The driver took Ye Chen and them to a place three kilometers away from Huashu village. On the grounds that there was a river in front of them, he stopped the car directly.

For such a situation, ye Chen didn't think much. He just asked subconsciously. After all, when he was young, his cousin often took him to the river to catch fish and play. In his memory, there should be a small bridge to go through, but after the driver was a little stunned, he explained some unnaturally.

"Oh, maybe you haven't come back for too many years. The small bridge is unsafe and is being rebuilt now..."

Before the driver's voice fell, ling'er said directly, "Ye Chen, anyway, we're all here to relax. Let's get off here!"

In fact, ye Chen didn't complain that the driver didn't send them to the place. He just asked casually. After hearing ling'er's suggestion, he nodded slightly, took out a hundred yuan bill and handed it to the driver.

"Master, let's get off here. Here's the fare. Don't change it..."

"Little brother, you are really rich. In that case, I'll do it to the end and send it to you!" the taxi driver looked at Ye Chen's generosity and took this opportunity to say so casually.

At this time, ye Chen still didn't think there was anything wrong with the driver. After all, the driver was a local at first sight, and the terrorists of Awad had been completely eradicated. Can anyone dare to rob in broad daylight.

"Thank you, master. We're all out to relax anyway. Take more steps and take it as exercise!" before ye Chen responded, ling'er directly declined the kindness of the driver master.

"Girl, I think you two must have come from a big city. If you walk there, your body can't bear it. I happen to know a path and will arrive soon." hearing linger's refusal, the driver quickly persuaded. Then, he directly started the car and turned around and drove towards a path leading to the mountain

In the face of the driver's enthusiasm, ling'er didn't think much. After all, sitting in the car, you can be closer to Ye Chen. In that case, it's good to feel the happy moment at this time.

At the moment, ye Chen didn't say much. Because the path on the mountain was very bumpy, she continued to hold ling'er's arm, while ling'er still leaned close to Ye Chen and showed a sweet and happy smile from time to time.

"Hey, hey, this time I've got a big deal. Look at the clothes of these two young people, and they're so rich. They must be rich..."

While driving the car, the driver glanced at Ye Chen and ling'er from the rearview mirror from time to time. In his eyes, he couldn't help showing his sinister and proud eyes.

Huh? Why is there something wrong? If this mountain road goes forward, it will be farther and farther away from Huashu village

Just after the taxi drove for more than ten minutes, ye Chen felt something wrong, frowned slightly, subconsciously began to pay attention to the driver's every move, thinking that there must be a conspiracy.

But ye Chen didn't question the driver on the spot. He took a deep breath and continued to be silent. He planned to see what the bastard wanted to do.

To say the strength of ling'er, it is much stronger than ye Chen. If there is something wrong with that bastard, ling'er can detect it in an instant, but at the moment, ling'er has been completely immersed in happiness and is full of Ye Chen. There is no prudence in her heart, so it is completely understandable that she failed to detect the conspiracy of the driver.

After another journey, the driver directly pulled Ye Chen and them to a gloomy and terrible wooden house in the woods, and suddenly touched a sinister look in his eyes.

"You two, you've reached the place. Get off quickly..."

Before the driver's voice fell, ye Chen had completely understood what the bastard wanted to do, but he still didn't do it directly, because ye Chen concluded that there must be other bastards in the cabin. Since this matter made him catch up, it's better to clean up these bastards and clear some garbage for shiliba village in Tongcheng county.

As for the safety of ling'er, of course, ye Chen doesn't have any worries. After all, he already knows that the sister Lingshan around him is the expert named ling'er in Qifeng mountain. If those bastards are irritating ling'er, one can't help it. Ling'er is teaching a lesson. At that time, can't he naturally let her tell her her her true identity.

After hearing the driver's reminder, ling'er immediately calmed down, subconsciously looked at the surrounding environment and asked in surprise.

"Ye Chen, isn't this the birch village you said? Why is there only one family?"

