"Ga?" Xu Yue looked at the king foolishly. The strengthening camp was trained by Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu bit by bit. All the personnel in it were the elites of the C and D divisions. Xu Yue was very anxious after hearing the king's order.

"Finally, army a and army B will be set as directly under the state. These two forces are only responsible to me, and no department has the right to command and dispatch. The soldiers and weapons and equipment of these two forces will be supplemented first! Do you have any questions about these appointments and awards?" the king asked.

"Yes, I have a problem!" Xu Yue shouted loudly.

"Lieutenant General Xu, if you have any questions, please go ahead." the king asked kindly.

"Your Majesty, I have no problem with your other awards and appointments, that is, you want to transfer the strengthening camp to you. I really......" Xu Yue didn't know what to say.

"I really can't bear it. I said it for you. After all, it's the soldiers brought out by myself. They always have feelings. I understand you, Lieutenant General Xu!" the king looked at him helplessly.

The officers and soldiers of the strengthening battalion made a loud noise and said they were unwilling to leave their old army. The king felt very embarrassed, so he gave Ye Chen a look and hoped that he could help him out.

Ye Chen immediately realized it, came forward and said, "officers and soldiers of the strengthening camp, I know what you think, and I understand you very much, but you should also consider for the king. As the head of state, the king can't even have a guard group around him, can you say so!"

After that, ye Chen looked at Xu Yue and continued, "since you don't want your chief Xu and chief Meng, I'll discuss with your majesty and let Lieutenant General Xu and lieutenant general Meng serve as your head and deputy head respectively. Do you think such an arrangement is OK?"

The king gave Ye Chen a look of admiration for his resourceful behavior, and then came forward and said, "just now, deputy chief of staff Ye's words represent my own meaning. I agree with him, so you can rest assured."

The officers and soldiers below were very happy. After all, they could fight side by side with Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu, so they were very satisfied with the king's arrangement and cheered below.


"You can be with the old officer again!"

"The king is really a good king who considers everything for us!"

Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu are also very happy for the king's arrangement. After all, the two elite brought out by the strengthening camp have invested too much emotion and energy. They already have deep feelings, so they are really happy to stay in the old army.

"Lieutenant General Xu and lieutenant general Meng, don't you feel aggrieved to let you two serve as the head and deputy head of my guard regiment? With your credit and qualifications, you are just a minister in the Ministry of national defense." the king asked kindly.

"How can you feel wronged? After all, you will be with your old army. No matter what official position you hold, it doesn't matter." Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu said in unison.

For the first time in many years, the king saw people who could give up higher official positions in order to get along with his subordinates. Such people had never appeared in the army of state J. he was very optimistic about the two young men and was very pleased that they did not admire fame and wealth.

"Boss, what's the matter? The army's training is OK. I'm not ashamed of you." Xu Yue said to Ye Chen with a smile.

"That's what's going on. Make peace and try to be strong." Ye Chen was very upset when he saw his cheap appearance and wanted to annoy him.

"Boss, your comment is too reluctant... You can't praise me!" Xu Yue waited for ye Chen's answer with expectation.

"What do you want me to praise you?" Ye Chen was a little impatient.

"Of course, Xiaoyue, your army has trained so well that you are almost surpassing me... What kind of words." Xu Yue said, learning from ye Chen.

"Oh, Xiaoyue! You're really great. The army's training is also very good. The boss thinks he can't compare with you!" Ye Chen said whining and cheap as Xu Yue wants to hear. He dropped the goose bumps of Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu. As soon as the king heard this voice, he also looked in their direction from time to time, which made Ye Chen very embarrassed.

"Well, boss, don't praise me. I can't stand your praise. It's too cheap..." Xu Yue spread her hands helplessly and looked at Ye Chen.

"This is the way I praise people. Do you want to have a try?" Ye Chen asked Xu Yue with great interest.

"No, no more. Boss, you'd better scold me in the future. Don't praise me. It's terrible!" Xu Yue looked at Ye Chen in horror and said.

"It's good to know!" after saying that, ye Chen walked in the direction of the king and ignored Xu Yue's complaints. When Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu saw that ye Chen had passed, they followed him.

"The officers and soldiers have worked hard for a while. I've decided to reward you. Now I'm asking for leave in front of you for three days. If your home is near the station, you can go home." after the king said this, he only heard the officers and soldiers below cheering.

When the king saw that the officers and soldiers were happy, he also felt very happy. After all, as an excellent head of state, it has always been his ideal to share happiness with the people. But this time it finally came true, and the people who helped him realize this dream were ye Chen, Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu. Therefore, in addition to the official rewards, he also planned to give them some special rewards.

