Ye Chen immediately said after hearing Chu Fei’er's words.

"Let's just drop this idea. If Ling'er calls her family's landline, wouldn't I be wasting my time with you? Oh yeah, we shouldn't be talking about each other, I'm wasting my time."

Tsk, don't be so boring. If you are afraid that I will handle the matter of my sister calling home to check the security, before that, we need to go back first, I will break that landline, and then the landline will stop ringing. When my sister comes back, we won't talk about it, and we won't know anything about it.

"It's done, but she wants to call us on her cell phone. What should we do?"

"Then it will be even easier. We just have to lie and say that we are all at home."

Hearing Chu Ling'er's words, Ye Chen became happy immediately, and then he heard Chu Fei’er's question.

"Is it that funny? I was just thinking about how to deal with it." Chu Fei’er said very innocently.

"Cough cough, I'm fine. I'm just happy because of your good countermeasures. But I must say, I never would have thought that you had so many tricks up your sleeve. You must have done it many times without telling your sister."

After Chu Fei’er heard these words, he immediately straightened his back and said.

"My sister is old-fashioned, if I don't have some countermeasures against her, then I would die of grievance, but I can't be blamed for everything. It's all because my sister is too old-fashioned, I naturally have to think of some countermeasures, and that's right, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and oh, don't you think my sister is too old-fashioned?"

"Hehe, I think it's not bad. I think it's quite interesting that you're talking about the tip of the iceberg. How about you tell me about it?"

"Nope, I have a lot of ideas, but they're all there to deal with my sister, so I won't tell you about them. Unless your performance is good, I can pass on some experience and give you some suggestions. As for how to perform, it'll depend on whether you're a competent person right now. With my help, I can guarantee that you'll be able to deal with my sister more easily in the future."

"Mhmm, okay, but you said to play all night. You should at least give me some advice, right? If I had to think about it, I wouldn't have thought of it."

"What a coward. I don't need to give you any advice on this. Fine, I'll give you my suggestion to go for a ride. What do you think?"

Ye Chen decisively shook his head.

"We can't do that. Change it."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Chu Fei’er was a little unhappy and said pitifully.

"If that won't do, then bring me to play games."

Ye Chen shook his head again, and said.

"Playing games requires you to go to a video game city. I don't think that's very interesting. Furthermore, that place is too crowded, so I don't think that it's possible."

Chu Fei’er said with slight anger.

"Tsk, I already said I proposed it, but I can't do anything about it. You can tell me where to go. As long as you don't go home, you can go anywhere."

Ye Chen laughed, he wanted Chu Fei’er to not say that he was not going to return home in the end, he really wanted to suggest that he return, but Chu Fei’er had already bit the bullet, as long as he did not go back anywhere, then it would be fine. At this point, Ye Chen could not reject her, and thought that it would be better if he brought her out to play, the main reason was that Chu Fei’er was not going to stay at the Bright Light City for too long.

"As long as you don't go home, you can go anywhere. How about I bring you to a pretty good nightclub. Let's go there and relax. I've learned how to mix wine before, I can let you taste it later. Is that alright?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Chu Fei’er was very excited, and said quickly after.

"Alright, since you're the one who made the wine, I must have a taste. Lead the way."

Very quickly, Ye Chen and Chu Fei’er called for a taxi back home, and not long after arriving at Chu Ling'er's house, they saw Chu Fei’er skillfully ripping off all the landlines, then looking at Ye Chen with a different colour, the two of them called for a taxi, and started the journey. At first, Ye Chen wanted to bring Chu Fei’er to his bookstore, but it was too far away from the place where he usually stayed, and if he coincidentally saw Wang Xiaoting, he would be depressed, but at this moment, he had given up on the idea of going to the nightclub. Ye Chen said after he made those plans in his mind.

"Master, find us a nightclub nearby. It would be better if it is a high-end one."

"Yes, you two take your seats." When the driver saw that Ye Chen and Chu Fei’er had settled down properly, he immediately stepped on the throttle and rushed out.

It didn't take long for the taxi driver to stop the car. He pointed to a sign not far away and said.

"You two, look at that place, it's a pretty good bar. The equipment is not bad and the price is reasonable. When I have nothing to do, I will also play a bit. It's much better than those bad nightclubs. Go."

Hearing the driver say that, Ye Chen laughed, and said.

"Hehe, thank you very much. I'll give you the money. Treat the rest as the cost of informing me." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he followed Fei’er out of the car and headed towards the bar.

As soon as the two of them walked into the bar, they found that this place was pretty good. There were a lot of people and both of them were young. Compared to what he said, it was a little noisy, but the others were pretty good too.

Ye Chen brought Chu Fei’er to the counter and after looking at the wine shelves, he ordered a few.

The bartender in front of the bar brought all the wine that Ye Chen asked for to Ye Chen, then asked curiously.

"Handsome, are you preparing to mix the wine yourself? If you want to drink, you shouldn't need that much, right?"

Before Ye Chen could say anything, Chu Fei’er spoke first.

"Mhmm, that's exactly what happened. He's going to mix wine for me now."

The bartender glanced at Ye Chen and instantly became interested, because he knew how to mix wine. He knew very well how difficult it was to mix multiple types of wine together, and the ratio of each type of wine should not be too much or too little. This was also a test of the bartender's skill.

"Handsome brother, I'm also a bartender. I know how difficult it is to mix multiple types of wine together and achieve a golden ratio. Are you sure you want to mix so much wine together?"

Chu Fei’er smiled and said.

"Let's just watch. I feel like his mixing skills aren't too bad. Otherwise, he wouldn't tell us to make wine for me."

Hearing Chu Fei’er's words, Ye Chen frowned slightly, and said.

