it is estimated that the God of the Earth did not expect that the time of the two attacks would be so close.

Stop the sacrifice, put away the **** of the earth, find the portal equipment and put it away. In this process, the whole city is completely wiped out.

When Leon felt that the sense of prying increased, he was already in Kunpeng's independent space, far away.

"Laura, start cracking the two devices!" Leon ordered to the mastermind Laura.

When the mastermind Laura started to work, Leon's whole body relaxed.

No matter who resists the feeling of being peeped by the gods and attacks the temple of the gods, there will be psychological pressure.

Had it not been for the speed of the Golden Eagle and Kunpeng's back path, he would immediately flee away when he sensed the peep, where he would dare to attack the temple.

Leon shook his head. He knew that he could not appear in the main space of the Foreign Spirit World. Even if he did, he would need to return to the space mezzanine in a short time, otherwise he would be discovered by the gods.

The main reason is that he hasn't really understood the gods. During the previous attack, he didn't lock his breath, and kept his breath on the scene, which made him tracked by the gods.

"It's really troublesome!" Leon said angrily.

He suddenly discovered that he couldn't stay in the main space no matter whether he was in the world of the universe or the world of foreign spirits.

This can be regarded as an achievement. It is not easy for ordinary people to treat the two big worlds in this way.

Thinking that this would be the case in the future, he also felt nervous. He no longer rested, his figure entered the electric energy cultivation space and began the practice of the'Lightning Rule'.

He must seize all the time to practice, and only strong strength is the only way to break the track.

During Leon's practice, the mastermind Laura cracked the internal programs of the two portal devices.

"Master, the space coordinates of the foreign spirit world have been established, and the map is being imported!" Following the report of the mastermind Laura, through the mental power Leon saw a star map generated by the mastermind Laura.

This star map is established in the way of a universal star map of the universe world, which is more conducive to the display of space coordinates.

However, the World of Foreign Spirits is obviously a special big world, because the star map has only one piece of land, and the land is flat. The spatial coordinates that have been obtained so far show that the area of ​​this land is beyond imagination.

There is no coordinate display in the sky above the earth, as if there is nothingness there.

Leon had long discovered the special nature of the foreign spirit world, which was not as obvious as the star map appeared.

"Kunpeng, according to this star map, fly to near this coordinate, be careful, there may be powerful enemies there!" Leon issued an order to Kunpeng.

Kunpeng flew in the direction of the space coordinate, which was extremely far away from the current known world of foreign spirits, and was a location far away from the city that Leon knew.

Of course, at the speed of Kunpeng, it does not take much time to fly there.

Leon didn't waste this time, he began to practice the ‘Lightning Rules’ again.

After finishing the ‘Lightning Rule’ practice, he received a notice from Kunpeng that he had approached the target location.

Leon shared Kunpeng's vision and looked at the main space.

"What a strong Wuyang energy!" Through Kunpeng's perception, he first discovered the difference between this place and the rest of the place.

This area is like being covered by fog, which is the expression of Wuyang's full energy to the extreme.

The area covered by the mist is not a small area, at least he did not find the end of the mist.

The strong Wuyang energy is extremely conducive to the cultivation of fighters who practice Wuyang energy, and can speed up the cultivation speed.

Although Leon has passed through a lot of places in the world of foreign spirits, the Wuyang energy in these places is more or less, but it is simply incomparable compared to here.

Several figures flew through the fog, and Leon felt a powerful aura. It was two fourth-level domain masters flying through the sky.

"Kunpeng, look around!" Leon was not worried about alarming the two fourth-level domain masters, he instructed Kunpeng.

As Kunpeng moved in the mezzanine of the misty space, he saw a huge Earth Temple, and it was not surprising that there would be an Earth Temple here. The spatial coordinates he obtained were obtained from the portal equipment of the Earth Temple.

What made him feel horrified was the domain masters around the Earth Temple, where more than 500 domain masters with strength above level 3 were gathered.

