"Miss Chu, just now, Mr. Ye Chen was indeed here, but before you arrived, he had already left." In the police station, the bureau chief explained as he looked at the heart palpitating beauty in front of him.

The beautiful police officer, Ang Ruolin, stood at the side and carefully sized up the woman who was even more beautiful than her, her mind filled with doubts. Even though she said that she had a big chest and no brains, she finally got to see it today. How could this beautiful woman, who even she was a little jealous of, fall for that hooligan bastard Ye Chen!

No matter how Ang Ruolin thought about it, he couldn't think of even a single thing to say about Ye Chen!

"Could it be that Chu Ling'er has a weird habit, to like those hooligans?" Ang Ruolin guessed in his heart.

"Bureau Chief Hou, may I ask what is he doing here? "How long have you been gone?" Chu Ling'er's petite and alluring red lips slightly parted, as a clear and pleasant voice sounded.

Chief Hou felt a bit absent-minded as he tried his best to remain calm and said, "He came here to go to prison. It's been about ten minutes since we left. "

Hearing this, Chu Ling'er took a deep breath, her heart was no longer at peace!

"Thank you, Bureau Chief Hou!" After thanking him, Chu Ling'er put on his sunglasses and left the police station.

"Bastard!" Walking out of the police station, Chu Ling'er, who had always been calm and composed, could not help but curse!

In the entire Bright Light City, who knew how many men would want to get close to her and pursue her! And this Ye Chen was actually avoiding her like a plague!

"Uncle Jin, continue positioning yourself!" Chu Ling'er sat in the front seat of the Mercedes-Benz, and spoke to the old man in the back seat with a gloomy face.

The elder said with some difficulty, "Miss, you know the identity of the young master. Use as little locator as possible to ensure that the locator in the car is not found by the young master. If we chase after them so quickly, the young master will definitely have his suspicions. "

The extremely furious Chu Ling'er couldn't care less and immediately opened her mouth: "I'm fine! Keep going, even if we have to tie him up, we have to tie him up and bring him back! I don't want to waste my time on this bastard every day! "

Hearing this, the elder smiled bitterly. He had watched the young lady grow up, so he naturally knew how stubborn the young lady was. He had no choice but to get his subordinates to activate the equipment. However, with that guy's abilities, not to mention those bodyguards, even if the entire provincial police force were to come, they might not be able to do anything to him!

After a while, the green spot where Ye Chen had set up the Land Rover appeared on the display screen!

"Miss, the Young Master is near the Business Building now!" The old man reported.

"Chase!" Chu Ling'er ordered coldly, and the two Mercedes-Benz palanquins started to run towards their destination.

Chu Ling'er, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, was in an extremely bad mood. He had never seen a man refuse her like this before! She didn't understand why her grandfather wanted her to marry this useless bastard!

If not for her grandfather's abnormally resolute attitude, who always doted on her, how could she have put down everything in the company and circled around this bastard everyday?!

Ten minutes later, Ye Chen, who was on the Range Rover, was humming a melody as he considered his next refuge. Suddenly, two Mercedes-Benz palanquins ran to his left and right and caught him in the middle!

"Ye Chen! Stop the car and come back with me! " Chu Ling'er's cold, angry voice rang beside his ears. He was so shocked that he almost pulled out the Land Rover's steering wheel.

"Holy sh * t!" "Little girl, how did you catch up?" Ye Chen exclaimed!

Chu Ling'er's face was quickly turning red! Right now, she wanted to use the throttle to send Ye Chen to Marx!

"Block him!" Chu Ling'er commanded coldly, and suddenly, a Mercedes-Benz palanquin sped up to stop Ye Chen's Land Rover.

"Little girl!" Can you let me go? Look at how beautiful you are, and how rich you are, why do you insist on sticking to me when you can't find a pretty boy! Let me tell you this, I am a very flowery person. If we get married, I can guarantee that the green sky above your head will form into a Great Prairie! "

Ye Chen also increased the throttle, moving side by side with Chu Ling'er's car, begging for mercy with a bitter face!

Chu Ling'er, whose expression was extremely ugly, ignored Ye Chen and urged the driver to speed up!

Seeing that his persuasion had failed, Ye Chen sighed and chose to escape. Therefore, he suddenly stepped on the brake and the steering wheel quickly turned. After a series of complicated movements, the Land Rover suddenly came to a halt and rotated 180 degrees. The front and back of the vehicle were instantly switched!

