Beautiful CEO's Soldier King

C240 Watching Horror Movies

Chu Fei’er's face was filled with suspicion as he looked at Ye Zhang Ye and asked: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong?"

Ye Chen scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "When I came out, the Audi A6L was still in the 4S store to the east of the city, I actually forgot about it!"

Chu Fei’er immediately laughed out loud, and said: "You really forgot, but..."

"But what?"

Haha, your wise sister-in-law, me, has already handed the key over to the staff at the Audi 4S store. I'm guessing that by this time, the car has already parked in your company's parking lot, and the key should have been handed over to your company's security.

Ye Chen was startled, he did not expect Chu Fei’er to still be thinking about things that he had forgotten, but he did not call her to ask, laughed, and said: "Haha, since you have already instructed them, they will definitely do as they say, I will not ask, let's go?"

Chu Fei’er also laughed, and then carried Ye Chen's arm, as they both arrived at the ticket office.

"Brother-in-law, what are we going to watch this movie?" Chu Fei’er asked Ye Chen as he read the introduction.

Ye Chen laughed: You can look at anything you want, I don't know what to look at either. I haven't been to the cinema in a long time. "

"Haha, then you still have to thank me for saying that. Accompanying me to a movie can also help you revisit the movie theater. How about we watch this one?" Chu Fei’er pointed to the title of the film.

Ye Chen looked at the place where Chu Fei’er was pointing at and could not help but laugh. "This is a horror movie, you won't be afraid if you watch it?"

"Of course I'm scared. Once again, I watched a horror movie myself, and it scared myself so much that I didn't dare to watch it anymore. Now, aren't you accompanying me? I just want to watch it again." As he said that, he grabbed Ye Chen's arm and lightly shook it twice, then pleaded: "Brother-in-law, just look at this.

Ye Chen quickly agreed: "Alright, then I'll listen to you." Chu Fei’er was unable to bear Chu Fei’er's coquettish actions.

After lining up to buy the tickets, Chu Fei’er bought another two barrels of popcorn and two bottles of cola. Then the two of them entered the playroom and waited for the movie to start.

There were not many people in this hall, only around a dozen people. Everyone was seated in quite a scattered manner, and since Ye Chen and Chu Fei’er's seats were in the middle, and since the two of them were not lovers, there was no need to buy the lovers' rooms at the back.

Not long later, the movie opened its eyes, and at first, it was not very scary, but as the scene continued, the terrifying scenes shot out one after another, and with the addition of that heart-chilling music, screams started to sound out in the screening hall, but the screams that Chu Fei’er heard were even louder than the screams of the others combined.

Ye Chen had been through more than this, but he did not even frown, he was not interested in this kind of video. Although Chu Fei’er was afraid, but he was still engrossed in watching it, every time he went to a horrifying place, Chu Fei’er would grab onto Ye Chen's arm and close his eyes, leaving behind a small gap, making him look extremely cute.

As the terror became more and more intense, Chu Fei’er's body was now practically sprawled on Ye Chen's back.

It seems that when watching horror movies with women, it would usually be girls jumping into men's chests to seek comfort, but Chu Fei’er was different from the others, giving Ye Chen a different kind of beauty.

Being sexy was one thing, but Ye Chen did not have many thoughts. He was already used to Chu Fei’er being his brother-in-law, and always treated her like a little sister, and this time was no exception.

Everyone let out a long breath, but Chu Fei’er's body was still half lying on his back. Ye Chen helplessly patted Chu Fei’er's shoulders and said: "Let's go."

Chu Fei’er grinned, and said: "It's really too beautiful, I didn't even see enough."

"If you haven't seen enough, then you'll have to wait another day. It's getting late, otherwise, your sister won't be able to find you."

Chu Fei’er pouted, and followed Ye Chen out of the theater's playroom.

When the two of them were walking out, although Chu Fei’er did not hide behind Ye Chen like she did when she was watching a movie, she still held onto Ye Chen's arm the whole time.

This Chu Fei’er, didn't have that kind of guts to actually still watch such a terrifying movie and watch how she goes back to sleep at night. Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, but didn't say anything.

The two of them walked out of the cinema and onto the Audi R8. It was currently peak hour, and Ye Chen did not plan to let Chu Fei’er drive again, so he directly went to the main driving seat, and Chu Fei’er obediently sat in the first passenger seat.

The carriage quickly reached Chu Ling'er's house.

"Hurry up and go home. Your sister should be worried about you later." Ye Chen said with a smile.

It was already autumn now, and although it was only six o'clock, the sky outside was already getting dark. Chu Fei’er sat in the front passenger seat and didn't move for a long time, he turned his head and looked at Ye Chen pitifully: "Brother-in-law, can you send me back?"