"The wine I make needs nine different kinds of supplementary wine. I'm still missing one."

"Handsome, what wine do you want? Although our store isn't big and we don't have many things, as for the wine, it's very complete. Speak, I'll find it for you."

"Ugh …" I need an 82 year Lafite, do you have one here? " He brought Chu Fei’er out to play, and all the money was provided by Chu Ling'er, he did not need to worry about whether the money was enough to make the wine taste better or not, he only wanted to make the wine taste better.

The bartender asked in shock after hearing Ye Chen's words.

"Are you sure it's Lafite from 82 years ago? This …"

The Lafite that was sold on the market right now was already scarce, and the one that was produced in 82 years was even rarer. Even if there was, it was mostly in coordination, and this was only a small bar, it was impossible to enter such expensive wine at all.

"Could you tell me if you have any?"

"Err … I haven't seen one in eighty-two years."

Ye Chen curled his lips and said.

"Alright, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a normal person for me, right?"

"Ordinary is not difficult. Wait a moment."

Ye Chen glanced at Chu Fei’er who was surrounded by stars and said.

"You can't blame me for that. Lafite tasted worse in eighty-two years, you better not shock me later on."

Chu Fei’er shook his head and laughed.

"I won't hurt you. Don't worry, but I'm very curious. Do you really have another method to mix wine?" I really couldn't tell that you knew quite a lot. Then it's my sister's fault for liking you. "

After Chu Fei’er said this, the bartender also followed the bartender out. Because the bartender had told the bartender that there was someone requesting for Lafite, the bartender knew that those who could ask for Lafite were not ordinary people, so he took out his treasured Lafite out immediately, wanting to see what kind of person Lafite was. At this moment, the bartender heard the bartender's question.

"Young man, is it you who wants Lafite?"

Ye Chen nodded.

Those who could open pubs were more knowledgeable about alcohol. After looking at the nine supplementary drinks in front of Ye Chen, they smiled and said.

"Young man, I kindly remind you that it's not that easy to mix all nine types of wine together. If you don't mix them well, then that would be too much of a waste."

Those who were drinking in the bar heard the boss' words and immediately surrounded him.

Ye Chen slightly smiled, he did not say a word, and said this to the bartender.

"Handsome, this is my boss."

"Ang, so this is what happened. How about we make a bet? The conditions are simple. If I cripple these few wines, how about I pay for the wine at the venue?"

"Good suggestion, not bad at all. It's settled then." The people surrounding Ye Chen said excitedly.

The owner of the bar also nodded happily. At this time, he heard Ye Chen's words again.

"Since it's a bet, then naturally we have to win. If I've used these supplementary wine for a long time, then all the wine I've used will be free. I'll be the boss and I'll arrange it, what do you say?"

"Alright, I agree. It's a deal. Now, show me your skill." The owner said with a smile.

Ye Chen was not in a rush, he slowly opened the corks of the supplementary wine bottles, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then heard Chu Fei’er's words.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing?" Because Chu Fei’er was curious about Ye Chen's current movements, he asked immediately, but Ye Chen did not care about her culture, and immediately the bartender also made a gesture to stop Chu Fei’er from asking further.

Furthermore, due to his previous research, he had a clear understanding of the way to mix wine. When he saw Ye Chen's actions, he was not curious, because the current Ye Chen was the same as a famous wine mixing master, if he wanted the wine he concocted to contain a soul, he had to make sure that his heart did not have any messy thoughts. If it was in a chaotic situation, he would not concoct any good wine at all.

Seeing Ye Chen's current state, Mi Si knew that he had already entered a state of tranquility, and was not affected at all by the surrounding environment, as his heart was almost completely mixed with alcohol. Those who did not understand might not understand, but those who were well-versed in it would be extremely envious, and Mi Si could immediately tell that Ye Chen was in a state of mind when to mix wine, which was why he was stopping the people around him from drinking too.

At this time, Chu Fei’er was also affected by others, she did not say anymore and continued to look at Ye Chen with her bright eyes, she did not know that Ye Chen had such abilities, and at the moment, she wanted to taste the wine Ye Chen brewed for her.

Ye Chen closed his eyes and focused for a while, knowing that he had entered a state, he immediately started to move, with one hand, he grabbed a bottle of wine and poured it into the mixing wine pot. When he was one-third done, he quickly shook it, and this time, he also grabbed another bottle of wine and poured one-third of the wine in, but did not shake it.

Moreover, it all happened in one go, so there wouldn't be any conflicts because of the different things. Right now, the other people who were watching the show were completely satisfied, and even more so, Tis was extremely excited, although Tis had always been an expert in mixing wine since he was young, he had never seen a master's technique before. Compared to a master, Ye Chen's current technique was no worse than a master's.

Ordinary people would only be able to see that Ye Chen's hands were holding different things with patterns on them, and was even having a visual impact. They were completely unable to see how difficult it was for Ye Chen to perform such a coordinated action.

In his eyes, Ye Chen's current skill level was at the level of a brewing master. Although he could do Ye Chen's movements normally, he was not as proficient as Ye Chen, and that was barely able to see through it. However, compared to Ye Chen, Ye Chen was not at the same level.

He was completely immersed in Ye Chen's fluid movements and did not notice in the slightest that Ye Chen had already put the three types of wine into the wine pot.

Ye Chen did not make that many gaudy movements while mixing the wine, it was just some basic movements. The rest of them felt bored after watching it for a while, but only Mi Si could understand how profound Ye Chen's methods were, it was not something to watch.

"It should be fine." Ye Chen placed the last two supplementary wine into the wine pot, and didn't shake it, nor did he stir it, he just placed it there.

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