Although Xia Yu and Ye Chen had been colleagues for a while, and their relationship was very good, Ye Chen had helped Xia Yu in the company before, and now that Ye Chen had risked his life to save him, based on this point, even if they had known each other for more than ten years, they wouldn't have such a friend. Thus, Xia Yu's impression of Ye Chen was already very good, and he believed that Ye Chen was a good man, a person who was entrusted by a good man.

Xia Yu ran out of the company's gate with a red face, but when he stood at the entrance, he did not leave. He knew that Ye Chen had walked out slowly from inside, and when he saw Ye Chen walk out, the accident this time still brought him a lot of injuries.

"Ye Chen, are you really alright?" Xia Yu walked to Ye Chen's side and looked at his knee with concern.

"I'm really fine. I just need to rest and I will be fine. Don't worry." Ye Chen was moved when he saw Xia Yu caring for him. He himself was once a lot of people, but there weren't many who could sincerely care for him from the bottom of their hearts. As for Xia Yu, ever since the accident, he nervously related to his every little action.

"Don't you have to go to the hospital? I see that you are still a bit unnatural when you walk, is it very painful? " After saying that, Xia Yu looked at Ye Chen with teary eyes.

Ye Chen laughed and patted Xia Yu's shoulders.

"Don't worry, it's really alright. Tomorrow morning, I will definitely recover. Just look at my robust body. This little injury is nothing." With that, Ye Chen made a gesture of a strong sailor, and immediately revealed his biceps.

Xia Yu was amused by Ye Chen's expression, she covered her mouth and laughed as she spoke.

"Then... Good... Then let's go eat, and I'll take you home. " Xia Yu sobbed.

"Alright, it's fine to eat, but I'll take you home later. I have a car." As he spoke, Ye Chen turned on the Audi Q7 which was parked in front of him.

Xia Yu wiped her tears and looked at Ye Chen in surprise.

"Ah, Ye Chen, you … You... Don't tell me you are a fuerdai? You actually drove such a good car. "

"It's not mine, didn't CEO Chu let me be her full-time driver during this period? "This is the car that she has given me, I'll take it with me to give it to her later. All of you drive this." Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders.

"Wah, CEO Chu is so generous. Let's go, but are your legs really going to be alright?" Don't joke around, this is a joke that involves both of our lives. " Xia Yu looked at Ye Chen with a serious face.

Ye Chen shook his head, patted Xia Yu's shoulders, and walked towards the car. Xia Yu also followed behind, and looking at Ye Chen, it seemed that he really was fine, so Xia Yu was a lot more at ease, but with the gravity from earlier and Ye Chen still hugging him, why was he fine, this …

Although Xia Yu was curious, he didn't ask further.

But this time, Ye Chen was really trying to be brave. Just as he walked to the entrance of the car, he stepped on one of the legs, but immediately, he lost his balance and directly tilted down. It was thanks to Ye Chen holding onto the car door that he did not fall down.

Xia Yu let out a shrill "Ah" sound. Xia Yu hurriedly ran to Ye Chen's side and supported him. Looking at his injured leg, he suddenly started to panic, the position of his knee had turned a little purple.

Although the mysterious power in Ye Chen's body could help him recover to a certain degree, it could also recover to a certain degree. For example, his bones and tendons, but this type of hesitation was finally due to the pressure brought by the gravity when Ye Chen landed on the ground. His soft tissue would definitely be injured, and this kind of power did not allow him to move freely in the midst of recovering his body.

Xia Yu anxiously took out her phone, wanting to call the hospital, but her phone had just broken down in the elevator and she was unable to turn it on, causing Xia Yu to be extremely anxious.

Ye Chen had only gotten injured to save her, but she actually did not notice Ye Chen's abnormality. What was even more laughable was that after Ye Chen came out, Ye Chen had said that it was fine, but Xia Yu actually believed it, and even brought Ye Chen out to eat. How could she not be amused?

Xia Yu started to continuously blame himself for being so stupid.

Ye Chen smiled as he looked at the panic-stricken Xia Yu, and said: "Looks like I really can't drive. It's better not to eat lunch today, I'll go get a car to take you home, and then I'll also go home."

Xia Yu shook his head with all his might.

"This won't do, I won't believe anything you say this time. Let's go to the hospital, if there's nothing else, I'll send you home."

Seeing that Xia Yu was so insistent, Ye Chen had no choice but to nod his head.