"This is not Huashu village at all. I think the driver brought us here on purpose!" Ye Chen responded to ling'er, his eyes coagulated, and immediately looked at the proud driver.

Ling'er suddenly felt the strong Qi field burst out by Ye Chen, and immediately reacted. His eyebrows were locked, and he was very unhappy.

It seems that we are going to be robbed! This is really the groundbreaking of Taisui. You want to die

After secretly annoyed, ling'er then pretended to be surprised, subconsciously released Ye Chen's arm and looked directly at the driver.

"Hehe, now that I'm here, I have nothing to pretend. If you two don't want to die, take out the money obediently, lest I ask my brothers to do it!"

At this time, the bastard's driver didn't have to hide. His face sank and he threatened fiercely.

"Looking for..." ling'er, who was annoyed, almost couldn't hold back. She angrily scolded and tried to die. She started immediately, but fortunately, she reacted quickly. When she just said the first word, she quickly took it back and looked very nervous. She held Ye Chen's arm tightly with both hands.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to the bastard's threatening words for the first time, but felt that linger's behavior at this time was very cute, and couldn't help laughing in her heart.

This expert named ling'er is really interesting. Even if you want to hide your identity, you should pretend to be a little more!

"Hey! Didn't you hear what I said? Don't you hurry and take out the money..." the bastard saw that ye Chen ignored his warning and hurried impatiently.

"What if we don't cooperate?" looking at this bastard, ye Chen sighed disdainfully. His eyes coagulated and asked him overbearing.

The bastard seemed to feel Ye Chen's aura. After a slight Leng, he shouted fiercely.

"Smelly boy, since you are so unkind, don't regret it then..."

Before the words fell, the bastard pushed open the door, got off and blew a loud whistle.

At what time, four or five big men rushed out of the cabin, one by one with sticks, daggers, steel knives and other lethal weapons, and immediately surrounded the car.

"Boss, are those two meat tickets disobedient? I'll kill them now..."

The big man with a fierce face rushed to the driver. After a vicious cry, the ox eyes stared directly at Ye Chen in the car.

"Iron bull, wait... I'm in a good mood today. I'm giving that smelly boy a chance. If he doesn't obey, it's not too late to kill him again."

After hearing the boss's order, the horizontal flesh on the iron bull's face trembled, instantly took away the murderous spirit, clamped the steel knife more than a foot under the armpit in his hand, simply lit a cigarette and smoked, while the other villains played with the murder weapon in their hands one by one, stared at Ye Chen in the car, and waited proudly for their next move.

"Smelly boy, I'm in a good mood today. I'll give you ten seconds to think about it. Otherwise, if my brothers do it, I can't stop it!" then, the driver called boss turned his mouth and gave Ye Chen the last warning in the car.

"Ye Chen, i... I'm still afraid! What should we do?" you know, ling'er can't pretend at all. She deliberately shows a look of fear. She grabbed Ye Chen's arm tightly and trembled nervously.

From this point of view, ye Chen knows better that all the reactions of ling'er are deliberately bumped out. You know, on the way to Tongcheng County, she was subjected to terrorist acts by that bastard Awad. At that time, ling'er fully saw her strength. At that time, she was very calm and didn't blink in the face of those murders, The inhuman terrorists are not afraid at all. At this time, they are nervous and afraid to look like this when they see several garbage gangsters. It's a little too much.

However, ye Chen didn't directly expose ling'er. After smiling, he calmly persuaded her.

"Sister Lingshan, you should know my means. There's only a few garbage. There's no need to be nervous. Let's get off the bus and see what those garbage are!"

It's over... It's over... When I was at the high-speed service station, I saw Ye Chen solve those terrorists. How could I forget this? In case it caused Ye Chen's suspicion, it would be troublesome

Hearing Ye Chen's consolation, ling'er reacted for a moment, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. For a moment, she wondered whether she should continue to pretend to be afraid

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