Among them, there are no less than 30 five-level domain masters. This is the scene with the most powerful presences he has ever seen.

The most spectacular scene Leon has seen before is the Tanmeng star in the Ingway star field. Although Tanmeng does not have the strength of the 18th level or above, there are a huge number of sixteen to ten. Seven-level wizard star master.

The scene in front of him made Leon truly know the strength of the foreign spirit world. It turned out that the real powerful domain masters were all here.

How did he know that, in addition to the warriors of the gods, only some powerful people who have made outstanding contributions to the temple will be able to break through to the eighteenth level or above by the resources granted by the temple.

All major temples will send the geniuses who have reached a certain standard of bloodline concentration to the holy city, and the holy city will train them to become warriors of the gods.

This makes it difficult to appear in the ordinary cities in the world of foreign spirits, territorial masters above level 3, because those with this talent have become warriors of the gods.

This situation also caused conflicts between cities in the world of foreign spirits, or between forces and ethnic groups. Without the conflicts of territorial masters rising to level three or higher, the intensity of the battle would not exceed your control.

Of course, the most important thing is that the gods have stronger control over the world, and their beliefs will be firmer.

It is necessary to know that only the existence of strong strength will have the situation of not firm belief. That is a kind of awakening after understanding the truth of strength.

The gods gathered talents with high bloodline talents to the holy city, and cultivated them from a very young age. In this process, they continuously strengthened their beliefs through various means.

Without contact with the outside world, such training methods will make God's warriors not only super strong, but also believers with firm beliefs, and become obedient warriors in the hands of the gods.

The domain master outside the Temple of Earth that Leon saw was only a part of the warriors of the Temple of Earth. There were also many warriors of God who went out to perform the task of tracing Leon and were not in the holy city.

Kunpeng's movement slowed down a bit to avoid causing too much movement. Kunpeng felt the breath of the gods.

Leon also found out that these five hundred domain masters hovered around the Earth Temple. Although they were quiet, they were actually praying silently. There were thick faith connections between them and the Earth Temple.

The more powerful the existence, the greater the beliefs it generates. Just a fifth-level domain master, which is equivalent to a powerful person at the twenty-level, the more beliefs generated out of the power of belief in a big city.

Of course, this requires the twentieth-level powerhouse to have the purest faith, not to mention becoming a mad believer, at least to be close to the level of a mad believer in order to have such an effect.

Almost all warriors of the gods will have such beliefs. The training of warriors of gods in the temple is a summary of countless years, and the most systematic training method has long been formed.

Only by making the faith of the warrior of the gods extremely firm can the warrior of the gods return to the side of the gods after their fall, and become the eternal warriors of the gods.

The entire world of foreign spirits is like a ranch, and whenever top aptitudes appear in the ranch, the holy city is like a fine cultivation base, cultivating these top aptitudes into warriors of the gods, and eventually become the eternal warriors of gods beside the gods.

The place where Leon came is the most important area of ​​the foreign spirit world, and the area covered by the fog formed by the rich Wuyang energy is the holy city in the legend of the foreign spirit world.

In order to ensure the purity of the warriors of the gods, this is a city in name, but in fact it is the place where the temples and warriors of the gods gather.

The sacrifices in the temple are responsible for all the needs of the warriors of the gods, including training resources, living items, etc., as well as providing spiritual guidance for the warriors of the gods.

The powerful being among the warriors of the gods will again become the mentors of the young warriors of the gods, teaching them their cultivation.

With the most abundant resources, a powerful mentor, the attention of the gods, and the top talents, under this circumstance, it is only natural for the **** warrior to grow into the strongest warrior in the world of foreign spirits.

Leon did not dare to attack the Earth Temple here, because he could perceive the spirit of the gods that appeared from time to time, indicating that the gods had been paying attention directly to this place.

In a normal city, the true spirit of the gods left in the sacrificial vessel will not have autonomous consciousness, and the true spirit is somewhat like a control program that controls the temple.