The king took out three special passes from his men. The effect of these three special passes is that as long as they are in state j, they can command all the army, police and local officials except the guard regiment directly under the king's command. Their orders are the same as those of the king.

The holders of this pass are nothing more than three kinds of people. The first is the Prime Minister of state j, the second is the commander-in-chief of the whole army of state j, and the third is the successor of the next king. The commander-in-chief of the whole army is concurrently held by the king himself, so it is enough to see how precious this special pass is.

The king gave these three special passes to Ye Chen, Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu. This was the first time that the special pass was handed over to non nationals. It can be seen how much the king trusted them, and in front of the officers and soldiers of the two divisions and a group of military and political dignitaries, it is enough to prove their position in the king's heart.

But ye Chen didn't know the function of the pass. They just thought it looked like a beep. After all, it was given to them by the king himself. Of course, they should keep it well.

"Now that the award has been completed, should I take a look at the training achievements of your two divisions? Lieutenant General Xu and lieutenant general Meng?" the king asked Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu.

"That's nature, that's nature," Xu Yue replied. After that, they asked the officers and soldiers of the two divisions to prepare on the training ground, and then they and the king accompanied the king towards the training ground.

The first test was shooting. Two battalions were randomly drawn from the two divisions to shoot targets, with 10 bullets per person. When the preparation is finished, it begins. The officers and soldiers of the two battalions, in groups of ten, began to shoot at the target.

It took more than an hour to finish shooting. All the officers and men of the two battalions had the worst score of seventy-five rings and the best score of ninety-five rings.

The king was amazed at this effect, because the army training of state j was very poor, and he knew it very well. I remember he also visited an army at that time, which was the best one. In target training, the best performance is only fifty rings, which has never been so good. For this reason, he is very pleased that his army owes today's achievements entirely to Ye Chen, Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu. These three people have indeed made great contributions, so the rewards given to them are also deserved.

"For this project, it is enough to see that the combat literacy of the two divisions has improved too much. I don't need to see other projects. I believe Lieutenant General Xu and lieutenant general Meng. Next, I want to see the dormitories and canteens of the officers and soldiers." the king looked at Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu and smiled. Then the king and his party walked towards the dormitories of the officers and soldiers.

As soon as he entered the officers and soldiers' dormitory, the king was dumbfounded. Is this still the officers and soldiers' dormitory of state j? The former officers' and soldiers' dormitories have always been criticized by the army. They have always been famous for being dirty, messy and poor. The king really didn't expect that Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu were not only good at training, but also good at the accommodation conditions of officers and soldiers.

The whole dormitory of officers and soldiers is almost the same as that of China. The quilt is folded into tofu pieces, and there is no dust on the table. Only the water cups usually used by officers and soldiers are neatly placed there, one by one like soldiers holding their heads high. The ground was also cleaned clean. Under the irradiation of the sun, a figure could be reflected, and the shoes were placed neatly in a corner of the wall.

The floor of the corridor is very clean. Even if you touch it with your hands, it is free of dust, and the walls and windows are spotless.

"Lieutenant General Xu, lieutenant general Meng, can you tell me how this is done? I can't believe my eyes!" the king turned back and said to Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu.

Meng Zhaoyu stabbed Xu Yue with his hand. He glanced at the king. Xu Yue immediately understood and replied: "In fact, it's not difficult. We just use our Chinese internal affairs regulations to implement them. Our Chinese officers and soldiers' dormitories always follow the internal affairs regulations, so they will be very famous in the world. We also use this as a template. Although it was difficult to implement in the beginning, we must take coercive measures to implement them. However, over time, officers and soldiers have become accustomed to it , they all consciously began to implement it. "

"That's great. Deputy chief of staff ye, you can sort out your Chinese internal affairs rules and regulations and change them to conform to the rules and regulations of our country J. I hope this good habit will also be carried forward in the army of our country J." the king turned back and said to Ye Chen.

"Yes! I will try my best to change our Chinese internal affairs regulations into those of state J." Ye Chen replied.

"I look after you!" the king said to Ye Chen with a smile.

Then the king and his party came out of the dormitory and walked towards the canteen.

When he got to the canteen, the king took the lead and said to the cooking soldiers in the canteen, "I'll eat whatever your troops eat today!" after that, the king found a seat and sat down. Ye Chen, Xu Yue and Meng Zhaoyu sat on the same table with the king.

After ten minutes, the officers and soldiers were trained and lined up to enter the canteen. Suddenly I saw the king in the canteen. I was blinded and didn't know what to do.

When the king saw the embarrassment on the faces of the officers and soldiers, he smiled and said, "sit down and don't care about us. Please help yourself."

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