Therefore, with Xia Yu's help, Ye Chen got into a taxi, and the two walked towards the Bright Light City hospital.

In the car, Xia Yu immediately ran out, and anxiously shouted to the nurses in the hall: "Doctor, doctor, someone is injured, quickly bring a mechanical stretcher."

Several doctors quickly pushed a mechanical stretcher to the side of the taxi.

Ye Chen was helpless. He could still walk, why did he need such a big posture?

A few doctors helped Ye Chen to lie down on the mechanical stretcher, and then pushed Ye Chen in.

"While pushing the mechanical stretcher, the doctor asked Xia Yu who was running with them.

"How did he get hurt?"

"Ah, the elevator suddenly fell just now. The two of us in the elevator fell from the tenth floor to the first floor."

When the doctor heard Xia Yu's words, he was shocked. The person who fell from the tenth floor to the first floor was actually still alive, and the two were inside the elevator. This girl looked to be unharmed, but in this kind of situation, there was no time to ask about anything.

The doctor quickly pushed Ye Chen to the orthopedics department and conducted a comprehensive examination, recording, and so on.

The doctor in charge of Ye Chen was a female doctor, with thin rimmed eyes and a ponytail. He looked very capable, with a tall and slender figure.

The female doctor walked to Ye Chen's side and looked at the leg in Ye Chen's hand and at the same time, looked at the film she had taken about Ye Chen's leg, and said while frowning.

"Does it hurt?"

Ye Chen nodded.

"Doctor, quickly help him. It's all because of me that he suffered such heavy injuries." Xia Yu said anxiously.

"Please be quiet and wait outside. Don't worry, I will treat him." The female doctor turned around and looked at Xia Yu.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Xia Yu looked at Ye Chen who was lying on the mechanical stretcher, then turned and walked out of the room. Standing outside the door and looking at Ye Chen through the glass in the door, he looked at him very worriedly, but he had also made up his mind that if anything were to happen to Ye Chen, he would have to take care of him for the rest of his life.

"You two fell from the elevator on the tenth floor to the first floor?" The female doctor looked at Ye Chen and asked.

Ye Chen nodded.

"How did you do it?" The woman doctor was very surprised, at this height, falling down meant certain death, but the person in front of her eyes didn't even have a bone injury, only some soft tissue damage, and he and the girl were both in the elevator, but the girl was fine, and she just said that it was because of her man that he suffered such heavy injuries, so it was obvious that this man did some things to make the girl completely unharmed, but how did he do it, the woman doctor was very curious.

"Just some simple protective measures." Ye Chen said indifferently.

Simple measures? How was this possible? Ordinary people would simply not be able to withstand the speed and inertia brought about by such gravity. No matter what one did, it was impossible.

"Don't worry, if it's convenient for you, I won't ask. The reason I'm asking you is because I want to reduce the death rate in this area." The female doctor said again as she carefully examined Ye Chen's purple knees.

"Does it hurt here?" the woman doctor asked.

Ye Chen did not hear it at all.

"I can see that your leg is fine. I'll prescribe some medicine for you so that you can take it when you get back." With that, the female doctor turned around and walked towards a desk.

After writing the prescription, the female doctor walked to Ye Chen's side.

The female doctor placed the prescription by Ye Chen's side, and also looked curiously at Ye Chen's legs. If it was really as he said, then how did he do it from the tenth floor to the first floor, then how did he do it?

After the female doctor looked at Ye Chen's leg, she exclaimed in shock!


The spot where his leg had just turned purple was now only a little red.

The female doctor bent down and started to check Ye Chen's leg again.

How was this possible? Unexpectedly … Unexpectedly … He actually recovered? Furthermore … And so fast.

The female doctor looked at Ye Chen in shock. What kind of person was Ye Chen to have such a powerful recovery ability, she started to be extremely curious about this man in front of her.

"Who the hell are you?" As an orthopedic expert of the Bright Light City Hospital, he had seen people with recovery abilities before, but for people like Ye Chen, who didn't have one at all, it was simply a miracle!

"I am an ordinary person, my name is Ye Chen, hello." With that, Ye Chen slowly sat up and extended his hand out to the female doctor.

The female doctor shook Ye Chen's hand and said: "Hello, my name is Lee Rubing."

Ye Chen laughed, and then picked up the list that Lee Rubing had just placed beside him.

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