It is necessary for the sacrificial to command the true spirit, so that the true spirit can use the power of the temple's faith and exert a powerful magical technique that exceeds the strength of the sacrificial body.

Or the gods can connect the spirit of the gods to the true spirits, so that the gods can observe the situation near the true spirits, so as to impose divine metaphors, perform **** surrenders, and so on.

It is impossible for the gods to always put their spiritual thoughts in the true spirits of every city. That is the work of sacrificial offerings.

But the Earth Temple here is different, the spirit of the gods seems to have never left, and the breath of the gods is constantly echoing in the void.

As Kunpeng moved, Leon also saw some young fighters. These fighters were relatively weak. They were practicing under the guidance of powerful domain masters.

Not far after leaving the Temple of Earth, another temple appeared in the field of vision, this was a temple of frost.

The situation of the Frost Temple is similar to that of the Earth Temple. There are also hundreds of powerful domain masters praying around the temple, conveying a huge amount of power of faith for the temple.

After that, Leon discovered the Temple of Flame and Temple of Lightning, and there were hundreds of third-level to fifth-level domain masters beside each temple.

Leon judged in his heart that if the world of alien spirits only had so much combat power, in addition to the god-level combat power he didn't know, the star-master-level combat power alone would definitely have a crushing level in the universe world. The advantages.

Although he has not seen the 18th to 20th level of the Ingway Empire, according to his analysis and judgment, the Ingway Empire alone has at least tens of millions of elves from the 18th to the 20th level. division.

In this holy city, the total number of domain masters in all the temples is not as large as that of the Ingway Empire family.

In fact, the number of **** warriors in the holy city should not be so small theoretically. The problem is that cultivating Wuyang energy will not increase the lifespan of the domain master much.

In other words, even if you cultivate to the fifth-level domain master, that is, the strength of the twentieth-level star master, the life span is also limited by race.

It is not difficult to understand that what the gods need is not the living warriors of the gods, but their souls.

With a large amount of resources and careful training, most of the warriors of the gods can be cultivated to the fifth-level domain master before they fall. After the gods recover the souls of the warriors of the gods, they use these souls to reshape the warriors of the gods. Such warriors of the gods have endless The life span will be greatly improved in strength.

Leon was a little disappointed. He came to the Holy City this time, on the one hand to find out where the geniuses who sent the blood in the world of foreign spirits, on the other hand, wanted to grab the terminal equipment of the portal device if possible.

He is still very interested in the portal equipment of the foreign spirit world. With such equipment, he can return to a safe place in any corner of the world.

But when he really arrived in the holy city, he didn't dare to act, and he couldn't even enter the main space.

During the observation, he saw a portal appeared outside the Temple of the Earth, and a fox man walked out of the portal.

This fox man was taken away by the sacrifice of the Flame Temple, and he did not belong to the Earth Temple.

Leon guessed that perhaps only the Earth Temple is in control of the portal equipment, and the other temples do not have portal equipment. This can be seen from the fact that he has destroyed so many temples and only found the portal equipment in the Earth Temple~www Kunpeng flew in one direction and left the area covered by Wuyang energy mist after flying for a while. He found that the entire area was covered by an energy shield.

Seeing the energy shield once again, the appearance of the energy shield in the world of foreign spirits always made him feel a little offensive.

This is not a shield of the power of belief, but a real energy shield, a shield that uses Wuyang energy to generate.

No matter what energy is used, it is theoretically the same as the energy shield of the universe.

This further confirmed the constant relationship between the Foreign Spirit World and the Great Universe World, and the two Great Worlds must have a connection that he didn't know.

Leaving the holy city, Kunpeng kept flying in the interlayer of space, and the main brain, Laura, automatically generated a map of the world of foreign spirits based on the situation in the main space.

In this way, the map of the foreign spirit world is constantly being supplemented, while Leon is focused on cultivation, waiting for the day when the vines emerge from the cocoon.

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