"Ye Chen!"

Just as Ye Chen was about to open the car door to get on, he stopped and turned around. It was a man who was around the same age as himself.

Seeing Ye Chen turn around, the man did not react for a long time, so he quickly said: "Ye Chen, you don't recognize me anymore? I'm Old Bi. "

Ye Chen quickly thought back to who this person was, and then lowered his head and looked at the other party: "Old Bi! Bi Fute! Haha, my old classmate, long time no see. "

"Hahaha, yeah! It's been so many years since I last saw you. I've contacted some of our classmates and they said that you went off to join the army. When did you come back to find me?" The man smiled and extended his hand towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen held Bi Fute's hand and said with a smile: "Aiya, I just came back, and I still haven't taken care of my own life. I didn't think that in a flash, it would be nearly ten years. It wasn't easy for Ye Chen to meet an old classmate of his and they were both good friends back in his student days. However, when he thought about how Chu Fei’er was also at the mall, in order to not be discovered by Chu Fei’er, he hurriedly got Bi Fute to drive over to his car to inform him.

Bi Fute and Ye Chen got into the car, and said: "Aiyo, old classmate, looks like you've done a pretty good job, to be able to drive such a good car."

"No no, boss's car, drive it to me." Ye Chen said humbly.

"Haha." Bi Fute was very happy, but he smiled instead.

"Old Bi, how did you recognize me?" Ye Chen asked with some doubt. Since it had been almost ten years, even if he had not changed a lot, there must be some changes.

"Aiya, you turned into dust, and I could recognize you. Besides, you were one of the most famous people in our class at that time, and you were one of the beauties of our school, three beauties of the school, and you didn't leave any of them for me. I remembered you for the rest of your life, but that was really fast, almost half of my life already passed already, I thought you and the last school beauty would always be together, who would have thought that something like this would happen?" Bi Fute licked his lips.

Ye Chen's eyes flashed with pain, but he immediately calmed down and forced a laugh: It's all in the past, don't mention it.

"Haha, I've talked too much. I'm sorry, but what have you been doing recently? The boss actually gave you such a good car. It can't be any illegal …"

"Old Bi, you haven't changed at all, you're still the one who likes to joke around. Just talk about you, when you go to school, you'll get beaten up because you're joking around, so I'll just work as a small employee at Wan Feng Group."

Bi Fute laughed out loud.

Haha, when it comes to school, it's all thanks to you. If it wasn't for you, I think I would have been beaten to death in high school. In any case, the bedroom has caught hold of your leg, taking me to fly, take me to the trash heap, take me crazy, and take me crashing into a wall.

Ye Chen was so amused that he started laughing out loud, the two of them laughed so much that the car started to shake. What was even more interesting, there was another person leaning on the window looking in, probably thinking that the car was shaking.

"Haha, then what are you doing now?"

"Me? I'm in the government right now."

"Aiyo, what the f * * k. The government. Awesome. If anything happens in the future, I'll come find you. When that happens, don't say that you don't know who I am." Ye Chen could not help but raise his finger.

"Sure, if there's anything I can help you with, just say it. The premise is that we can do it."

Ye Chen laughed, in truth, that was what he had said before, but with an old fogey behind him, he would never be able to resolve any problems he had. Seeing Bi Fute's attitude, Ye Chen was really happy in his heart.

"Oh right, Ye Chen, there's going to be a reunion this weekend, do you want to join in the fun?"

"Alright, it's been a while. It's also good to go and have a look. It's a good time to reminisce about old times."

"Alright, it's a deal then. After graduation, most of the students in our class will be connected with each other, and it's also more convenient to connect with each other. After so many years, you're the only one who's lost contact with us, it's really lucky to be able to catch you here today."

Saying that, Ye Chen and Bi Fute gave each other their numbers.

"Want some tonight?" It was rare to see Ye Chen so happy, it just so happened that it had been a long time since he went out to relax.

"Okay." Bi Fute promised.

Ye Chen laughed happily, then passed Bi Fute a cigarette. He lit it for Bi Fute and the two of them started smoking.

As he sat smoking, Ye Chen's thoughts suddenly went back to the time when he was in high school. At that time, not to mention learning, he had also made many friends who were loyal to others, and at school, he was practically an influential person. Although he had been chosen before, there was only one person who he was truly interested in, and the two of them even had a good time together in high school.

At that time, the girl took the initiative to chase Ye Chen. In the beginning, Ye Chen did not really like that girl, but after a while, he slowly started to like her, and it slowly became inseparable from her. Every time the two of them returned to their respective classes, they were very reluctant to part with her.

This made Ye Chen feel very disappointed. As a result, he treated the girl a little coldly for a period of time, just wanting her to realize his mistake, but what made Ye Chen even more disappointed was that when he returned from his exams, the girl was actually together with another guy. How could Ye Chen endure's temper?