"Little girl, if you have the ability, come chase me again!" He yelled at Chu Ling'er who was behind him with a look of shock, Ye Chen stepped on the throttle to the end, and quickly disappeared from Chu Ling'er's line of sight!

"Bastard!" You won't be able to escape! " Chu Ling'er who had reacted to the situation cursed in anger, and continued to let Uncle Jin take his place, continuing to chase after him.

Ye Chen, who had already escaped far away, swept his gaze across the interior of the tiger carriage and frowned slightly. This car was Chu Ling'er's, or more accurately speaking, he stole it from Chu Ling'er's company in order to make it convenient for him to escape.

However, thinking about how Chu Ling'er would always be able to catch him in the next few days, it seemed like there was a problem with the car. However, time was of the essence, and Ye Chen did not have the time to carefully examine it.

Ye Chen looked up and saw a red Audi A6 not far away from him in the rearview mirror. The corner of his mouth split open, and his brows relaxed.

With one foot on the brakes, the Land Rover's tires instantly hugged onto death. Due to the strong inertia, it rubbed against the ground for a long time, leaving a black scar before it stopped.

The car door opened and the red Audi A6 just happened to arrive, Ye Chen ran two steps forward and tiptoed, his body jumping towards the middle of the road. The red Audi with open windows looked like it was already prepared, as it steadily swallowed Ye Chen inside!

Fortunately, there weren't many cars on this newly built highway. Otherwise, if someone saw such a shocking scene, who knew how many pairs of eyes they would be in shock!

Ah!" A scream rang out from inside the car! Anyone who was concentrating on driving would be shocked when they saw someone jump in. However, this time, the car owner was clearly even more frightened than before!

After a scream, the driver raised the dagger in his right hand and stabbed forward!

Ye Chen was startled, and immediately blocked!

"What the f * ck!" This young noble is just taking a ride, there's no need to take my life, right? " Ye Chen laughed awkwardly. Is it popular to drive with a knife these days? Isn't the security environment in China very good?

But when Ye Chen saw the person in front of him clearly, his eyes immediately opened wide! Ye Zichen thought to himself, just what kind of luck does I have today? I can actually meet a beauty wherever I go!

This pale faced beauty in front of him was actually only slightly inferior to Liu Ling'er. She was even prettier than the police officer of the police station, An Ruoxi!

Suddenly, the car jolted a little. Ye Chen raised his head and saw that the beauty had lost control of the car due to shock.

Ah!" The beautiful driver screamed again as she hurriedly closed her eyes! At this moment, an arm suddenly wrapped around her, and a deep male voice sounded next to her ear while breathing hot air.

"Beauty, don't you know that ostriches that bury their heads in the sand can only receive the protection of death?"

With that, Ye Chen laughed and quickly pulled the steering wheel, bringing the car to the right path.

"You are a member of the Azure Dragon Gang?" The beauty looked at Ye Chen timidly and asked nervously.

"Azure Worm Gang?" Didn't China get rid of the evil by beating the dark? There are still gangs? " Ye Chen asked with a blank expression.

The beauty looked at Ye Chen suspiciously, as she thought about the authenticity of his words.

"Get out of the way, I can open it!" The beauty's voice was like an ant as she spoke.

"It's nothing, it's nothing! I've scared you too, and it's my responsibility to drive for you. "Don't feel sorry for me!" Ye Chen said in all seriousness, but in the eyes of the beauty, his words revealed a hint of vulgarity.

"No!" "You make me very uncomfortable …" The beauty said.

In the end, under the firm opposition of the beauty, Ye Chen could only reluctantly leave the driver's seat.

After regaining control of the car, the beauty stopped the car without a word.

"Get off!" The beauty said in a cold voice.

Ye Chen was dumbstruck, and asked: "Why?"

The beauty turned her head and frowned. This person was really a scoundrel. Not only did he take advantage of her, but he even wanted to be lazy and not leave!

"This is my personal car!" The beauty was slightly angry.

Seeing the beauty's resolute attitude, Ye Chen hurriedly said. "Beautiful lady, saving a person's life is better than creating a seven-level pagoda.

"Save you? Could it be that there is someone chasing after you? " The beauty frowned and asked.

"More or less! "How about this, you take me along and I'll pay you!"

"I'm not lacking in money!"


Just as the beauty was about to erupt, several cars with no license plates suddenly rushed over from behind. Seeing this, the beauty's face changed and she stepped on the gas pedal as she rushed out!

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