Ye Chen laughed and said: "If that's the case, then you don't have any other choice. You don't have the guts to go watch a horror movie, aren't you asking for trouble?"

"I just like to watch. Please, Brother-in-law, you don't need to wait that long. Just send me back, I'm scared."

Ye Chen helplessly shook his head, and said: "Then let's go, I'll send you off."

Once he got out of the car, Chu Fei’er immediately grabbed onto Ye Chen's arm. Ye Chen knew that Chu Fei’er was afraid, so he let Chu Fei’er hug him.

The two of them had just walked in for a short distance when they heard the sound of high heels hitting the ground hurriedly. Ye Chen was very familiar with this sound, it was the sound of Chu Ling'er's footsteps.

The two of them stopped and turned to look at Chu Ling'er. Chu Ling'er walked a few steps quickly and arrived in front of the two of them. His expression was ugly as he gritted his teeth and said: "What happened to the two of you?"

Chu Fei’er was stunned. What's wrong with brother-in-law sending him home? But in the next second, he realized that he was holding onto Ye Chen's arm tightly, as if he was being held onto. Chu Fei’er quickly retracted his hand and smiled at Chu Ling'er: "Sis, this is not what you think."

Ye Chen was speechless. Why did these words sound so familiar, it seemed like someone caught onto a relationship in a TV show, and Chu Fei’er's reaction, was she trying to cover it up? Chu Ling'er must be even more suspicious.

As Ye Chen expected, Chu Ling'er's expression immediately became even more unsightly, and he said huffily: "Ye Chen, you bastard, don't you remember how I warned you back then?"

Ye Chen laughed and said: "Fei’er accompanied me throughout the entire morning at the recruitment market, and since there was nothing much to do in the afternoon, I accompanied Fei’er to see a movie, a horror movie. The reason why Fei’er held me back was entirely because she was a little afraid." Ye Chen explained calmly.

"Watching a horror movie?" Chu Ling'er sneered, and said: "Fei’er never watches horror movies, you wouldn't find a good reason to lie."

Never watched horror movies? Just then, Fei’er had clearly told him that she liked to watch it, so how could she not have seen it before? Ye Chen frowned and looked at Chu Fei’er beside him.

Chu Fei’er saw the look in Ye Chen's eyes, and immediately roared at him: "You …. You... "How do you know I don't watch horror movies? When I was home, I used to watch them."

"Oh? "Is that so?" Chu Fei’er said coldly.

"Of course it is. Sis, you can't be jealous because Brother-in-law is with me, right?"

Chu Ling'er's face darkened, and said: "Why should I be jealous? I really don't want you two to be together."

"If you aren't jealous, then why are you so angry? What's more, if you aren't jealous, then that means you don't like brother-in-law. Since you don't like it, then aren't you letting me be with brother-in-law?" With that, Chu Fei’er burst out laughing, as he completely forgot about the fear that was brought about by the horror movies.

After hearing Chu Fei’er's words, Chu Ling'er's eyes instantly widened, and his eyes were filled with shock and fear. His face also instantly became pale as he stuttered: "You … You... You... together? "

"No …" Just as Ye Chen was about to open his mouth to explain, Chu Fei’er actually grabbed his arm, and proudly raised his neck, and said: "My brother-in-law is so great, if you don't like him, then what's wrong with us being together?"

Ye Chen never thought that Chu Fei’er would actually come to this scene, and did it so randomly, that he did not have any preparations at all. The two of them being together, was only having fun, and did not say anything about any feelings, it was just too sudden.

"No way!" Chu Ling'er shouted without hesitation. His gaze seemed as if it wanted to kill, and his voice was so sharp that it attracted the attention of everyone around him.

At this time, Chu Fei’er completely ignored his sister's anger, and snuggled into Ye Chen's embrace while smiling: "Why?"

"I'm your sister. If I say no, then no!" Chu Ling'er roared again, but suddenly realised that he was in a small district, there were too many people around. He took a deep breath and said: "Come home with me right now!"

Seeing that the two sisters' atmosphere had become so stiff, Ye Chen couldn't help but continue to cause trouble, and immediately said: "CEO Chu, don't believe Fei’er's words. I don't have any relationship with him, so I'll be leaving first. Ye Chen wanted to quickly leave this scene. The atmosphere here was simply too terrifying.

"You're not allowed to leave!" Chu Fei’er and Chu Ling'er said in unison.

Then, Chu Ling'er stretched out both of his hands and grabbed Ye Chen's other arm as well.

"CEO Chu, CEO Chu, it's alright if you have something to say, it's really none of my business. Fei’er, what are you playing at? Hurry up and explain it to your sister! " Ye Chen felt wronged.

At this time, Chu Ling'er and Chu Fei’er did not say a word and pulled Ye Chen along. They did not release him even after they entered the elevator and only released him after they entered the door.

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