That night, the child said his goodbyes to Ye Chen and gave him a song. If it wasn't for you, the girl would have sung it herself, "Hey, I really missed you, now that it's raining outside again, my eyes are dry and I want to cry. I wonder where you are right now …" That night, Ye Chen cried. As a man, Ye Chen also knew this, but he couldn't control himself, and slowly shed tears, and Ye Chen really stirred up his true feelings, his mind kept replaying the things he had done with the girl, the dinner together, the playing badminton together, the girl accompanying Ye Chen in playing basketball, even giving him a song on the stage during the sports event, "In my song, I'll keep singing", etc. That time made Ye Chen unable to forget about it, and in the end, the girl had left him due to his coldness.

Time flew by so quickly. In the blink of an eye, it had been almost ten years.

The biggest reason why Ye Chen liked Su Mann was because he and that girl were too similar. Not only did they look alike, their personalities were also very similar, which was why Ye Chen had slowly opened up his heart to Su Mann. However, the main reason why Ye Chen did not have any relationship with Su Mann was because of that girl.

Now, she had met her old classmate, and even wanted to attend a reunion with her. With the relationship between Bi Fute and her, she would definitely be called over, and at that time, Ye Chen would have no choice but to meet this girl.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen."

Ye Chen was too engrossed in his memories, so much so that Lao Bi didn't even hear him speak, and he thought something was wrong with Ye Chen. He immediately patted Ye Chen.

"Ah, I've thought of something." Ye Chen scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I know what you're thinking. Come, let's go drink."

Ye Chen looked at his watch and strolled around the streets for the whole afternoon. It was getting late, it was already past 4 o'clock, so Ye Chen made an OK gesture, started the car, and took Bi Fute to a chain store. The two of them ordered two plates of radishes, 20 skewers of mutton skewers, 6 waists, 1 plate of peanut, 1 plate of cucumber, 2 plates of bones, 4 cup of football, eating and drinking at the same time.

Drinking beer, Ye Chen recalled the things he had done in his student days, and continued to brag about it. It had been a long time since Ye Chen had been this happy.

"Ye Chen, do you still remember that one day, you learned to ride a bicycle from me in the evening class, in the end you were pretty powerful, and learned it in the first class, and then went on the road to race with us the next day. What's even funnier is that Fatty Wang in front of you suddenly stopped his car, and you didn't dodge it and directly crashed into it, and then his entire body flew away, scaring us all. Haha … Laughed to death at us. "

Ye Chen also awkwardly laughed, and said: "The thing is, isn't that the car I borrowed?

"Sigh, we were all so young then, and that's all you have to consider. As expected of my Brother Chen."

"Haha, come, come. Drink, drink."

The two raised their cups and drank it all in one gulp.

"Ye Chen, do you remember something else? I find it funny just thinking about it."

Ye Chen pointed at Bi Fute and laughed wickedly: "I even know what you're trying to do the moment you stick your bottom out. I know what you're trying to say."

"Haha, then tell me. All these years, it was me who had been telling others."

"It's just the physics class, you stupid idiot have to play a little game with me, it's the two of us holding each other's hand, holding it together, and then using our aunt's fingers to press down on the other's, whoever gets pushed will lose."

"Hahaha …" "Right, right, continue."

Teacher found out and told us to go and stand outside. When class was over, teacher came out and asked if we knew how to write a review, you crazily nodded. At that time, you still thought that teacher would look for your parents, right? You tell me, if you're scared, then don't say anything.

"Haha, aren't you afraid? If you call my dad over, then I'll be in trouble. It's not like you don't know how fierce my dad looks."

"Haha, that's true. Then, teacher asked us if we could write a six thousand word review book, you said, you can't, teacher asked again, can you write three thousand words, you nodded like crazy, did you think teacher was too kind at that time? At that time, I kept scolding you by your side, you idiot, haha …"

"Damn you, you're still scolding me? Come, drink this. I'll forgive you."

As he spoke, Ye Chen picked up the wine cup and downed another cup, then continued: "If teacher said that you could write three thousand words, then you can write it twice. When I saw your stupefied expression back then, if you put it on your emoji bag, you would definitely be furious.

"Are you still talking about me? Weren't you standing on the side not even letting out a fart? You still have the face to talk about me. "

"I say, big brother, you have to let me speak!"

"Haha, it's hilarious just thinking about it. Good brother, let's drink."

When Ye Chen saw Bi Fute, the moment he felt like he had met his family members, he was even happier now. Bi Fujian was also very happy, his alcohol tolerance was not enough for him to be able to keep up with school, and now he was still the same as before, and very quickly he drank too much.

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